Merry NoFap boys
On day 7 feeling great! Gonna start fasting to lose 60lbs in 2 months!
What day you guys on?
Merry NoFap boys
On day 7 feeling great! Gonna start fasting to lose 60lbs in 2 months!
What day you guys on?
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Fucking cultists. Will you ever learn?
>gonna start fasting to lose 60lbs in 2 months
I've been going hard lately so I might try to abstain for a week or so.
No food just water. I got nothing to do for the first few months of the year so I thought i may aswell take the black pill and lay in bed doing nothing for 2 months except drink water so i lose a bunch of weight the only negatives are dizzyness
You do realize the like 1 or 2 studies done on this type of fasting had the guy on constant medical check and he took a shitload of vitamins and minerals because your body needs those no matter how fat you are.
It's easier to just check Jow Forums and eat at a deficit.
Ive never cared about vitamins once in my whole life and ive never ate fruit and i barely eat veg so thats all bullshit as far as im concerned. Not eating for a month or two is easy ive done it before ya just gotta not be a pussy
Plus eating at a deficit makes me crave food and thats my whole issue. 60 day reset is my plan
you still get vitamins from any type of food you eat. Maybe not the right amount but you still get them.
>Not eating for a month or two is easy ive done it before
I doubt this. You probably cheat and are lying to me. Do you really just eat NOTHING at all and drink water?
gonna have my gf come over in 2 days. havent been jerking off for 2 days now. I really hope Im gonna cum because I wasnt able to do so last time we had sex. (which was our first time)
Day 36, feel worse than when I started
Yeh dude i drink water mixed with salt to keep my electrolytes up. Shits fine just a little dizzyness and tiredness but its whatever just gotta get over it Jow Forums are the ones who told me to do it its called the snake diet. Fast till ya slim then fast at least 2 days a week
Thats why i started. Me and my gf fuck all the time but she got sad cause she cant make me cum so im gonna not fap anymore and let her make me pop in seconds cause she said she would rather make me cum fast then not cum
You'd be dead if you actually followed this diet for 2 months strictly. I still don't believe you.
Ok well you wouldnt and the reason you think that is cause your brainwashed by the normal to eat 3 meals a day keep buying into the scam. Snake diet is the best thing to happen in years i lost a lb a day for 30 days it was fine i only felt dizzt tired and weak for a while. People who are stranded without food dont die in 30 days even if they have barely any body fat. Your body fat is food you only go into starvation mode at 8% body fat you dant die from starvation as long as you have bodyfat
Your body literally can't synthesize everything it needs to survive with just body fat. You need some sort of supplementation at least. I'm not talking about straight up dying, if you don't eat for like a week you fuck your brain up.
>3 meals a day.
I'm a skinny fag, it's more like 1 tiny meal for me.
>Snake diet
also you fucking retard I just looked up snake diet and it's where you eat 1 HUGE meal every day and fast for 22 hours.
what you're doing is literally just starving yourself.
Nope the snake diet encourages fasting till your ripped. Then one big meal 5 times a week. You just clicked a bullshit article not the actual source which is cole robinsons youtube channel he clearly says fat people do not need to eat
Also how does not eating for a week fuck your brain up? Are you actually this stupid? Ive not eaten for weeks at a time and im the same as before just feel a bit better
>NoFap instead of NoPorn
Na man i didnt fap to porn i fap to my imagination and memories. I just did it too much and to hard so i cant cum