How long have you been lifting seriously?

How long have you been lifting seriously?
Has it made any difference in how people treat you?

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Been lifting for about 9 months. It's really helped my relationship with my sister. We used to barely talk to each other, now we pretty much do everything together. She's kind of a cardio bunny so when I added in running 2x a week we started bonding.

That's actually very sweet.
How do you feel about other guys at the gym staring at your sister's ass?

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>having gigabytes of random e-thot videos saved because all women know how creepy you are

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did u fuck her yet?

Well i mean i stare too so it doesn't bother THAT much.

y-you got any pics?

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Been lifting for like two weeks, and outside of my roommate talking about it half-jokingly nothings's changed. I'll get there someday though, bros.

fucking samefag

5 years now... my lifts suck though because I am inconsistent

People started treating me better when I 1st lost weight, then I got cocky and acted like an asshole and now I am considered a human being instead of a fat sack of shit like I originally was.