Do you have a cat? Show me your cat. Or dog

Do you have a cat? Show me your cat. Or dog

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rate my doggo bois

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When my cat was a kitty

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that nigger a rabbit

my cat fat
me worried

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>Do you have a cat? Show me your cat

thats a dog

This is misty. Say something nice about misty. She was not named after pokemon misty.

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>Or dog
you st00pid
does 6ix9ine counts as an humon-doggo?

>She was not named after pokemon misty.

sure she wasnt

Little feet attacker

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you were implying the picture was a cat though, but it isn't its clearly a dog

>rate my doggo bois
Bruh, u know what a doggo is?

No, she really wasn't My sisters suggested the name and they had no idea there was a pokemon character named misty.

His name is Choochoo

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He is very angery and he likes to be pet

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OP here. YAY PETS.

10/10 He looks so happy. He appears to be smiling at the camerman. And it is nice that he is outside and enjoying the fresh air and getting exercise.

Aww. That looks like a very healthy, swet bunny.

LOOK AT THE JOY on that cat's face. It looks like you baby them like a kitten still. They're totally living the life.

Playful, very alert kitty. Super fluffy and beautiful.

This looks like a super intelligent cat. It looks like you two respect each other. Great companion.

He looks like Toothless.

Found this cute fren in a park.
He has a whimpy personality but very friendly with humans

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he says hi

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Omg he looks so awesome and special. It looks like you really care for him, so please take my advice: Do not let him anywhere near roads. House him. Outdoor cats have a 30% chance of being run over.
Pet house and cherish that kitty like it looks like you're already doing!

She's spooked by the sight of herself and hisses at herself.

Pretty low IQ cat.

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I want to find him a shelter but idk if i should do that. There are other people in the park who care for him and i don't want to take him away

I thought a similar thing and ended up losing my cat fren to a car. It's a very traumatic experience to realize something you failed to protect something you cared for.
The thing that didn't click for me until it was too late is that since it was uncollared, it could have been my pet at any time if I wanted it to be. And people would have maybe wondered where he went but would have been happy to know he was in safe hands. So you're not doing anyone a disservice in reality and the special cat will be thankful.
if you can't house him yourself there are good ***no-kill*** shelter options. The National Humane Society in my town actually has basically a cool cathouse where the cats roam around rather than stuck in cages all day
You could also post an ad for him on craigslist and get someone to adopt him
I'm just speaking from experience as someone who knew a similarly special stray cat and failed to act! best wishes to you and cat fren

Lol. Cute anxiety kitty.

Cat looks retarded. His eyes are fucked

dont really have access to any new pictures atm here is mine ten years ago after I scooped him out from a gutter

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>be you

What a precious animal. I always wanted a cat like that, with that cow fur pattern. Good on you for taking him in.

big neko.
sometimes he will curl up in my arm and start licking himself, which makes me happy

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youngest family doggo. He's a git and not my type of dog. Strangely, Im his favourite though. Only photo of pets I have.

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Cuddly healthy boi. The best kind of cat. He looks so happy. Kinda kingly too, like he's used to elite treatment.

That look he's giving you, hahaha, I can tell he thinks of you fondly. Sometimes dogs just feel people out and instinctively bond. It probably means a lot to him.

This is a blessed user