Egg Whites

I honestly cannot stand the taste of egg (yolks), are egg whites almost as good?

Attached: egg-beaters-100-egg-whites-53139.png (500x500, 42K)

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much better

You're mentally ill if you don't like taste of raw egg. I bet you eat sugar filled man made fruits, but raw egg - part of our natural diet - is disgusting to you.

Egg whites are what you want. They're totally bland and tasteless though. You combine them with spinach/kale and you get tons of vitamins, and the eggwhites provide the protein. It's a winning combo. Add some cheese for flavor.

Tons of eggwhite scrambles you can make. Just an idea.

If you don't eat your egg whites with Tabasco, you're retarded

i have to eat eggwhites with something, hot sauce or spices otherwise they actually make me gag

>but raw egg - part of our natural diet

Cook those eggs dipshit. There's ZERO benefit from not cooking them, and the negatives are dying.

I mix them with avacado.

use The yolk. That’s where the flavor is.

>muh flavor

All that uneeded calories too.