>early 30's >can't keep dick hard in a condom anymore >soniamdissapoint.png >hookups less and less satisfied >start losing fuck buddies >bang the next few Tinder cuties bare just so I can stay hard >dickburn.gif >go to doctor >piss test >"it's only a UTI user" >whew >ask doc about getting boner pills so I can go back to using condoms >"well because of exorbitant pharmaceutical prices in the US I'd suggest using a mail order pharmacy that comes from Canada or overseas..or picking them up from the pharmacia when you travel south of the border"
What the fuck is this shit and where is a safe place to get dick pills online?
use water pump so youll get raging erections. Also nofap helps but that is for young people. If you can get your dick working with pills you can do it naturally too.
Kevin Foster
I never understood why someone would trade in eternal life for a quick pleasure. I guess enjoy hell
Landon Gonzalez
Same place you get gear.
I am looking to buy some talfadil myself.
Colton Sullivan
Do cardio on the regular. Citrulline Malate 2x a day. Horny goat weed helps some people, some it’s iseless. I’ve never tried dick pills like Viagra or cialis but good luck.
Nathan Diaz
>early 30 you should be married with atleast 2 children right not
Mason Stewart
>be mexican >cialis and viagra is cheaply sold everywhere at drug stores with no prescription >jackhammer every latina pussy Feelsgoodmane
Erectile dysfunction is often described as the "canary in the coalmine" for atherosclerosis (i.e., the first symptom) and you're the right age for this to start appearing.
Whats your diet like? Do you do cardio?
Lincoln Jackson
thanks grandad
Logan Campbell
How about you stop being a fucking degenerate.
Angel Mitchell
for the last two years all I was doing was cardio. 2-5 50 minute cycle classes a week (can't run anymore because tendonosis in quadriceps tendon). fell out of that routine at about the start of this year but started lifting 3 days a week now. diet is low calorie and mostly whole foods. I had a history of high blood pressure and cholesterol so I've spent the last 10 years of my life staying in shape to get off meds and the docs haven't suggested getting back on meds so I think I'm pretty healthy in that respect. I do two physicals every year to stay ahead of shit like that and there haven't been any red flags in a long time I do want to start throwing in a cycle class or two again
Nolan Parker
Porfabor stop reproducing and espill into miy country senor
When did you last get your cholesterol checked? What kind of numbers did you see?
Julian Thompson
More recent studies with a larger number of participants have refuted this.
Bentley Ortiz
jokes on you, I haven't had a bonner since I was 34.
Logan Kelly
February. I don't know the numbers but it wasn't high enough for my doc to suggest going back on meds. And this is the doc who saw me lower my numbers enough over the years to take me off them a few years ago.
Jack Brooks
Noah Gomez
>there are people older than 25 still posting on 4channel
Sex is fun. Some people can handle it being emotionless, some people cant Getting laid isn't a goal in and of itself, its just another facet of a healthy lifestyle
Eli Nguyen
> The internet is 30 years old > Jow Forums is 16 years old > You'll never leave This is the new normal user. I remember a decade ago ago being weirded out when the rare 30+ anons posted. Now they're not rare and I'm one of them.
Ryder Taylor
just get married, dude. never use a condom again.
John Harris
Just got divorced from a seven year marriage. I'll get married again in a few years. Getting into a marriage for sex is unnecessary.
Zachary Ward
Maybe stop. If you can't get hard, it means your body can't be put up to that demand anymore. Now it's soft with condom, tmr it's soft without condom. Hit 45 and you'll never see little Willy be in action anymore. Maybe settle down, marry a woman, do it once a week and live a healthy life with the hope that you won't turn into one of those balding boomer by the time you are 50. Then you'll have a chance. Boner pills won't do anything other than send you straight into cuck zone later user.
Asher Stewart
>>can't keep dick hard in a condom anymore I never could lol
Connor Collins
>My wife tracks her cycle >Pump buckets into her around her cycle >I have never worn a condom
Kayden Scott
>are they safe
Generally, yeah. I've bought them from roid dealers and from online pharms. The latter is far more consistent (one pill can feel like it was 5mg, and the next feels like it's 20mg even though it's the same batch) in potency despite being pricier, but still way cheaper than buying standard. You can get like 30 40mg pills around $120, and just cut them in half or into fourths--they're great when you're nervous, on a cut, or want to go for multiple rounds with very little downtime. Low dose cialis is also surprisingly good for blood circulation, BP, and the heart.
Jaxon Garcia
>with the hope that you won't turn into one of those balding boomer by the time you are 50 I was balding in my mid 20's kek I've shaved my head ever since And I only have an issue staying hard in a condom I have no issue getting hard or even going for hours without a condom I just went 90 minutes with a thin hipped, big assed 24yo Latina Friday lol
Austin Robinson
Thanks user
Christian Parker
Tfw 23 years old and lose my boner every single time I put a condom on. 8 inch dick tho so that also makes entry relatively hard. Any advice? I’m not fat. >6’ 150 lbs (up 20 lbs since I started working out)