/r9gay/ - #555

Triple fives and feeling fine (not) edition.

How do you guys plan to survive the holiday season?

Last thread:

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>tfw no moderately depressed bf

>People with friends and boyfriends coming in here acting like its normal on r9k to have friends

Jesus christ

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Like I said it's been taken over by normalfags.

Nah y'all mfs just have a lonely complex or something

>How do you guys plan to survive the holiday season?
you don't. you just don't.
that depends on how many "friends" you consider to be "normalfag". i know several robots that only have 2-3 friends but via steam/discord

i have internet friends that i sometimes play games with, is that okay?

Any number over 0 disqualifies from robot.

I hate it

I want 2014 r9k back

You don't belong on here

I guess having someone you talk to online is fine but I have literally no one and I think thats normal for most robots

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Let's hope that Instagram Normies don't find this site