Are there any military bots here?
My NEET life is coming to a close and the only decent option left to me is the military but I see it as a place for semi and normal Chads so it puts me off as I don't want 1-3 years of being stuck with them and being singled out for being autistic and weird again. How is it for you, is it as shit as I think it will be or is it at least something you can handle. Had any issues with the other guys?
Are there any military bots here?
Could you sauce that tan tho?
Military is like any other job just more serious. Talk to a recruiter and listen but also know why what they're telling you is technically true they're also full of it. You will be made fun of but so will everyone. Don't worry about it be self sufficient and self reliant and fucking bust your ass and everyone will love you neet user. Enjoy BCT if you decide to join and remember "The easiest day was yesterday."
Hey OP, socially awkward and mentally weak individual here.
I can't speak as to what it's like as a job, but that doesn't really matter if you can't pass the training.
The training is awful and if you're a typical robot you'll contemplate suicide more often there than you ever have as a civilian.
You'll have cunts shouting at you inches away from your face, you'll be as much of a social outcast among other recruits as you have been from other people, you're exerting yourself physically much harder than 99% of civilian jobs, if you fuck up you'll be responsible for group punishments being visited upon your mates (and they will thank you for it later) and the pay really isn't all that great.
Ignore me as a basic training dropout if you like, but trust me when I say it will be far easier on you to just get a simply, shitty, boring warehouse job or something equivalent. The Army is miserable and, seeing as you're a NEET, you're probably not going to appreciate the dissonance between your current life and what you'll experience there.
Well fuck, what the fuck am I going to then. I was hoping it would be better after basic since the min time is 1 year in my country. I was just hoping to at least do something ' constructive' for once but the way you put it I might just kill myself during the whole process
got rejected from the military lmao, time to kms
>I was hoping it would be better after basic
I have no reason to believe it isn't great (by comparison) afterwards, but you don't get to that mythical realm until after you run the gauntlet that is training.
This guy might know what the actual work is like once you're a real soldier.
Since you dropped during basic what did you do after
You can increase your odds of having a good time by getting a good mos/rate in your contract but factors outside your control will still dictate how shitty your is. Even if it sucks there will probably be a lot of good times as long as you aren't dying BUT you need to be able to deal with other people there are a lot of odd ducks but if you are downright autistic you will probably have a hard time imo. I was in the us navy it was awesome but I am not super autistic
I went back into construction for a little while, then got a warehousing job, then a job as a storeman and delivery driver for a small business and now work on a loading dock whilst going to university.
Everything turned out alright, I found I'm not too bad a student and I'm content enough to work a menial job until school is over.
Is school an option for you? Here in Australia it's basically free so what's worked for me might not necessarily be the right thing for you.
military is probably the worst thing you can do with your life. It makes chads chadder, it kills rowboats, it enables Jamal over in bongo-bongo land, and it puts shekels in Mr. Longnose's pockets
UKfag and NEET here, I did basic and this sums it up pretty well, except I actually passed by the skin of my teeth and then smoked weed so I'd fail the CDT once I realised being at unit was even worse than basic.
Yea uni isn't expensive here but I always saw it as a meme unless I did Stem or accounting since I all the graduates I knew struggled for jobs big time and never did a job that was what they studied. What degree you doing? Also if you want to tell how old are you?
God I wish I wasn't so fucking socially retarded and wouldn't have to think about 'fitting in' or being an outcast or bullied. I have always liked the mil but never even thought of doing it because of this. 2 years a NEET made it all worse
where do you live user? In some countries militarys is pretty nice but wouldn't consider it if your country is filled with niggers and cunts as they will just bully you. My friend went to the bundeswehr and said everyone was really nice and the pay was also good just the training was hard obviously.
I know some other EU nations accept people from the EU for military as well but I don't know which
unless if you are chad or friends with several, you will have everyone (drill instructors, NCO, fellow soldiers...etc) against you
just saying from my experience
Well you would probably need to speak the Language if you want to serve in a different country. But italy sounds decent too. You should just start getting fit and then give it a try. Military is the only way getting out of the hole you dug for yourself. I really doubt you will get bullied user, most People respect each other in the military as they are all in the same boat together.
I went to boarding school overseas during some of high school and unironically almost killed myself. Its the same thing in my mind all in the same boat and shit and being beaten by the elders and shit we all had it but me being a retard got singled out. Mil sounds like a similar situation to me and if I ever had that again I will blow my head off. Seems its a case to case situation and depending on who is with you at the time which is shit since i don't know if I can take that risk and that's why I'm asking to make a final decision.
Thanks all for the input, any further advice is welcome since now I have to decide in the next week or 2
You can always quit if it goes terribly wrong. There is not much more advice I can give you, but believe me most bullies actually change after school and I also can't imagine italy is nearly as bad as the states.
I'm in STEM right now but I'm gonna pause uni and go to the military in about a year. It really is the only way to fix my life and from what I've heard you can make great friendships that last for life in the military
Sorry I left for 3 hours but on the off chance that you're still here:
I'm 26, but was 22 when I enlisted. Studying economic policy. It's a meme degree but I did a year of accounting and it was awful and I don't expect a career in that wouldn't drive me mad. I'd bite the bullet and finish accounting if I didn't live in the capital and have access to all the public service jobs, which is all a meme degree is good for.
I expected things would be less bleak once basic is over, I'm glad I didn't march out.
>You can always quit if it goes terribly wrong.
Whoever is giving you information is terribly wrong, you cannot 'always quit' unless you're prepared to off yourself or go to gaol or end up in hospital like I did.
I encourage you to reconsider but good luck all the same.
>decent option
I don't understand people who think like this.
I saw it as something that is an immediate career, takes a lot less time to get into than getting a degree and finding a job in an uncertain market and there's a measure of prestige that you don't get from a civilian job.
I was unaware of how unpleasant it would be and I expect that lack of public elucidation is deliberate