No one will ever understand you

No one will ever understand you.

I've lived long enough to know no other person will ever truly know you. The strongest emotional responses I've ever had were for fictional characters, my favourite memories are of fictional events in fictional places, the only joy I have in this life is losing myself in fiction. The words don't exist to express my experiences, if I even had the ability to verbalise them sufficiently. Robots will always be alone because we live in our inner world, normies live in the outer world. We repel each other like magnets, we can never relate or live together in peace. Even other robots only understand each other on a surface level.

I'm under no delusions of being interesting or special or unique, I'm just aware of the fact that I will never see another persons soul or they mine.

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Who cares? You're just a malfunctioning faggot.


Robots aren't "broken", we can't be fixed.

Normies believe this though because they can't concieve of such things.

Do you really believe that bullshit? It's so fucking stupid.

Makes me sick. I dont even want a gf because she will never connect to me on a deeper level. No matter how many people care about me I will always be alone.

Spoken like a true failed normie

Just leave

>bc I'm a fucked up weirdo then you are too
Um ok

This is some advanced cope

Why are you even here normalfags.

Just leave us in peace and go blog somewhere else about your pathetic issues.

Stupid user, I've seen your soul. You're a lonely scared boy.

I'm not the one blogging about pathetic issues, that's OP

Fiction is an abstract of truth. Of course it is easier to relate to, retard. That is literally the point of it.

And guess what? I do understand you. People aren't that deep.

>look at my, I'm a robot, urr durr
Fuck you m8. You're no robot. You're a volcel.

Jesus understands

whoops, didn't read the whole post
your just a faggot

I can live with that, no need for some narcissistic extension of myself.

Just LEAVE you pathetic failed normie.

>Fiction is an abstract of truth.
Wrong, it's an idealised view of how we wish we could be, how we wish the world was.

Literally go anywhere else with your normie issues faggot, why do you have to come here and larp?

>it's an idealised view
yeah, that's the abstract of truth, pal. human perception of reality is imperfect.

Fuck you, non-robot bullshitter. Nobody wants you here neither. Fake ass robot.

>Hurr guise I got dumped and no one invited me to the freshers party I'm a forever alone robot too guise! XD

Every robot here hates your guts, you're not one of us.

>muh first grade philosophy

Excellent OP, but shit thread filled with edgy teenagers and nothing resembling actual discussion. Neck yourselves.

Based poster right here

Jow Forums for the robots is dead, too many larping normies have taken over

>I do understand you. People aren't that deep.
This is true, to an extent. I'm not OP, but I sympathize with them a lot and mostly feel the way they do. But talking online on an anonymous image board is a bit different than talking to normal people IRL. I don't think I'll ever be able to open up to someone completely. I always feel out of place around people. If I wanted to get in a relationship or even friendship, I'd probably have to act conpletely fake.
>inb4 normies do that too
I don't want that. I don't really think I'm special or "misunderstood" because it's mostly my own fault. But like OP said, even if people come here and express their feels, I don't think you'll ever know *everything* about them that goes on internally.

Attached: daydream.jpg (2048x1147, 580K)

>she will never connect to me on a deeper level
That's not really true. I've connected on a deeper level with many people from friends to girlfriends, when I was younger, so surely it has to still be possible. Obviously smartphones and the internet and other propaganda have ruined people's ability to do it to a great extent, but it shouldn't be impossible as long as you both try hard enough.