>be an actual nazi
>get validly accused of being a nazi
>an entire army of normies that genuinely believes that you're not a nazi comes to your defence
How does he do it?

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Rightfully being against the Jews != being a Nazi.

E;R is a good boy. He dindu nuffin

Also, this is true.

I hate that he actually enjoyed Solo. That movie's fucking worthless and I expected him to trash it as such. His Get Out video was fucking great though and I hate that it got taken down.

There's a thing that he says about origin stories not actually being stories in his Deadpool vs. OPM video that I've always believed is accurate. It's all about the emotional high. Really want to hear his thoughts on how Spider-Verse subverts this formula by actively drawing attention to it and making it a core part of the main character's motivation, but he'll probably go off on yet another tangent about niggers.

Because SJWs have ruined the word "nazi".
Don't worry though. Your social and political vies are already falling apart.
You can't even agree who is white, or how the whites are apparently the best race even though Jews are the ones who run the world.

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Easy enough when "nazi" has been thrown around so much no one even remembers what it means.

I have this cute Jewish coworker that was actively complaining about how overused Nazis are as villains. You know you fucked up when they start complaining

>barely racist jokes
>vanilla jewish jokes
>retarded leftist medai calls him a nazi
I'm glad this shitstorm happened, his vids are pretty good

This is why we need segregation

E;R is small-time compared to Sseth, who is far funnier and who's humour is much more on point.

He's just a fag who can't stop himself for going for every edgyxd joke he sees a window. His criticism is fine but it's actually just annoying when he goes off for his \pol\ tangent for a minute in the middle of trying to make a point about a cartoon or movie

I only discovered based Sseth recently, from his Deus Ex video, and that nigga is hilarious. His Mount and Blade Warband video has me on the fucking floor every time.

Also, I love that he calls his supporters "The many members of the Merchant's Guild". That could easily be construed as racist but since they're supporting him it's not really. More an ironic term of endearment.

exactly what I thought (to be honest his "Steve's IQ is around room temperature" joke killed me)
SSeth is a lot "edgier" than E;R
I'm glad the jewish media haven't found his channel (yet)

This. He always makes good well researched criticisms of things and then says it's also bad because one person involved was Jewish without ever really explaining why Jewdisim is inherently bad.

This. Literal nazis are not at all weird anymore because SJWs have been calling anyone who thinks transexualism is weird a nazi. So these people all band together now. You reap what you sow.

Well to be fair SJW also means almost nothing anymore. I've been called all these buzzwords, but my favorite is when I got called TERF for questionning tranny shit, these people have no idea what the fuck words even mean, I must be the most mysogynistic radical feminist then

Was the Get Out video "hurr durr, it's anti-white propaganda"?

In the German wilderness you may encounter giant raptors, giant birds, giant wolves, and worst of all, Germans.

No, from what I recall he was actually legitimately attempting to make points about the movie being flawed as a horror concept. It's been a while since I watched it though. Excited to hear his thoughts on "Us".

Are you a hot-blooded, virile American male? Then this is the game for you.

Do you suffer from a receding hairline, fetal alcoholism, or untreated syphillis? Then this is also the game for you.

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He just makes edgy jokes, how is he a nazi?

Because nowadays you will be suspended for making edgy jokes. See the dude that taught his dog to do a nazi salute


fuk u Nazi robot

E;R is pretty shit, his only good video is the life is strange one, the SU vid is ok. The rest are just fanboy rant + mrenter tier cringe (uwaaaah, the character gets powers not through character development, uwaaaaaaah a protagnoist isn't a good role model, uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah the people that work on a remake didn't rewatch every single episode of the original)

>You can't even agree who is white,
Factually incorrect. It's actually incredibly easy but your North American media has gone out of its way to deceive people. Claiming criminals are white when it suits them, claiming race is only skin colour, pretending Hispanics and Arabs are white etc
If you have every media outlet in the nation telling the public that bananas are vegetables, eventually people are going to believe it
>or how the whites are apparently the best race even though Jews are the ones who run the world.
Ignoring eve for a minute; do you believe the best and brightest always rise to the top or do you believe the highest powers are corrupt and incestuous?

>It's actually incredibly easy
Oh really? Then what naturally determines what is and isn't white?
Irish weren't white 100 years ago, but now they're some of the most white people around.

>Ignoring eve for a minute; do you believe the best and brightest always rise to the top or do you believe the highest powers are corrupt and incestuous?
In that case the white race is just as corrupt and incestuious as Jews, seeing as whites are top cattle. So which is it? Are whites corrupt and perverse or are they pure and being manipulated by the corrupt, powerful people who control them? It can't be both.

>mentions white genocide, jewish media control and 9/11
>makes jew jokes in every video
>inserts fringe Jow Forums references inbetween words that you probably didn't even notice
>isn't ashamed of putting hitler speeches in his videos
No fucking idea

He literally checks everyone who was involved in the making of a cartoon, checks if they're jewish and mentions it in the fucking video

Your genes determine your race. This is exactly what I mean about your media messing with your head.
To paraphrase some twat off the internet "it's hard to say when a puddle becomes a pond or a pond becomes a lake but that doesn't mean puddles don't exist"

Whites look after their own people in their own countries. Jews look after their own people in other people's countries.

>isn't a nazi
>knowingly promotes a known nazi
>plays stupid and pretends that he didn't know that the guy he was promoting was a nazi
>gains subscribers from Jow Forums and is in the center of youtube drama which makes even more subscribers come in

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fucking ew

>Be an actual Nazi
I seriously doubt he's in his mid fucking 90's or whatever
>Get validly accused of bein a Nazi
No he wasn't

>How does he do it?
Because he's not a nazi.

Don't forget his controversy over saying nigger which means every fucking media outlet is out to try and kill him which gets him even more subscribers.

oh no oh my god. that is so horrible.

Bonbibonkers wants to fuck him. How does this make you feel, anti-nazis?

the only video that E;R reference nazi was removed from his account.

>supporting pewdiepie ever in any timeline

election newfags out

Holy shit this thread is sad
you fags are throwing the word "nazi" around so much that you guys probably dont even know what it means anymore
>durr durr he makes edgy jokes about hitlers and jew he must be a nazi >-

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The Irish were always white you fucking retard.

Whites are afflicted by the social parasite that is the Jew. Consider the tape worm and the dog. No reasonable person would say that the tapeworm is a superior animal to the dog, yet the tapeworm is capable of setting itself up inside dog and absorbing all of nutrients the dog consumes to the point where the infestation eventually kills the dog. By itself, the tapeworm cannot exist. It is a specialized parasite that can only survive by moving from host to host, living off of the animal it infects but never truly being a part of it. In this way, the international Jew has afflicted civilization.

They infest themselves into the primary areas of government and suck the citizens dry through deception and betrayal. You need only to look at the dual citizenship of politicians in Congress. Look at the ones who will give Israel 30 billion dollars to protect their borders but will refuse to fund a border wall for America's country. You will find them to be Jews and Jew sympathizers, almost invariably.