I'm starting to think that guys aren't actually capable of loving a real autistic woman. I'll try harder next year.
I'm starting to think that guys aren't actually capable of loving a real autistic woman. I'll try harder next year
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They aren't. They don't understand us, they understand modern women and expect us to be like them. They think all women with mental instabilities are identicle, but they don't know how to deal with the woman who lacks emotion.
Yeah, it's mens fault that you're alone.
if you're the kind of autist who doesn't even try to reciprocate feelings and gestures then you deserve to be alone. some autists romanticize the autist 'chiq' and act like robots to make themselves feel special and self-assured. autists who are ready for love recognize that people need the same things they secretly need deep down, too.
but anyway. i don't think women are actually capable of loving a real autistic man. so there.
nice larp thread, user. i'll be your friend if you'll stop making bait posts on the internet.
If you have a nice body I can give you the d. No promises of a loving relationship though.
Im pretty sure almost all of the time that picture is the opposite
If you're the autist who tries and succeeds all the time you're probably not autistic.
The bitch who draws those comics is so flagrantly self absorbed in all of them, and its telling that you identify with a character that's basically a black hole of emotional neediness.
>u juz gotta try bro women are ready for ur love
lmao fuck off
>They think all women with mental instabilities are identicle
But you literally are.
They aren't but feel free to be the root of the problem
>you hurt me
>you hurt me first
You realize that a guy saying theyve been hurt by your actions isnt a personal attack that should hurt you, and if it is then you dont know how to have a relationship.
autists don't lack emotion
autists have difficulty identifying, controlling, and properly responding to emotion
autists are more prone to emotional outbursts/meltdowns for this reason
the "lacks emotion" thing is a meme, because they respond inappropriately and may not display the "correct" (expected/socially acceptable) emotion to certain scenarios, or may react with emotion to scenarios "normal" people don't react to.
you do not lack emotion. you are not a cool stoic antihero with ubermesnch intelligence.
That fucking pic makes my god damn blood boil because women truly do think like this, it is INFURIATING.
I have the utmost restraint, I never respond to womens bollocks I just let them get on with it and tell them calmly why they are wrong, or what they did wrong if they """hurt me"""
I lost my cool once with my whore ex and shouted in her face calling her a stupid fucking child and she acted like I am in the wrong for "hurting her feelings" why are women such awful vacuous cunts
I have aspergers, but unless they are super autistic, they should be on the better end of the spectrum and well controlled.
control =/= "im cool and have no emotions"
its INAPPROPRIATE emotions/emotional responses that come with autism, not a lack of emotion
you are not a superior being
fuck off
I find them thought provoking desu
I am the superior being, subhuman. But keep on with your seething denial of it otherwise. I enjoy your little outburst of a performance
As a guy with Asperger's, I would love to date a qt3.14 autistic girl. Infact I'm activity searching one out
Absolutely not, you're all whore and no woman that's what autism means for females
>I prefer bipolar divorce rape women to women who are autistically focusing on some stupid hobby and is a virgin
My GF is autistic.
Sometimes I get a little fed up but really everything is fixable by basically becoming very "dull" and restraining her until she's willing to really have a dialogue and being reassuring at that point.
I've never met an autistic woman so hard to say. My best friend ha aspergers though, so maybe it could work.
I think it could be nice actually, normies are boring and I don't like them.
There is no such thing as an autistic woman.
>divorce rape
not to start an argument, but:
"According to new figures, unpaid domestic labor such as cooking, cleaning, laundry and child care is worth more than the combined output of Britain's retail and manufacturing companies."
^This is why the wife gets half when you divorce.
>"you hurt me"
>"you hurt me first"
>"yeah but my feelings are far more important than yours"
a large thinking has been thunked
Fucking larpers like Holy shit
i actually have autism you fucking mongoloid
not the meme r9k "muh social awkwardness" autism bullshit either
but to be fair I would love an autistic girl if she's not fat and has a cute ENOUGH face
Thank you for this post, user - I kekked. I know your Christmas is probably not being that great, but things will get better.
I love you, friendo
My diagnosed aspergers is superior to your lesser end of the spectrum, retard
apserger's doesn't even exist
its been consolidated into an autism spectrum disorder
you are on the spectrum
10 years ago i had aspergers
now i have an "autism spectrum disorder"
It still fucking exists retard. They added it to the spectrum but it's not the same as autism on the inferior side of that same spectrum. A doctor told me I had aspergers less than 3 years ago. D I p s h I t LOL
it was removed from the DSM in 2013.
your doctor is not up to date.
the current DSM has autism as a spectrum ranging from mild to severe. "inferior" is not part of the spectrum. "severe" as in nonverbal and unable to care for self is. "mild" as in problems processing emotional, sensory, or social problems but otherwise able to be self-sustaining. what you are claiming to have is "mild autism".
your doctor is out of date and your information is incorrect. read the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM).
Yes, notice how when the girl pushed on the guy's heart it just squished right back up? The dude probably didn't even expect to break the girls heart, because his wouldn't have broken like that. Pretty sad detail about misunderstandings I'm not even sure the artist intended desu senpai.
>when the girl pushed on the guy's heart it just squished right back up?
that's a pointless unintentional detail but while we're on subject, you also notice how the guy's heart is bigger than hers? it gave me a nice kek
See, in relationships if somebody offends you what you really probably should do is tell them that, not aggressively try to hurt them back.
Also you guys will happily admit that women are the emotionally driven, inferior gender, and yet when it comes to forgiving them that you treat them as your equals instead. Hm.
>it was removed from manual
>it never existed and can't be referred to
Wanna know how I can tell you're inferior?
do you still refer to hyenas as canines despite our new understanding that they are not canids at all?
"we called them canines once, therefore it is fine to continue calling them canines."
do you still say the earth is flat?
do you still think the earth revolves around the sun?
do you still think we will die on y2k? in 2012?
"we believed it once, so it is OK to believe forever!"
we once referred to aspergers/autism disroders as a type of schizophrenia. how far back do you want to go? do you want to revert to saying you have a form of schizophrenia? where do you draw the line and say "no more change"? i understand, being autistic, you are averse to change; but your behavior is illogical.
your are a low IQ autist buried in narcissism.
Cringing hard. Go put on your black lives matter and the world is round shirt.
ok, schizo.
actually i think i'll revert to saying all mental disorders are actually demon possessions.
ok, demon harborer.
go find a priest.
I've been with an autistic woman for well over a decade. I'd wager we were literally the only two autistic people in the town we grew up in, and people in general treated us rather unkindly. It's also very likely that operating within the confines of our social deficits led us to misread perfectly normal interactions as personal attacks on some occasions. And her and I have certainly done some inappropriate shit we thought was perfectly acceptable, which also contributes to such social friction.
You're wired differently, don't take it personally when not everyone you meet is a master electrician.
yeah but where can i find an autistic woman to love ;_;
>When I said no I want you to try harder...
>Stop looking at me that is nearly rape!
Give us sexbots, so the horror can finally come to an end, lord!
No matter how fucked up the programming language needed for those might be in the end, it will something I CAN understand when I put the effort in.
this desu
Why do women say the opposite of what they want?
>finally get a gf
>fondle her
>"no, stop, user"
>'are you ok? What did I do?'
>"why are you stopping? Im fine."
>"ah, user, stop"
I swear it took me ages to get over this. It doesnt just apply to sexy times either; women pull this shit constantly.
I dont really want a sexbot though. I feel like that would be even more miserable than wanking.
>"put up with all my psycho-fuckery without any reward for this while I would mock you for any side of your personality"
Nah, fuck you, keep being stucked into your childish phase.
>learning new information that proves the previous information false is the same as reclassifying/renaming something
ok buddy, lets go back to calling it schizophrenia then
Wow it's like you didn't even think about how I pointed out how they're completely different situations. You must have a fuzzy vagina, don't you?
they're not different
the DSM has been updated and the language changes
you can refuse to accept changes if you'd like, but the rest of the world is going to move on and abandon outdated terminology while you cling to it
aspergers has been removed from the DSM. the end. it is autism now. the end.
>demand to be treated as equal and make your own decisions, raise a big stink and throw a tantrum otherwise
>when you fucked up, suddenly demand the training-wheels and the lenient treatment due for terminal incompetency
Tits or gtfo faggot. Anybody who didn't say the same to you, GTFO NEWFAGS
I'm not arguing that that's not true, I'm arguing that your examples are a different scenario completely. You must have a huge bush haha...
This is so retarded.
This is why nice guys get fucked and jerks get laid, because the jerks just keep pushing because they arent polite or care about your feelings, then you wonder why the jerk is rude to your mom and stays out with his old date next week. Well because you retarded women picked the jerk that isnt going to be polite to your mom or care about your feelings, except when horny
What is the website? Reverse search just gives a bunch of pininterest links
meper d0naz?
She was probably just as retarded at communicating as you are. It's hard to have an intimate relationship if people don't express themselves clearly, sometimes people just want you to stop touching them in some way that isn't pleasant but not back off completely.
I think
uhh what does that mean though
I'm not trying to bully you or lewd you please come back I'm sorry
>She was probably just as retarded at communicating as you are
Excuse me, Mr Commas Mean Sentences Never Have to End.
She was into rape and shit, you faggot. She wanted to feign resistance and me to force myself onto her, as seemingly every fucking woman does.
I would love an autistic qt to snuggle with away f rom the normans
you live your life by whatever a book tells you? It was obviously consolidated in favor of pharmaceutical companies and other medicinal ways to make money. But that does not change the fact that it is still aspergers and still a different end and experience on the spectrum to autism. It will never not be aspergers because that is what it was first. More people are autistic spergs like you who memorize books and feign intelligence rather than see reason and logic. Of course I know the terminology changed, of course my doctors explained that to me as well, but it is far simpler to prescribe the symptom to aspergers than say you're her on a spectrum. Grow up.
>doesn't have a way to distinguish between the scene and real resistence
Yeah, you sure were retards made for each other
>into rape-play
>constantly says stop when she means go
Nah. That bitch would've been trouble.
She obviously wasnt resisting but when someone says
seeing as Im not some nigger I tend to stop and be concerned. How was I to know the word means nothing to women.
>seeing as I'm a pussy
that same book gave you your identity as an aspie you follow it when it suits you
>do you still think the earth revolves around the sun?
how would i know if a girl is autistic or not
they all seem to act like children
Will you forgive me for upsetting you?
i dont know what youre talking about here
How do I get a slightly autistic gf?
When I was saying the things you were listing were different than what the original subject was. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I'm sorry.
If you find one with a modicum of intelligence they're probably autistic.
does anyone have that pic of that guys phone who got a break up text from his gf, and then only 40minutes later a follow up with something to the effect of:
also lol at this comic because I keep seeing other comics & twitter posts bitching about how guys are "too pushy".
my feelings arent hurt
i dont know what you want
You're supposed to date autistic men, dummy. Stop fucking with NTs
>sperg elitists
You realize prior to the Aspergers-removal, the only difference between high-functioning autism and Aspergers was a language delay in early childhood? As adults they can function exactly the same with the exact same symptoms. Which is why it was combined into one
But that would be only identifying one, whats the next step, how would I make her my gf?
I can't believe these are totally unfiltered and unironic. she is either making these to piss people off on purpose or she is actually based and exposing women as the cunts they are
You're a stupid fag
I just want your forgiveness and an email I can reach you at
i dont use email and i dont want to be your gf and am not interested in casual sex
lol imagine being this much of an incel that you don't even rape women
I don't want that either, that's gross. I just want to talk to you if I can.
all i have is discord
May I have your discord? I won't harass you I promise.
>You hurt me!
>You hurt me first!
>Woman's heart is inexplicably BTFO'd
I could but I'm starting to think no one is capable of loving a nature loving guy who plays video games and does music.
Hoes aint nothin' but tricks no matter what their cognitive traits are. Show us yo tits, ho.
What is this comic even trying to relay? Obviously if you hurt someone you should expect some fallout from that and it will likely hurt in turn. Actions have consequences and people aren't saints.
>puts chicken in oven
>watches tv until chicken is done
Wow! Being a wymen sure is tough! Got to hand it to them - how can they watch tv for 3 hours straight?!
oops just realized i'm autistic. next steps?
What would you do from day to day with a bf?
What would you like in a partner?
Are you at all interested in sex and physical intimacy?
Why does this exist? Why cant women be honest
>Why cant women be honest
What if she doesn't actually do that though?
How are they measuring how much an average woman is doing around the house? Yeah she's not getting paid, but she's not on the clock or being watched either. It's entirely private and under the table.
My mother doesn't do laundry and only cooks 1/4 of the time. Does that mean she should get paid less should she divorce?
Less work = less pay bucko and you gotta stop assuming women do everything around the house. You can't pick and choose which stereotypes you want.