Merry christmas, user~!

>merry christmas, user~!
>so whadya get me? :3

Attached: merry xmas anon.jpg (1080x1350, 241K)

My heart (smile emoji)

Attached: 8071238321.jpg (1920x1080, 435K)

It's not your birthday it's Jesus's you whore

delete this image you sick son of a bitch

Shut the fuck up you retarded child, stop posting these shitty threads

Heh heh, look in the box sweetie.

(Its full of sleeping gas)

Merry Christmas Me!

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wh-what the fuck? I'm as much of a robot as the next guy (fuck roasties and all) but this is just sick...

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she's kind of a qt tho user....

I hate you user. I hate you so God damn much that I won't give you the benefit of the doubt. I genuinely believe you have missing chromosomes.

just stop talking, stop posting anything for the next 3 days. you've done enough.

But she's cute for a 3dpd, and she's fully clothed. The only naked part is her cute face.

Based Cunny poster
Spot the reddit cuck

A hug :3

yes but the average inhabitant of r9k sees more than just the face you guys are already photoshopping her in your brain

>>so whadya get me? :3
peenus in a gift box obviously

>le reddit boogeyman

No some of us are still decent harmless robots like sheldon from tbbt and not just pieces of shit. Fuck off

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>like sh-
Nice bait, now put your hands where I can see 'em

Attached: kys.jpg (317x336, 96K)

>here you go sweetie, have some eggnog, extra salty just the way you like it

>trying to liquor up a young child

You're a piece of meat

>alcohol is salty
You are a very naive boy

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I got you....a live performance of a song
Haaaaaarrrkk, the heraaaald angeeells siiiing
Glooorrry tooooooo the newborn kiiiingg!!!
Peace on eaaaartthh andd laaaa laaa leee laaaa

i dont think that user is talking about liquor

Y-you peopIe are sick....

Attached: 1545274122222.jpg (228x221, 10K)

I got that jeweled buttplug you're always asking for! Go see how it fits

im sick for being able to understand what someone is talking about?
nice projection, autist

lol shut the fuck up virgin I'm literally just baiting, you think I give a fuck about anything I'm saying rn? lol autistic virgin kys

>you like cats, right?~
>hand over wearable cat ears and tailplug
>im sure youll look adorable with them~

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>>hand over wearable cat ears and tailplug

wh-what the fuck? she's a fucking child

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>a maid outfit user? really?

Attached: 445815.jpg (616x821, 196K)

obviously, thats why i assumed she likes cats
whats your point?

You seem like a terrible shallow person with poor taste in humor, so I got you a copy of the Amy Schumer horror movie, Snatched

Oh Jow Forums. Stay classy. lol

I can't tell if you're supposed to be my sister or my girlfriend. And you don't exist anyway. Stop haunting me.

>im sick for being able to understand what someone is talking about?
Yes you are. You are also a pedophile.
I'm calling the FBI.

w-wait we can taIk about this!

Sniffing her panties doesn't mean he raped her and its insulting that you would automatically go there.

He deserves an apology.

Fuck that ! I'm not apologizing to that sick autist

Too late kiddy diddler.
Youre going to prison with a big black cellmate named tyrone who will rape your little whiteboy ass every night.

Oh gee, thanks user....

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>Sniffing her panties doesn't mean he raped her and its insulting that you would automatically go there.
Yes it really does.
You need to be put in jail

>tfw my niece likes to sit in my lap all the time
>tfw she always moves around and grinds her ass on my dick
>tfw I've fapped to this more than once
feels bad man

Just kidding.

I got you a 1m stick of toblerone and some candy-flavoured condoms.

a big heaping load of cummies

This girl is pretty qt. Id buy her whatever just so I could see her happy no pedo

I got you our strong black neighbour, I'll just leave the two of you alone.

>Yes it really does.
You're retarded

easily the most B A S E D post in this thread
didnt like the part where you lied to that cutie though
everyone knows you'll watch through the keyhole and masturbate

You're a pedo.
Kys you subhuman shitstain

>user has the most patrician taste
your opinion is false
its you who should commit suicide

You are a pedo. That's not opinion,its fact.
Kys pedo. You are subhuman trash

I might be wrong, but it seems thou hast used the incorrect relative pronoun.

Back to >>>/reddit/ moralnigger

(you) are correct~
im a pedo indeed
now go and be a faggot somewhere else
noone likes moralniggers, especially raving apes like you

possible, im not a native speaker
cant figure out what exactly i did wrong either
enlighten me, user

Looks like they're raiding another harmless fiction thread to virtue signal again.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-01 r greentext - Anon is Perv-Autist.png (859x648, 183K)

lad, don't knock pedophilia until you have tried it

what the fuck are normies doing here getting triggered by the cunnyposter? shouldn't they be spending time with their family or some other well-adjusted shit

>naked face
Why do parents let's their girls go around dressed like that?

You are a pedophile. You belong in a shallow,unmarked grave.
Kys you worthless subhuman

You are a subhuman shitstain.
You belong in a cage

Dude, don't respond to him.
He probably would've gone away if you didn't give him a (You).

You belong in a cage

i got my niece this tub ball pit thing with 100 balls so my bitch of a sister has a mess to clean up every night

Attached: [anon] KiraKira Precure À La Mode - 01 [1280x720].mkv_snapshot_07.36_[2017.02.13_16.24.24].jpg (1280x720, 96K)

a gun

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