Trap Appreciation Thread

Let's just have a thread where we discuss the best thing in the world: traps. Discussion of traps, transgirls, boys who look like girls, 2D and 3D all welcome.

Why do you love traps user? I'll start: I love them because the clash between their male biology and their feminine nature really emphasises to me how feminine they are, I notice it more than regular girls. I think they're rarer and therefore more unique and desirable than regular girls. Plus they tend to have at least some remnant of a male personality so they're easier to get along with, I can relate to them on various things and they tend to have nerdy hobbies.

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Honestly it's kinda gay and a cope for me because I get turned on by effeminate guys too. I am cis male, top.
What I don't like that they seem to be more mentally unstable than girls are even if they look good.

>Honestly it's kinda gay
Tbh I think it's funny how guys get very flustered about whether it's gay or not. Like, even if it was would it matter? I actually genuinely believe that it's not gay to like transgirls though. But regardless if it's gay or not, they're just adorable!

>women judge you if you're gay
>"lol why does it matter"
just think about it dude

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not on fucking Christmas, noooooo

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Just don't tell em you had a thing with a trap, if you do end up doing something with one. I actually think women might be jealous of transwomen, the passing ones, because they are a niche part of the sexual marketplace and thus can be very desirable among certain demographics of men; they're competition

I just find it hot as hell that some "men" are so terrible at being men that they have to trap. Makes me feel manlier to see someone who is so low in their life bouncing on my dick.

anyone here who done anal? i got questions

I love when they present as male even though they're cute af and everyone can tell that they're on girl hormones, but they think they're hiding it

I don't know what it is about a male insisting that they're a female that's so captivating to me. It's like pic related, just the knowledge that they're biologically male makes it so much better for some reason. I wouldn't be into them as much if they were actually cis women

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merry christmas frens

happy new year

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this. dominating beta males is hot. any cool stories/hook ups bruh?

umm excuse me the word "trap" is offensive to the trans community and is very unwelcoming language. The correct and more friendly term is "femboy".

The word trap implies a transgender people is "trapping" a person into a relationship under false premise. It also implies that the other person is a man.

the best parts of femininity are social constructs. cute clothes, nice shaven body, nice make up

Some transgirls like being called traps. But terms aside, we're all talking about the same thing: adorable boys who want to be girls!

take your shit ass troll elsewhere faggot

Trap refers to someone who can "trap" you into believing they're a real girl. It's always meant that and always will.

I don't like traps more or less than normal women. I mean I'd date one if she was cute and nice the genitals aren't that important

>someone who can "trap" you into believing they're a real girl.
But that implies that they're not actually a girl you see and this is where it can hurt someone if you call them that.

yeah well I'd advise them to stop being little bitches, stop shitting up trap threads and go back to lgbt where you can circlejerk over words all you like.

If you don't "trap" people into thinking you're a real girl, then you're not a trap, simple as. Doesn't matter if you take titty skittles if everyone can instantly tell you're a man.

You are a nice and open-minded person

But wouldn't that mean the term 'femboy' could hurt them too?

It would obviously hurt way more if you're trans to be called a femboy.

that guy is just trolling.

Let's be frank: vagina looks really gross and a little feminine penis is way more aesthetic.

>and a little feminine penis is way more aesthetic.

it's true, they're fucking adorable

trans women > > > > crossdressers

I hope we can all agree on that much at least

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i like how they barely exist and that the 7+ ones are probably even pickier than 9/10 women

I'm not sure, I kind of like them flat-chested and just a really feminine boy

>when the little feminine penis cuddles up to the big strong penis for protection
It's pure, it's wholesome

gonna need to see some examples of that, it does sound wholesome

Almost had me going, shill.

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