>literally everyone here says they could do 130lbs bench, 90lbs OHP 220lbs deadlift and 200lbs squat on their first day in gym, even those shorter and lighter than me >I can barely do 100lbs bench, 55lbs OHP, 190lbs deadlift and 155lbs squat despite being 6'1 and 80kg even after 3 weeks of SS
People on here are liars, user your numbers are fine, it all takes time and people have different starting points stick with it, lift heavy, eat big, you'll make it
Noah Gonzalez
I actually hope so. I've always felt like I am super weak. Sure others in gym have been doing this for years already but I've always felt like I should do much better than what I currently do
Sebastian Hall
I started at 95 bench, 50 OHP, 125 squat and I didn't DL when I started at 6'3" 180 so you have me beat
Gavin Jenkins
>Lifting to impress others You'll never make it if your measure of making it is based on others. Making it is a continual journey of fighting every day to become a better version of yourself - focus only on becoming your ideal self, and admiration from others will follow.
Adam Fisher
your form is probably crap and you have no core strength
Brody Martin
Your numbers are better than my starting numbers. Stick with it, come here to shitpost and trick noobs into self injury.
Ian Davis
Look at how insecure this board is. Of course they'll lie about their numbers. You're fine.
Charles Murphy
>he fell for the estating meme
kek. Look at what dudes at your gym lift and then see the stuff people write on here. Mos guys are larping for internet points. Just do your best its the only thing that matters.
Aaron Ward
Been lifting 4 moons and still can't squat more 60
Julian Nelson
Plenty of people start at those numbers and lie about it.
My recent starting stats(2.5 months ago) were 105x5lb bench 65x5lb OHP 65x5lb squat @5'10" 155lb
Just keep it up and numbers will improve.
Nathan Parker
People on here are complete larpers. The strongest guys on here post on /owg/ and /plg/. Everyone else is a larper.
Blake Lee
Stop comparing yourself to others. The only guy you are competing against is the you from last week
Grayson Flores
you're gonna make it as long as you stick with it user you'll look back at your training log a year from now and be amazed at how far you've come. you'll have stalls, you'll feel like you haven't made nearly enough progress for how long you've been lifting, and then you'll realize one day, a while from now, how much stronger you are than the people around you I believe in you
Grayson Garcia
maybe ur just a pussy lmao
jk man there is no strength standards, everything is highly variable due to genetics, leverages, training routines and diet all that matters is you make progress
Cameron Hill
I mean you are super weak. But that just means you have a lot of room to improve. So keep at it until you are less pathetic.
Elijah Cook
not to mention your form alone can give you massive number gains. if anything people that begin lifting at higher weights are more likely to injure themselves because their form is shit
Jaxon Scott
Looking at what beginners start with in the gym it's easy to see that people on Jow Forums are often lying, you'll recognize it too after you spent a few months there, no worries.
Bentley Johnson
People like you get my respect at the gym. It's better to workout at a weight that you can do instead of trying to overdo it counterproductively. Just don't conpare yourself to others and try to lift heavier over time. Compete with yourself
Oliver Williams
How the fuck is your squat lower than your OHP?
Benjamin Nelson
Probably due to a small knee surgery. I got so used to not using my legs for small movements over a few years that squats felt so fucking weird. It went up really easily though so I think it was more of a mental thing.
Samuel Brown
You must be joking. I started benching just the 20 kg (40 lb) bar at the beginning. And I have only progressed to 45 kg (90lbs)for 7 months . You are doing fine
Oliver Robinson
My numbers in the beginning were Bench 40kg x 5 Press 30kg x 5 Squat 70kg x 5 Deadlift 90kg x 5
3.5 years later they are Bench 120kg x 5 Press 80kg x 5 Squat 210kg x 5 Deadlift 230kg x 5
Bodyweight went from 87kg to 110kg @ 194cm.
Justin Collins
Oh wait potatoes. Didn’t see your weight. My starting body weight was 53 kg
Evan Robinson
All that matters is that you're lifting more than last week breh. Lifting is a long term commitment. The actual numbers right now don't matter
Jayden Reyes
I’ve only been lifting for a few months, but I haven’t increased the weight st all because my form is still shit.
Brody Allen
Three months beginner progress, 5'9 and 140 lbs at start. Numbers were as follows, all on 5x5. day 1 -> today Squat 40 kg -> 85 kg Deadlift 60 kg -> 100 kg OHP 25 kg -> 42.5 kg Pendlay row 40 kg -> 62.5 kg Bench press 55 kg -> 67.5 kg
I try to eat about 3200 kcal a day and I do not smoke or drink. Three work outs a week.
Your numbers look good.
Bentley Gutierrez
Started at 85 bench, 45 ohp, 155 dead and 95 squat. Dont worry user.
Lincoln Long
brah, you stupid bitch, you're at the precipice of JUICY beginner gains. Keep at it and you'll be a mad lad asap
Wyatt Turner
I didnt start until I was 33, but legit my 1st time deadlifting I hit 365... then again I used to install glass doors and windows and move drywall around ect., my overhead press was 115, bench was 165 and my squat was 245... come on kids if my old ass can out lift you then you are a pathetic weakling
Man up and prove me wrong
Zachary Nguyen
Probably at 300lbs bodyweight what do you lift now FAT CUNT
Connor Jackson
What's your current weight? Just asking bc im similar height and same amount of time in training. Nice progress btw.
Charles Taylor
Elijah Campbell
at 5'6
Jayden Allen
oh and bp-275 ohp 185 squat 375 dl 515
Ryder Wood
why do you give a fuck what you or anyone else lifts on their first day in the gym
you should be more worried about being retarded than weak
Andrew Evans
5'5 good sir
Samuel White
>375 squat Embarassing. You need to train and stop bragging. Deadlifting means nothing, it's lift that depends mostly on biomechanics and limb lengths.
Tyler Flores
I have been training for about 8 months now and think I am doing pretty good thanks
Carter Russell
pls be in london
Matthew Jones
ignore that guy he's a fucking moron
Lucas Garcia
I think he is just jelly
Leo Cooper
Jesus OP, don't be such a fag, you're doing a strength routine and complaining about being weak... Just give it at least a couple months and you'll see your weak ass strength double. If you could get strong in a fooking month everyone would be strong
David Long
thanks all. This is really the friendliest and most encouraging board out there. You're always there for me to cheer me up and motivate me
I am at 67kg/147 lbs. Gained no fat, or negligible amount, in the process.
Blake Green
I can bench 40 kg after 6 months of lifting hahahahaha I'm definitely gonna make it haha
William King
Everyone went through this shit. I remember posting my progress after 1 month of lifting. It's retarded and don't do it. If you want to ask about your number, come after 2 years and they'll still be shit probably, who cares.
Jace Young
wow, im 155lbs and your repping some of my maxes. good shit bro.
Bentley Phillips
>moving weight 2 inches while being obese >strong
Austin Jones
I couldn't OHP the bar when i started
Jeremiah Jackson
Post lifts fat manlet
Bentley Hill
>what is e-stating
James Ross
Anyone else feel like they wasted their life waiting so long to get fit?
>literally start lifting right after the peak age for human fitness
If I kept doing sports until I was of age to lift I’d be in the prime of my life right about now. Instead my prime is going to be in my late 20s and I’ll never be as great as I could’ve been. Feels bad man, kinda see the appeal in kids now, foster a son that’ll get the max gains I will never achieve
Evan Morgan
I don't see the problem. I started at 29. Yeah, it is not optimal. But through hard work, in two years from now I will perhaps have build more than half of the muscle mass of my genetic max. In two years, when I'm 31, I will thank my 29 year old self for starting back then.
Besides, you talk about your prime "being in your late 20s". You are a kid, you don't even know how young you will feel in your late 20s. You will be out of college and among the youngest motherfuckers at your workplace. You will look great. And everyone at the office will be miring.
Brody Watson
Hows this senpai >tried to get into liftan af 16 >bullied by personal trainer at gym And then >tried to start again at 19 >friends all start talking shit about me
Cut all the shit at 22 and now 23 and liftan 1/1.2/2/2.5 I know I'm still young but fuck Maine, I missed years of gains already
Levi Johnson
>tfw ohp is my best lift >lmao0.5pl8 haha kill me
Aaron Smith
>you don’t know how young you will feel
I dunno about you but I feel a huge difference between 6 and 26 in every aspect
Yeah not the end of the world but it’s depressing that I’ll never be what I could have been
Lincoln Reyes
>projecting your failed dreams on your son Fuark off