Be me

>be me
>talking to my friend(girl(female))
>is basically pic related but anorexic and thinks lifting will make her hot lol
>what's your Uni gym like?
>"ugh it's so annoying guys always ask to work out with me!!!"
>"like they always ask if they can use the machine with me it's so creepy"
Just a reminder that no matter what if you try and make contact with a gym thot you are breaching her space and she will hate you for it

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They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth

its all about face>height>frame

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>is basically pic related but anorexic
that chick is like 90% tits, if your friend is that thin they look nothing alike, odd example choice my man

hard to believe that's a real human being

pick one

>when ur fake tits are so heavy they fuck your form

oh sweat sweat summerchild...

Every time I hear of a kpop star killing themself I celebrate