I need to lose 30kg66pounds in a month

I need to lose 30kg\66pounds in a month.
Any tips?

Attached: 14461778378368.jpg (620x620, 40K)

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Don't eat for a month

literally eat nothing except for a multivitamin and broth

Attached: 1551934795244.jpg (404x565, 40K)

Amputate your legs and arms.

Amputate your leg

Amputate a leg.
>easier pull-ups
>don't have to do leg day
>sweet parking spots
>save money on shoes
>sit down all the time like you probably already do because you have 66 spare pounds to lose
Literally no downsides.

Except that you can't take stairs anymore.

you just slither along the dip rail

be high on meth or speed all month

>Literally no downsides.

Attached: heh.png (900x900, 201K)

If OP took the stairs, he wouldn't be in this situation.

DNP but you'd need to take about 1000mg to lose 2lbs a day which is likely a fatal dose

OP here.
While i appreciate the bully attitude, given i believe it's what drives fat asses to actual lose weight every now and then, i'll have you know that i'm barely 200 pounds.
I want to lose weight because i was underweight years ago, and i want to be like that again.
It doesn't really have to be all in a month, but i really wish i could go back to 130 pounds again.

Then what's stopping you from losing weight normally?

You can still do stairs with one leg.

If you can balloon up to that size you're not meant to be underweight. Stay mad fatty.

Bully here. You're not going to do it in a month. One theoretically could, but you cannot.
>-66 pounds in 1 month = >2 pounds a day
>-66 pounds in 2 months = >1 pound a day
Don't buy things you don't want yourself eating, do cardio like a motherfucker, and prepare for buying an entire new wardrobe in ~3 months.

Nothing, other than my laziness.
You're probably right, but then i didn't get fat over a month or two, it took me 8 years roughly.
It's not really about the amount of eating, but rather the quality of the shit i full my gob with, given i eat very unhealthy food all the time and barely move a finger\burn calories at all.

I'm fixing my diet and drastically cutting on sugars and processed foods.
My laziness has run rampant for too long, it's time for me to take action before i reach 100kgs\220 pounds.



months ago I was also in a situation similar to yours. I was messing around with my self-confidence and then I tried several methods, and one of the best and most natural I found was this betterlifee.home.blog/2019/01/03/https-bit-ly-2clersa/

work towards long distance cardio. Cardio fags are skinny for a reason

you are not gonna make it

months ago I was also in a situation similar to yours. I was messing around with my self-confidence and then I tried several methods, and one of the best and most natural way I found was this betterlifee.home.blog/2019/01/03/https-bit-ly-2clersa/

>hurr quick as possible
You wouldn't do it even if there was a way