Life is utterly devoid of anything worthwhile

Life is utterly devoid of anything worthwhile

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Imaging having your entire personality composed on movies and videogames.

Silly normie...

It's the ideas and emotions behind those movies, games and anime that appeal to a robot. Something you'd never understand.

Life is supposed to be your time serving Jesus Christ and following his teachings.

Jesus is a myth made up to keep brainlets in check and stop them from kicking over the proverbial sandcastle of society out of spite

>my life revolves around cartoons
>i don't have any emotions or ideas of my own so i mindlessly indulge in the emotions and ideas presented in cartoons
everyone understands, they're just disgusted by it

All jokes aside. At least you enjoy material things still. All I do is smoke cigarettes and pray for the end.

What's that on the center-right, what game?

You still don't get it.

Robots don't cling to these things for lack of anything better, these things are just what appeal to us. We empathise with the characters, because they suffer like we do. We aspire to be like them, because they have more agency than we do. We envy them, for every moment of their lives as fictional characters is a million times more interesting than the best memory a robot has.

Normies can never understand.

>probably jerks off Greek myths as intellectual
>doesn't realize animu and vidya are the modern equivalent

Humans evolved to live in close-knit tribes. Meaning in life came from having a stake in maintaining the wellbeing of that community, composed of people you care about; you'd care about those people simply by virtue of having been raised among them all and sharing the same culture and values. Life feels devoid of meaning if you have nothing to devote yourself to.

No one cares faggot quit bumping this shit

You cling to escapism because you're an emotional toddler incapable of functioning in real life, with real people. As a coping mechanism you envision yourself having the depth of some misunderstood Videogame Badass #6746, in reality you're just a faggot who never left the room to understand reality and complexities of social life.

>my life revolves around consuming media

Aren't really any better than the normies you criticize for watching and talking about Netflix and HBO shows for a "hobby"

Shadow of the Colossus

Play the PS2 original if you can

>idle at a computer all day
nah you don't watch cartoons where the character watches cartoons and thats the entire story. you seem to not understand why you're actually addicted

sure it's a technical skill, but overall it's not difficult to understand. people like people who make them happy. I can already tell by reading your post that you are insecure, so you try to feel better by putting others down.

It's my thread I'll bump it as much as I like.

>You cling to escapism because you're an emotional toddler incapable of functioning in real life, with real people
Try again. I'm so fed up with how petty and childish people are that I willingly opt out of associating with them. Real life isn't this great, romanticised preferred reality you like to pretend it is. It's full of small minded, selfish, immature people with pathetic views of what is good in life. I'd rather live in an idealised world that doesn't truly exist than the stinking shithole that I physically inhabit.

>As a coping mechanism you envision yourself having the depth of some misunderstood Videogame Badass #6746, in reality you're just a faggot who never left the room to understand reality and complexities of social life.
The only place to find complexity is in fiction. Real life is nothing but petty, sex crazed squabbles over inconsequential bullshit. I'm under no delusions of being the misunderstood badass observing from the sidelines, I'm just someone who willingly opts out of trying in life. When you realise you're playing in a game that's completely stacked against you and with nothing worthwhile to win, the only reasonable option you have is to stop playing.

>Robots were always computer bound recluses

Robots are the way they are because they tried and failed to assimilate before realising they're different from normal people. Of course a simpleton normie like you wouldn't even understand such a simple concept.

watching cartoons like a retard doesn't necessarily make a retard. i would agree that reading muh intellectual literature and watching sports are just as much a waste of time unless they help you socially or to expand your thought process. you would only do this shit to take your mind off of reality where you have been challenging yourself all day.

if your minds never on reality in the first place then it becomes a joke

>It's my thread I'll bump it as much as I like

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you wouldn't even understand the first thing about trial and error. you were a spoiled brat who thought everything should be given to you, and now you live in comfort watching cartoons all day and arguing from a position of never having developed past age 10

Wrong again normie.

Typical, you just stick to the same preprogrammed insults like a brainwashed retard.

you wouldn't understand unless you started learning again. but if you're happy being a mindless consumer, then you've reached your potential in life and there's no argument.

powerful image user

>mindless consumer

I don't pay for anything but food retard. You're a decade behind me if you think the answer is "keep learning". Just accept the fact you're not like us, you don't understand us and you never will. Go be with your own people, there's nothing for you here. You're just shitting on the one safe haven robots have left out of nothing but egotistical self interest.

People don't really mature past high school and are highly susceptible to social pressuring. I gave up on trying to negotiate it a long time ago. I went to a party with zoomers and my god this one fucking guy spent an hour talking about his new phone and car and then he and his cunt girlfriend basically shunned me because I don't do cocaine or have Sirius radio in my car

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you get to be a worker drone

poor argument. everyone has done and is capable of doing what you do. we just know that life is about more than mindless consumption.
>safe haven
maybe you should go watch a cartoon

It's got nothing to do with the games and films, and instead it's the idea of doing those things. They're all very somber. It's fantastical.

Dying for something you believe in. That sorta thing.

>everyone has done and is capable of doing what you do. we just know that life is about more than mindless consumption.
You're still just parroting normie brainwashing.

If you don't understand escapism then you don't belong here, so just leave you failed normie.

literally 100% of the world understands it, you're just obsessed and never developed past being able to watch cartoons. try again

>Life is utterly devoid of anything worthwhile
There is drugs and music.

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How many times do you want to be told you're an ignorant retard who doesn't get it?

this doesn't sound as tough coming from a guy addicted to watching and defending cartoons. you're boring

>be idle manchild who does nothing all day
>n-no y-you just don't get it, this has a lot of meaning!

what kind of sad, worthless human being makes fun of someones hobbies and intrests. you know nothing of true happiness, littrealy neck yourself, noone on this board or most likely in your real life will miss you.

The thought of living a life without a purpose, a reason to keep on going is dreadful to me. Sometimes i wish i've never watched any film or played any game, maybe that way i wouldn't think that there must be a journey, a main quest in life. Everything seem so pointless yet everyone expects me to do what they want, to play their game which the goals are meaningless consumerism materialism and hedonism. I still have hope that someday i'll find purpose, i fear what might happen if i don't.

hes probably just baiting user, let them be, dont steep to their levels since theyll never understand what you have to say even if you talk to them in ooga booga manners

I wanna cuddle with you ritalinbot

>OP looking down on others because of his pseud cartoons and video games


>Something you'd never understand.

They literally make fun of this shit on /tv/ you fucking dope. This is no different from people obsessed with Game of Thrones and Marvel movies.


You're fucking delusional. It's pathetic how you think """""normies""""" don't understand one of the most basic human responses to fiction.

So you want to go home and consume media all day? That's the ideal being portrayed here?

what is the movie on top left?

Life is meaningless thats the whole point

Do what you want and dont give a fuck

and novels, and music... i dont have much worthwhile life experience to inspire me, so i import from the arts

this is top tier brainletism
if you have realized and internalized the lack of meaning, you dont want to do anything. this is the root of corruption.