Merry fucking christmas

> Dating girl for a month or two
> Things are going well
> Finally invite her over to my house
> She says yes
> She picks me up from work
> Tells me about how her ex was just calling and talking to her
> They had broke up 11 months ago
> Whatever.jpg
> We chill and watch a movie
> Didn't make a move because a little while before she asked if we could just be friends
> Didn't want to make her uncomfortable
> Really enjoyed it though
> She's going to France the next day for vacation
> She leaves and we hug
> Afterwards, she texts me saying that she wanted to kiss me, but was afraid of having bad breath
> I say I'll kiss her next time
> Few weeks pass
> She's in France
> She texts me
>"Hey user, just wanted to let you know that I got back together with my ex. I don't want to lead you on."
> She's leaving for school after this summer

She insists that she still wants to be friends and hang out... Should I just cut ties with her? I feel like she used me....

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>> Dating girl for a month or two
Yeah how bout you get the fuck out of here

>dating girl
Thats enough i dont need to read the rest of this shit
Go back to facebook normalfaggot



he got kuk'd in the end.

How bout you normalfaggot zoomers get the fuck out of here. *sip*

Yeah maybe your normalfaggots friends care because i dont give a fuck norman

Friends are cool, user. It's always worth it

>allegedly date a girl for a month or two
>but still feel uncomfortable "making a move", even kissing, in your own house
Nigga you didn't date shit you got used as free therapy.

She said she just wanted to be friends so I just treated her as a friend :(nobody cares what you think you fucking neckbreard

imagine taking pride in being a robot lmfao

You are right user
Do you feel like a man now? Lmao absolute cuck get out

Yes. Cut ties. Say she already led you on. That she made her choice and goodbye. Anger is normal here. Your anger is wholey justifed. She'll call you insecure, or selfish, or some other bullshit but it's a fuck ton of cope and self justification on her part to deal with guilt. Absolutely nothing good can come of "still friends" when she fuckong left you for someone else and every guy who's ever been there will tell you the same. Parting on mutual terms is one thing but not this sort of bullshit.

So you are one of those "nice guys" huh?

No you retard. I respected her decision to just be friends, but then she said some shit that made it sound like she was interested, and it got my hopes up. Now I'm sad and upset because she did that to me.

Thanks user. I had just got out of an abusive relationship with my ex too... I don't know why some women are just so mean :(

Cut ties.
Being in that situation is not healthy for you.
If she's really your friend, she won't ask you to hurt yourself so she can enjoy your company

yes... it's going to suck but it's for the better://

I just wanted someone to be comfy with during Christmas since my abusive ex gf and I broke up....
Look's like it'll be a shitty next few months

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>She said she just wanted to be friends so I just treated her as a friend
That's not dating Christ man own up to your own idiocy and do better next time.

We met on tinder, and we were going on dates until she said she wanted to be friends, and then we were just hanging out...

>we met on Tinder

>She insists that she still wants to be friends
you can only be friends with a girl in a platonic way, i.e you both will never have anything romantic/sexual for w/e reasons.
move on friend, she did and so should you, find someone else to have a good time with and that will help you forget that shit.

Act SUPER cool with the friend shit.
She'll feel she lost upper hand.
Resist the urge.
She'll fuck at first bf fuckup.
Drop bitch.
She'll tell fiends .
You fuck fiends.

Thank me next Xmas.

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If you don't cut ties with her you are a retard and a masochist.

Been there, done that - this guy is spot on.

>dating girl
back2plebbit faggot

............Yes, she did. Now, go 100% no contact, and move on. Treat this as a good lesson, harshly learned.

who wants to bet OP will get heartbroken a couple more times before he actually cuts it off. bitches are heartless nowadys

This. Stopped reading at the start.
>woo woo woo if I make it you all have to deal with my shitpost
Take it to advice, cyborg.

You weren't *dating* you went on dates. There is a difference.

She was probably being honest about wanting to kiss you and being afraid. That could have actually led somewhere. Its just bad luck that she got back with he ex. That shit happens tho man.

Its actually mature and adult to text you and tell you that she got back with him and doesn't want to lead you on. Just saying

Anyway do YOU want to be JUST friends with her? Do you want to hang with her and not try to fuck her? If the answers no just let it fade out, she'll probably get it. Better yet text her and say you aren't interested in being just friends, and have a good life and let it be at that. If yes cool you got yourself a friend.

Its not gatekeeping if there is a clear guideline that you obviously do not follow

There exist some girls out there that get off of causing others pain. They set up a nice giant trap for you to fall into, and then close it. Be careful.


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Stopped reading there

I wish you and your family die a horrible death you Fucking normalbitch

> Dating girl for a month or two
> Didn't make a move because a little while before she asked if we could just be friends
> I say I'll kiss her next time
>she wants to be friend

idk what kinda relationship this is, but it sounds like a bad one desu. Generally, friends is ok after relationship if it's chill but sounds like no chill left

>doesnt understand the purpose of elitism online

>we met on tinder
>we met on tinder
>we met on tinder
>we met on tinder
>we met on tinder

What an indecisive bitch.

Dont contact her at all.


Don't worry most of the people dissing you on here are literal edgy 17-year-olds who'll get a gf by the time they are 19.