Have any of you ever actually fucked a gym thot? How do you do it?
I think one at my gym is into me but I don't know how to take it to the next level
Have any of you ever actually fucked a gym thot? How do you do it?
I think one at my gym is into me but I don't know how to take it to the next level
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I only have sex with guys from the gym.
All the thots at my gym are strippers. I have a general rule against fucking sex workers and a rule against dating psychos.
Tough chicks, funny, but holy fuck not a lot of happy stories.
I was actually thinking recently of trying to game some strippers. One of them really put me under her spell and I WANT IT
That is how they make their money. Do not do it.
This, but if you actually want to do it just offer her coke or mdma instead of money.
m8 that info and website is from like 2001 lmao
Oh yeah, then what? Have a conversation?
Jerk off and see if it still seems like a good idea.
i haven't jerked off in 13 days i will literally fuck anything
Ask her for her number, the longer you wait the worse off you are. If she is sending you signals and you're not acting on them, she will read it is disinterest. If she is sending you signals and you take a while to act, she will read you as unconfident.
Get her number, text her a few days later. Wait between texts. Don't compliment her too much. Wait a week after texting to ask her to do something. If she refuses for any reason, don't ask her again for another week. Do not text her every day.
I'll tell you how to fuck strippers
give them a lot of money
or, let them do their stripper thing and fluff your ego while occasionally taking your dick while they absorb more of your finances than you ever thought possible at an efficiency you wouldn't believe.
Yes but i had to pay $200
Pic very related
>"Oh no, you can see my panties, how awkward tseheheh ;)"
Whores working in brothels wear more then the averagye gym thot.
my rule of thumb is that I will only date strippers that I meet in the wild. And it has to just be a part time thing while she's in school or she's got a kid or something. I somehow dated the only stripper in the world who doesn't smoke, do drugs or have any tattoos.
Never catch feelings for a stripper you met while she was working. It's a whole different mentality for them and how they view you. Or at least that's what the strippers I've dated have told me.
is she really a gym thot or just a woman with a nice body you feel that is available to you because of the setting you're both in?
How did it feel like? I remember your thread.
Well desu I didnt fuck her yet, next weekend only. I'll try to take timestamp pics of her ass if she's cool with that
How do I meet strippers in the wild
Please do. And try not being degenerate after the act.
what the fuck is the point of this. isn't this just the same as a leg press?
I remember your thread too and you didn't answer to one of my question... Where do you fish this hoes?
You're really gonna ask her if you can take pics of her ass with a timestamp so you can brag on an albanian carpet weaving forum about fucking her? Good luck ever talking to her after that.
nope, it works the hammies much harder than standard leg press. Even though its mostly done by thots is a good accesory exercise
I've never been to a gym before, how am I supposed to fuck a gym thot?
I'm in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I have never seen so many hot girls in my entire life, and it gets unreal when you step into a gym at like 7pm on a friday
She's an escort (prostitute). She costs a fortune by mexican standards but oh well, yolo I guess
** Staci 21yo PETITE MUSCULAR TIGHT 5 ft 1 114 lbs. 34 B- 22- 36. Great ass. Extroverted and sweet. Aerobics instructor and physical trainer. Active and tone. Sexy and exotic appearance. Youthful, sweet, libidinous. Super wet. Super TIGHT. Intelligent, up-scale and sane. Conscientious, outgoing, sanguine personality. Appreciates all types gentleman. Un biased, empathetic and giving. Long, jet black mane. Beautiful ass. Thoughtful, aims to please. Hard and athletic body, smooth complexion and adventurous. Durable with good stamina. 4000 pesos one hour. 6000 pesos two hours. * Speaks decent English*
i hate this game playing bullshit
UNLV student gym bro.
Fucken based senpai
Not him but we all so
That's why I sometimes unironically wish I was gay, WAY less bullshit and drama
Anyone here the male version? How do I find a sugar momma?
So aside frim escorts im gathering that none of you have ever actually fucked a gym thot?
I literally just don't know where to find women :(
yes I have dated one. Extreme hourglass with visible abs. we wrestled for fun once, already lying in bed, I bearhugged her and she responded with grabbing my midsection with her legs and pressing -> felt like she would break my ribcage, did not expect that amount of power
(and yes, obv we fucked afterwards quite violently)
all in all 9/10 experience, very fit women are quite nice if you can keep up, mainly because they are tougher and can take a harder beating than most
prepare to deal with their mental health issues
Then don't play. PUA is bullshit anyway.
>dating a part time stripper single mom
wtf is wrong with you? fwb at the most
stop looking at porn.
I became FWB with what you would call gym thot. She is extremely freaky, likes being dominated, she teases me too like orgasm denial and forcing me to smell her feet while we fuck missionary style.
The downside is that she is constantly on IG and somedays thinks I'm her boyfriend by making me get coffee for her, like bitch use my french press.
7/10 Not for everyone.
run in the same circles as girls who are likely to be strippers - namely college students, single mothers, girls who are into tattoos and girls who were probably fucked by their dad. The best kind of strippers typically are in college and work a couple of times a month on busy nights and have an exit strategy in mind for when they stop stripping.
You know you've got it made when you start getting the texts from her at 2:30 am saying "hey I just finished for the night, I'm coming over." and she shows up with takeout with a big smile on her face because she sold a room for an hour and made $850 and she still has her whore makeup on and smells like cigarettes and then you bang on your couch and watch Netflix and eat the food she brought over.
Based homo
Welcome to Earth
Holy shit you can not be serious. Fwb? There is nothing left that such a whore can offer you.
I worked the door or the bar at several strip clubs in denver and portland roughly 10 years ago. I'd say 1 in 100 are actually normal people and just found a job they can work three days a week and clear lawyer money with, and also while paying fucking zero tax. But almost all have drug issues, boyfriend issues, or mental issues, most have all. The handful at each club that aren't completely insane or strung out are a blast to hang with, though.
If you met her at the club, she's gaming you. If you met her at the grocery store or through a friend (while NOT at the club) then proceed with caution. Wrap it and don't wife it, youngfag.
OP here, I was dating other girls at the time and she knew about that and didn't care. We were never, like, bf and gf at any point.
Yeah i ran around with a 9/10 thot for a few years around 2014 and she was freaky as shit but a total whore. She fucked a couple of my friends and atleast 6 other dudes while i was hitting it that i knew. Ended up dating my best friend from a few years back. I didnt really care because she was just a piece of ass. She was 17 at the time and i was 22. Smoking hot half native bitch with an ass that was totally disproportionate and pierced nipples with with nice c cups. Probably around 130 lbs. The first time we fucked i nutted in her like 8 times in one night. We fucked all night and i went home and slept the whole next day. She gave killer pornstar blowjobs where she would just ram her face in to your dick and choke on it. This went on weekly for a few years until i ended up moving away for work. Definitely do not get emotionally attached at all because they are whores but if you know how to sling dick and you are attractive and can get their attention you can fuck them regularly. She straight up told me she texts me late at night because i can make her cum 5+ times with a combination of dick and sucking on her clit while flicking it with my tongue. The most confidence boosting time in my life desu was when she would squeeze on my dick with her pussy while she came. This bitch got attention everywhere. Everyone wanted to fuck her and she knew it and she came all over my dick hundreds of times. Worth imo. Just do not invest any emotion in them but be nice dont treat them like shit because they are generally broken people once they see how fucked the world is when every man wants to fuck them and every woman tries to destroy their life at every turn. Just be cool and have fun with them and dont be weird and theyll be your friend you just happen to nut in. Also they are a massive status symbol carting them around next to you in public.
good thread OP
shit advice
I'm actually in Portland OR. Went to college in Las Vegas. Completely concur.
Alright, and how do you do that?
God I wish I was that bedsheet
Is it dangerous? Do you look like a Mexican?
That's what everyone thinks until you have to dodge 10 hiv+ guys and bargain to be the top
I'd guess he dufflebags his joke of a cock into their delicious asshole
Good advice.
>game some strippers
big oof
How the fuck can you even communicate with a 17 year old as a 22 year old wtf
Im just so fucking horny i need sex NOW
It's basically the same age category, you 22y old zoomer.
Get a tenga product. It's practically identical to a pussy minus the warmth
Yeah, a 22 year old guy is just as mature as a 17 year old insta gym thot. ok
I remember one who was stunningly beautiful wanted me to fuck her we were at a party and she just started whispering "I'll ride that dick so hard" and biting my ears sexually the problem was she was my very good if not best friends girl and he was literally at the same party
I'm a good friend right guys
Post story faggot
Pretty much
Yes you are. Be proud of that moment brah
being a good friend means fucking the girl for evidence, cumming in her hair then ratting her out because she's clearly fucking around on your friend anyway
>Also they are a massive status symbol carting them around next to you in public.
Realistically this is the biggest plus of dealing with a straight beautiful woman
I refuse to fuck plastic but sick digits bro
Yes good friend. Friends are much more important than some temporary pleasure. Had a similar experience. Turning them down is de way
Beggars cant be choosers
My gym has tons of thots, I see about 5 each visit and I go during non peak hours. It really gets as bad as people post. I would say I've seen 95% of the things posted here in person. The clothes, the exercise and attitude.
There was this one thot that started doing pelvic thrusts on a bench literally less than a meter from my head, angle perfectly at me in a unnatural way.
hell I'm 20 and I feel like 17 year olds are basically children, it'd be really weird trying to do anything with them (not to mention illegal where I live)
you in the US or in fucking iran? 20 and 17 is one of the most common combos in europe
Got a gym thots number stretching on a mat after I finished working out. Was glancing at me and doing like every possible stretch to show off her ass so I just went for it.
She takes like a day and a half to respond but like what do you expect
That's not illegal and you're still a child
You act like a typical kid. "I am so much older and mature than you". 3 years are fucking nothing, you are still a kid.
Also 20 and I agree ir2 dating and serious romantic compatibility. Its not that big of an age difference but there's so many formative experiences in those years and ultimately when I talk to people that age they just seem way too immature by my standards. However for sex and sex alone it is BOTH based and redpilled
Spot on.
t. roommates with a stripper and her husband (kill me)
I dated one who left the scene to become a customer service rep at a legit startup but she had BPD and essentially ruined my life. If you're a legitimate no empathy fag and not just autistic like me, they're an awesome fucktoy though. Almost impossible to keep their feelings out of their sexuality on any level, so definitely proceed with caution.
Also it pisses me off that they could clear lawyer money but most work like 2 days a week and spend the rest fucking around doing nothing, and don't have the willpower or mentality necessary to save any of it. Gonna be a sad life in 20 years.
Same shit happened recently. Also had another take off her cut off shirt mid set so it was just bra, she just resumed face pulls next to me, pushing her chest out. Shits ridiculous
By getting behind her and and spotting her squat
nice larp desu
I'm not saying i'm "too mature and intelligent" for 17 year olds, I'm saying it would be weird. I'm in college and they're in high school, and even you would probably agree people change a bit as they transition from HS and adapt to college.
There’s literally nothing wrong with a guy in his early 20s dating a teenage girl
Just because you're boring and afraid to giver shit in life doesn't mean others have not grabbed life by the pussy and just happen to browse Jow Forums because on the inside this fucking image board is the only place that really understands my formative experiences and childhood because i was raised on Jow Forums. There are lots of givers roaming around here that absolutely fuck around in life and just happen to browse the chan because they were raised on /b/. Get out there and slay man, the fuck you have to lose anyways. I used to be a pussy like you and then i just throttled up and let it rip brother.
gym thot or guy.. what's the difference.
¿6 bolas por una puta?
No mames user si vas a pagar por sexo un putero te sale más barato y lo sabes
She wasn't in highschool she was a dropout and i was pulling wrenches at the time as a heavy equip mechanic. We met in AA. I gaver too hard boys and the comedown is real. Good thing I had god and pussy to keep my mind off the liquor. We're all gonna make it brothers.
These are me, starting a trip because I might aswell after 10+ years on the chan
I find that the hot girls in upscale fitness clubs are really serious that they pay over $100 a month or like flirting with the older men who they know have money hence why they're at a upscale fitness club. The lower end gyms have alot more actual gym thots but they are all fucked up financially and mentally etc...it's a trade off
yeah unless you are both absolutely fucking mental type A personalities that only like smoking dope, fucking and lifting weights. Then the correlation between personality traits is stronger to other people of that mindset than people of a certain age bracket.
Had sex with a world champion figure skater, so bassicly very fit like a gym thot. Really nice body but horrible sex.
>a thread died for this
I fucked a girl like that, there pussies are tighter than the average girls. Be sure to spit on your dick and their pussy plenty my man
>is it dangerous
No, Puerto Vallarta is a touristic beach town and the escort agency has been in business for 10+ years with lots of reviews online
No hablo espanol sorry bro
>he can't get her hot enough to produce her own lube