How do I get my chronically depressed brother to pay the rent?
I keep telling him if I used his excuse we would be living on the streets right now.
How do I get my chronically depressed brother to pay the rent?
I keep telling him if I used his excuse we would be living on the streets right now.
Is he actually capable of working?
Well, he takes odd jobs now and then, but uses the money to buy himself food and car maintenance. He tried getting work, but no one will hire him.
Tell him to make a lemonade stand. It's December, so people will assume he's mentally retarded and buy them for any price.
>He tried getting work, but no one will hire him.
So short of holding these potential employers at gunpoint, what exactly do you suggest he does, what are the options he is actually able to choose from?
Merry Christmonaid.
Kill himself.
Oh. Well I think there's your problem, he's depressed because of his shitty family.
he could be self employed or learn how to be employable. if i had a brother like that i would tell him to live in his car until he figures out why meme depression doesn't stop you from working hard
Pull himself up by his bootstraps.
You know that's complete bullshit. To be self employed and start your own business requires start-up money, you can't just start generating money from nothing while living in your faggot brother's house.
>meme depression
Fuck out of here, homorigina lnormie.
hehe this is why i will never move in with my brother, death is better than being under your brother
>faggot brother's house.
I'm married and make gud pay. Stay mad.
>what is a loan
>how do 99.99999% of business owners start
how old are you?
tell him to get on SSDI benefits. I'm pretty sure depression is a qualifying disability.
>I'm married and make gud pay
>implying you can't still be a faggot while being married with kids
>implying this isn't one of the faggiest things you can do in this day and age
But you're in the right, ready to put your brother on the street so you can buy more toys for your autistic kids.
right now he has no reason to work, but he still wakes up and eats despite muh depression XD XD
if he has a reason to work hard he will.
Wow so the only way realistically to get by is to gamble your entire life on taking out massive loans you can never pay back within one lifetime? Kill yourself you fucking kike
>hasn't learned how loans work yet
ouch, guessing 13 or 14?
I know how loans work, my country is trillions of dollars in debt you finger sniffing chimp.
no you really don't. no backpedaling
You've run out of shitty strawman arguments jewmer, time to go back to lebbit.
you made no argument, you just got BTFO. use google next time.
Who here is the depressed brother?
Who the fuck would give a loan to a NEET? And what happens when a depressed person's business doesn't take off? That's a 99% fail rate.