Once chance at life

>once chance at life

>bipolar 1
>intense social anxiety
>intense general anxiety
>binge eating disorder

>parents never gave a FUCK about my mental health, pushed me to get good grades, never took me to a therapist

>now a 25 year old NEET, in therapy for the first time in my entire life, 25 fucking years into my shit life i'm finally getting the help i needed at age 8

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even though it's probably already too late, all the binge eating and chronic dehydration has taken its toll on my organs, can feel my pancreas and my kidneys dying with each day. i hope the ride is almost over. i can't bear another 60 years of this. no no no

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i've really hit a new low to be fishing for sympathy in this shithole

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are any of you even real? sometimes i wonder

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if you are a biological female, would you like to be my gf? i too am mentally ill. we can bake cookies

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Well I know I'm real, are you? Fucking solipsistic faggot, stop fucking with my head.

Just become normal like me and only have
>Paranoid Schizophrenia
>Schizoid personality Disorder
>intense social anxiety
>intense general anxiety
>mild Autism

Still probably more normal then you anyway desu.

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The suicidal ideation is only getting worse.
I think i might give the meds one more chance before i decide to end it.
I wish i could tell someone, but I'd just be involuntarily committed.

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not a girl, but i'm down to bake some cookies any time. just made this the other day

>are you?


out of everything, that sounds the worst. i've been around a few in my time.

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Shut the fuck up all of me. I know this is a dream I know I'm just dreaming. This cant be my life. Theres no way it's my life. I'm just having a weird dream and you are trying to keep me here. Please stop. I want to see my mom again.

>born tall
>naturally strong
its like having your laptop brick after it turns on. whats the point in leading me on if im fucked in the end?

>weird dream

More like a waking nightmare

Nah it's only fucked when I do things, but they actually don't happen. Literally about 10 minutes ago my floor became lime stone (or something like it), little scratches started appearing all through out it. I started seeing weird patterns scratch into the lime stone as well, mainly stars. For some reason it was the only thing I could focus on, and then some giant fucking crab shadow started appearing out of no where and shocked me out of what was a 15 minute half awake coma.
Nah bro sorry. Seeing as I know I'm real, and your message is real, I'm assuming you too are real; therefore you are real, thus not living in a dream.

it's real. hell is real and we are in it.

this is as good as it gets.

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Why are my dreams this real?

Holy shit, get over yourself OP

because they literally are.
Isn't that right?

you can find purpose if you look hard enough i hope

that's some fucked up shit. i used to smoke weed with a schizophrenic and he told me the government harvests blood from tampons flushed down peoples toilets. one time he was begging me to dig some weird bump out of his back, he even gave me a fucking scalpel. i ended up doing it of course.

i don't even know what the worst of my problems is. it's all so fucking tiresome. i just wish i could get over my anxiety and go to the fucking doctor

Sounds like he has extreme delusions + Schizophrenia. I had intense delusions like that but couldn't find the logic behind my statements. Eventually they some what ended, now I just get bad Visual and auditory hallucinations. Just now I walked out to get a glass of water and my dads head flew out of the TV to eat my face, like it was a 2d still and it just extended really quickly towards my body with the intent of eating me.

i find the claims being made in this thread to be somewhat dubious

'course you would ya crazy cunt

hey satan sorry i forgot to reply to your post, hang in there buddy

>one chance at life
>feel anger
What's it like to be able to feel angry and it to not make your sexual fantasies horribly aggressive instead of always being able to fantasize about calm/comfy sexual scenarios? It must be great. Fuck test, being angry is garbage, can't even have decent fap when it's not subdued and unnoticed. Fuck anger, fuck bitterness, fuck rage, fuck testosterone, fuck not being able to be calm and relaxed 100% of the time. Why is this feeling even nessesary? It's not even related to anything sexual, but it can control it. What's the point of anger?

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nope, been in therapy since august

what are you so angry about user?

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Triple 6, this calls for a relatable song.


Stop self diagnosing shit. You don't have even half of those diseases.
You're dumb.

fucking idiot, learn to read through a thread before you post in it. i've been in therapy since august 2nd and have been professionally diagnosed with all of it.

she tells me to fucking meditate and to "write down 3 good things that happen each day" therapy really is a meme. i refuse to their poison pills either

How the fuck are you even alive if you have all that shit?

bad luck? i'm too much of a coward to commit suicide. i'm certainly not strong willed

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Tell your therapist about differential diagnosis, then.

You can't be autistic and a psychopath.
You can't have binge eating disorder and bulimic.
You can't have BPD and bipolar 1.

You're a liar. It is not possible to have some of those diseases together.
Either your doctor is incompetent or you're just a liar.

You're a liar too.
You can't have these all:
>Paranoid Schizophrenia
>Schizoid personality Disorder

>You can't be autistic and a psychopath.

autism and psychopathy are two completely different things and not mutually exclusive whatsoever.
>You can't have BPD and bipolar 1.


please, educate yourself.

>You can't have binge eating disorder and bulimic.

are you serious dude? get the fuck out of here

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we understand man. Lets talk about it. we're the only ones that really do understand.

stop this. i know who you are. I dont see what the point is.

>my face when i have paranoid/delusional schizotypal personality disorder on top of a shit pile of other things wrong with me

>autism and psychopathy are two completely different things and not mutually exclusive whatsoever.
They are. You can't have both, you exclude one or the other in differential diagnosis.

>please, educate yourself.
It's a misdiagnosis. It says so even in the link you provided. The mood patterns are different.

>are you serious dude? get the fuck out of here
You literally can't. They're both about compulsive eating, the behaviour is different and one excludes the other.

learn some reading comprehension if you're going to come in here with the big boys and start asserting things

literally says right here in the article:

>The disorders that most commonly co-occur with borderline personality disorder include mood disorders (depression and bipolar disorder

>A fair number of individuals with BPD are also diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Both disorders involve mood swings and erratic behaviors, although the mood patterns are very different. While many people do meet the criteria for both disorders, inexperienced clinicians may misdiagnose bipolar disorder in someone with BPD, and vice versa.
Learn to read the whole article.


>This paper will examine Criminal Autistic Psychopathy. The vast majority of persons with autism and Asperger's syndrome are highly ethical. A tiny minority who end up in prison or in criminal activities not leading to prison have major empathy and interpersonal difficulties. These can lead to fatal acts of aggression. This paper focuses on differential diagnosis, neuropsychology, neurochemistry, and neuroimaging studies of this very serious and important condition even though it is rare.


now you're changing the goalposts. it stated quite clearly in the article that it's possible to have both.

your first assertion was that it's impossible to have both. make up your fucking mind or get out of my fucking thread

Yeah. Autistic psychopathy is the term first used to describe Asperger syndrome before the 90s.
It's not a form of psychopathy as we mean it.

Want to keep embarrassing yourself?

No. It's stated that the mood patters are different and people get misdiagnosed.
They're diagnosed with both but have either one or the other.
You can't have two mood patterns at the same time. Unless you want to argue you have multiple personality, and each of them has its own mood pattern.

>They're both about compulsive eating

jesus it's getting really annoying having to educate you on every topic you bring up.

i have days where i binge and purge, and days where i only binge. both of those patterns of behavior are present in my life. please feel free to back up your assertion that you can't have both with some sources

Yes, and you have bulimia.

European Psychiatry
Volume 26, Supplement 1, 2011, Page 285


you're the embarassing one

A fair number of individuals with BPD are also diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Both disorders involve mood swings and erratic behaviors, although the mood patterns are very different. While many people do meet the criteria for both disorders, inexperienced clinicians may misdiagnose bipolar disorder in someone with BPD, and vice versa. Having both disorders is particularly challenging.

so you're just assuming for the sake of your argument, based off of no evidence whatsoever, that i have an inexperienced clinician. get the fuck out of my thread, go lower someone elses IQ with your pedantic shit. goodbye

>autists trying to convince other autists that they have more autism then everyone else

just get back to weaving baskets you fuckin autists. we're all in the same autistic boat lets try not to beat eachother with the paddles.

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Again, it's not a form of psychopathy in the way we mean it. It's a way to describe a certain behaviour present in some people who have Asperger, but you can't be Autistic and a psychopath.
You can be autistic and have secondary psychopathy, and it's already EXTREMELY rare, but not primary.

I'm mostly assuming that you're lying to get sympathy online, and you self diagnosed.
But if your doctor diagnosed with all that shit, yes, they're definitely inexperienced and stupid.

i'm telling you, that i have a formal diagnosis of aspergers, from a licensed therapist who deals with people who have aspergers every day of her life.

im also telling you that i've used garden shears to remove the heads of baby birds, ive buried cats alive, i've inserted hypodermic needles into the bellies of newborn kittens. i've put frogs in plastic tupperware containers and left them to die. i've beaten raccoons to death. i watch beheadings and cartel executions daily and dont really feel anything.

you're not going to sit here and tell me that what i go through isn't real lol

that's interesting considering she's been a therapist for over 25 years, even handled people with situations way worse than mine

do the world a favor and stop assuming you know every god damn thing

It isn't.
You're either a liar, or got misdiagnosed with Asperger (super common, especially if you got diagnosed as an adult) or with psychopathy.

I'm sure you went to Freud in person to get your diagnosis.

actually, if you like, we can go through my list of symptoms and maybe you can tell me that i'm not actually experiencing those either?

You're probably experiencing the symptoms (even if I'm sure you'll overdramatise them), but they'll be explained by one issue or two and not 45 of them.

imagine being completely unable to accept that you might be wrong, and resorting to mental gymnastics (calling me a liar lmao)

i'm not diagnosed with psychopathy. i will never tell my therapist that i kill animals because i need her on my side.

the aspergers thing would be pretty obvious to you if you met me in person, i'm pretty much incapable of maintaining eye contact with anyone, not even infants. i also have a lot of issues with articulating speech

>I'm not a liar
>I'm not self diagnosed
>i'm not diagnosed with psychopathy

>i'm pretty much incapable of maintaining eye contact with anyone, not even infants. i also have a lot of issues with articulating speech
Plenty of problems give you this. Including social anxiety, which you claim to have.

social anxiety is a key trait in aspergers you mongoloid. most people with aspergers have high social anxiety. of course your biased ass would just dismiss it as coincidence in my case because you want to be right.

Being socially inept is, and it doesn't make a diagnosis.
Also half of the diseases you claim to have are in differential diagnosis.
I bet your therapist listed them as possible diagnosis and you just claimed to have them all.

how can you be all those things at once? i'm only sperg/bpd/drunk and I don't think there is much room left in my brain for more crazy shitz I already have shitty memory and can't hear.

i'll be 30 in exactly one month

Could be worse. Dont be a pussy. Make it work for you.

eye contact isn't normal, its bad in other cultures and antagonizes animals, thats not autism if you don't like making eye contact. If you ever made it for more than 3 seconds you'd know how crazy the people who make it all the time actually are.

this is getting ridiculous, having to spend 3 minutes on each fickle captcha. if these keeps up im going to stop replying, its not even posting when i click the post button anymore. test

lol what a stupid fucking thread grow some balls op none of those illnesses are even real

Yeah, "t-this is ridiculous, w-why would you claim I'm a liar when I admitted I'm one".
Fuck off.

anyway here is that symptom list i was talking about. if you act dismissive of it you're just going to piss me off and make me want to stop talking to you. none of it is "overdramatised"

-panic disorder. you feel terror that strikes at random. during a panic attack, you may also sweat,
have chest pain, and feel palpitations (unusually strong or irregular heartbeats).sometimes you may feel like you're choking or having a heart attack.

-social anxiety disorder. also called social phobia, this is when you feel overwhelming worry and self-consciousness about everyday social situations. you fixate about others judging you or on being embarrassed or ridiculed.

-generalized anxiety disorder. you feel excessive, unrealistic worry and tension with little or no reason.
obsessive compulsive disorder

-Contamination OCD is a well-known subset of OCD whereby sufferers are terrified that they might become contaminated by germs or get sick. 25% of OCD sufferers in the U.S. have it, and it's the most common subset of OCD in the world.

-Harm OCD is a common subset of OCD in which sufferers are constantly worried about causing harm to others. These thoughts are so common that 85% of the non-OCD population admits to having unwanted violent thoughts, including thoughts about harming themselves and loved ones.

aspergers/high functioning autism

-either gazing too intently or avoiding eye contact
-speech may be disorganized or not relevant to the discussion
-impaired handwriting skills

-repetitive behaviors: "Hand-flapping, rocking, jumping and twirling, arranging and rearranging objects, and repeating sounds, words, or phrases," are all common repetitive behaviors characteristic of ASD, according to Autism Speaks.

-issues interpreting nonverbal communication
-sensory issues, sensitivity (light, sound, touch)
-difficulty interpreting sarcasm, certain forms of humor

if i have to select one more bus im going to hurt myself

you fuck off. literally one inconsistency in what i said and now you're going to discredit me based on an oversight? suck my dick you wretch


post traumatic stress disorder

-recurrent distressing dreams in which the content or affect (i.e feeling) of the dream is related to the events
-persistent, distorted blame of self or others about the cause or consequences of the traumatic events
-avoidance of places, people, and activities that are reminders of the trauma
-hyper vigilance

borderline personality disorder
-recurring pattern of instability in relationships
-identity disturbance
-impulsive, reckless behavior
-emotional instability
-chronic feelings of emptiness
-inappropriate, intense anger/difficulty controlling anger
-transient, stress related paranoid thoughts

attention deficit disorder
-fails to give close to attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, work, or other activities
-does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace
-lose things necessary for tasks or activities (e.g., toys, school assignments, pencils, books, or tools.)
-has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks
-has difficulty organizing tasks and activities
-easily distracted by extraneous stimuli

-forgetful in daily activities

binge eating disorder

-eating unusually large amounts of food in a specific amount of time, such as over a two-hour period
-feeling depressed, disgusted, ashamed, guilty or upset about your eating
-feeling that your eating behavior is out of control
-eating even when you're full or not hungry
-eating rapidly during binge episodes
-eating until you're uncomfortably full
-frequently eating alone or in secret
-frequently dieting, possibly without weight loss


-non purging bulimics will make use of other methods to prevent weight gain, such as fasting or over exercising, which is sometimes called exercise bulimia

That's not a list of symptoms, that's your list of self diagnosis.

oh for fucks sake

that's literally the list i printed out and brought in to my therapist in august, since then we've talked about each thing in detail and come to a diagnosis. now please tell me how stupid and inexperienced by therapist is even though she's been practicing for two and a half decades

So you wrote down a list of symptoms you experience + the disease you think you have, and she validated your self diagnosis? Kek.

Yes, she is inexperienced for giving you a diagnosis before spending a few weeks/months getting to know you, and basing her opinion on your case off your google researches and self diagnosis.

>Yes, she is inexperienced for giving you a diagnosis before spending a few weeks/months getting to know you

that's not what fucking happened though, i love how you just keep projecting your cynical reality onto everything. no. it wasn't until november that she showed me the list of everything she diagnosed me with

You brought her a list with your self diagnosis, and she validated it.
That's not how therapy works.
Also therapists aren't even really qualified to give you a diagnosis, to be fair - only psychiatrists should do that.

>a licensed psychologist isn't really qualified to give you a diagnosis

wew lad, what are you doing

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No, she isn't. Psychiatrists are, psychologists are there for counselling and not for diagnosis or prescribing pills.

Well, to be fair:
>Psychiatrist: diagnosis + pills
>Licensed psychotherapist (doctorate): diagnosis
>Psychologist (masters): -
A psychologist isn't qualified to give you a diagnosis. Just to offer you counselling.

not sure where you live that this is true

Mental health clinicians (psychiatrists, psychologists, and psychiatric nurse practitioners) diagnose mental disorders using the criteria listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , also known as the DSM, published by the American Psychiatric Association.

thanks for killing my thread by the way you autistic fuck

>one chance at life
>cerebral palsy
>general anxiety disorder
>lot of repressed memories
>dysfunctional family unit
>raised in the projects
>homeless number of times growing up
>bullied at school for being quiet
>sexually, physically, mentally abused
>early childhood depression
>binge eating
>diet of soda and fast food until age 18
>dropped out of highschool

Fast forward

>sold most of my shit and got a good profit from it
>use money to run away at 18 to a nice small town my dad grew up in
>found employment, rented a room after several months of being homeless
>decided to get fit and learn about nutrition
>only responsible adult in my life dies and I mourn for awhile but carry on to make him proud
>started taking care of my appearance
>re-enroll and graduate HS at 20. Only kid to graduate among siblings.
>got my license
>do a year of college, put it on hold to save money
>time away gave me the mental clarity to think over, forgive those that did me wrong, and move on. Still in contact with family, love from afar type of situation.
>fit as hell now, completely normal grip strength now.
>sleep test showed I don't have seizures while I sleep anymore, just shitty sleeping conditions
>got obsessed with learning and self improvement, doing better than ever and am still developing hobbies
>met great friends in the few years I've been here
>starting school in fall, managing several projects already outside work

I think I might make it bros.

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