Is it worth lifting whilst on an 800kcal/day diet or should I just focus on weight loss and cardio until I'm less of a roundboi?
Is it worth lifting whilst on an 800kcal/day diet or should I just focus on weight loss and cardio until I'm less of a roundboi?
do you mean 800 kcal off your tdee or literally a 800kcal a day of food?
Post your pic with height/weight and specify how often you could lift/cardio
I'm eating a total of about 800-850 cal / day after calculating my maximum deficit with the ankerl keto calculator
5'11, 215lbs, BF% ~28% according to the sticky thread calculator
Can lift 3-4 times a week, same for cardio and I have access to a swimming pool
You're going to just go into starvation mode, you will burn off all your muscle and your fat, and once you come off of your diet your body will store 100% of the energy you consume as fat for the next famine.
Don't do this, cut your calories by 500 of your TDEE max, i.e eat somewhere around 1500-2000 for an active adult male, and that is RAPID weight loss.
a 6' physically active man needs around 3000kcal a day to maintain, so you're already losing mad weight on 1500-2000 a day
Alright, I'll bump it to 1500 - I'm doing keto (prepared to be memed for it) and that suppresses my appetite a huge amount; 2000 would be very difficult to manage, even 1000 is difficult some days
What are your stats? It seems like you didn’t read the sticky.
absolutely not
muscle growth is very low priority as far as the body is concerned and so is sex drive. So unless you're at your bmr even a maintence routine is sort of pointless. You're just inflicting damage and cutting off your bodies ability to heal you're just asking for problems.
I love how fat fucks think they have the willpower to eat only 800kcal a day (not a good idea btw) as if they haven't been eating over 3000kcal a day for years. What is it with you soft bitches that makes you always overestimate your demonstrably weak willpower? My thought on it is that you know you won't hit that goal, so when you go over you can say "well that wasn't a realistic goal" but in truth you knew all along that it wasn't a realistic goal, but you also knew that no matter what goal you set you weren't going to hit it. So you pick an insane number so that you'll have an excuse when you can't do it. You're giving yourself excuses for failure before even trying. Fucking pathetic.
Don’t listen to these larping fags. If you’re over 20% fat you won’t go into starvation mode. Just eat a little bit and make sure it’s high protein. At least 100g and work out, you’ll lose weight.
I love how pseudo-Alphas go on people's threads that're about trying to self-improve and try to lay down some wisdom like a fucking Sensei - regardless, what the fuck is your issue? If I fail and have to learn from my own mistake, so fucking be it, but the idea of actively trying to dismantle attempts at progression through this high-horse attitude bullshit is honestly the truly pathetic thing to do.
I've recently made a huge amount of changes in my life and the change in perspective has been insanely useful in providing previously-lost willpower - I will stick to my goals regardless of what a cunt people like you act.
Those roids are making you a tad too angry you fucking pleb.
>I've recently made a huge amount of changes in my life
come back when you've stuck to them for more than a week
Look man, eating 2000kcal of normal food, fish and rice, some spices, leafy greens, a bit of fiber and daily exercise would do you way better than starvation
You will feel better, see better results and minimise loose skin if you're really overweight
All of the changes I set out in August of 2018 are still there, but sure, we can roleplay me being a weak-willed beta if it helps you wank yourself off whilst you feel self-important and superior
post body
For what reason?
so we can see all the positive changes you've made over 7 months
Imagine being that empty-minded that the only developmental goals you can percieve pertain to physical aesthetics...
I'll add not becoming a self-righteous cunt to my list, thanks for the reminder
>I've m-made tons of great changes and progress
>but w-well you're being rude so I won't tell you!
Alright, so refusing to show a picture of my body is me refusing to share my personal successes that are irrelevant to my physique..
The roidrage continues.
I'm doing something similar. I'm lean but cutting and eating like 1k cals per day.
I lift, but I don't expect my lifts to go up at all (and they barely do) and I have a bunch of low energy days in the gym so it takes longer to complete.
Down 15, 10 to go.
So yes, lift, but don't expect much.