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Rate me / tell me what you think of me / ask me anything
Why do Europeans wear such short shorts?
Because you're less likely to get butt raped by a pack of wild negroes.
I don't see anyone around me wearing such shorts, only girls
Here's my rating about your pic:
This man looks very familiar to me...
That look suites you, Richard
I'm Peter, and I agree
sand negroes are still negroes
from the neck below you're passable as a girl.
I know and I also know that my shorts don't help, but I have no problems with that
Do you still post on Jow Forums?
Not lately
How did you get a body like that?
Genes, plus much walking/jogging to keep away any fat and remain slim
Meh, would still suck your dick though.
Would bang or suck.
Dude looks like an anorexic string bean
I'd opt for the first one
Honestly you have top-tier facial aesthetics. If I were you I would just lift and instantly achieve Chad-dom.
Dumbasses. It is a woman transitioning to full blown mental illness
I'm not transitioning anywhere
i feel really bad for you
What's with the tits mang
clearly shopped so does anyone have the original image? body would be cute without a dude shopped onto it
It's like a 40 year old mans heads on a skinny girls body.
Looks like XXY
your skin hasn't finished rendering
Why are you unironically skipping leg day
Just leg day?
Hell, you are literally skipping the gym. Also I tend to think that is right as no dude who have a physique this weak with too much "chest" for no reason. Why are you doing this to yourself?
There's no chest, it's just an optical illusion
lmao nice photoscoop
Then either you really need to hit the gym as you are like really skinny either you lying and transitioning because there's absolutely no men features, (no hair legs, calves, thighs etc) those are girly legs. But whatever, whoever you are, do whatever you gotta do as long as you are fine with it, just an advice though.
Lol dude this looks photoshopped.
welcome to Jow Forums where the rules explicitly state no rate me threads, get the fuck out