Anyone feeling depressed or suicidal share your thoughts and situation
Anyone feeling depressed or suicidal share your thoughts and situation
Ugly, no money, no friends, stupid, autistic
i was going to make this thread. good thing i looked first.
>lost my friends
>lost my ex
>lost my cat
>uncle was murdered 10 years ago
>need to get revenge
>can't keep food down lately
merry christmas ya filthy animals and a happy new year.
seriously though no matter what you've gone through just eat and be merry. if someone hurt you, forget em. try better next year.
also i've already tried to kill myself twice. i can't even get that right. if anyone is in that state of mind don't do it. it's not worth waking up the next day and being angry at yourself.
I haven't got out of bed yet due to a major depressive episode where i'm breathing heavy and feeling sick. Anxiety is through the roof and I feel like dying. I can't occupy my mind with anything else and I'm so miserable, I just want it to stop. I'm seeing my doctor in a few days but he's just going to give me meds which are resulting in even more anxiety because side effects freak me out. I'm so sensitive to everything and I hate it, everything makes me scared and paranoid.
I get brief moments of relief when I think of suicide, but I'm quickly reminded I don't have the balls and that it would devastate my family. I feel so trapped man
For some reason I am feeling very suicidal in that date. But I know suicide is not the answer for any problems ever. I am just feeling suicidal for some reason.
>site says shotgun to head takes 1.7 minutes
How does that work? Does it not instantly obliterate the brain?
I'm good looking, i have some friends,family, have money, kinda smart
But i'm fucking depressed idk why, i feel everyone is watching and judging me i can't be myself
I'll share the story again because i'm lonely, have no one else to talk to and it happend just a few hours ago.
>One year ago my ex of 2 1/2 years broke up with me before christmas >spend that nigh alone and was already at the verge to kill myself
>Well thought that next year is going to be better
>Befriended a wonderful girl in early summer (juni)
>Came together with her just shortly after
>We were together till now, but fighted yesterday and today
>I thought it would have been a good idea to look after her at her house
>Her Parents came out and told me to fuck off or they will call he police
>I cried for 1 1/2 hours on a bench infront of her house
>i was shaking duo to the coldness outside
>closed the curtains and stuff so she doesn't have to see me
>came out one more time to scream at me
>father drove her away to one of her gf so she doesn't have to see / hear me
Well this is the final nail in the coffin for me boys. I never had a place on this planet. Pic related was my gift + a laptop for christmas
Sweet dreams, user. Hope to see you sometime. If you don't go through with it, I won't mind. Find happiness somewhere. That's all I ask of you.
Thank you user. We might meet in the afterlife, if not - i wish you the best for your life now
>Lost all my friends
>Lost my will to live
>One of my closest friends said I threatened him with a gun when I did not
>getting a federal charge for something I did not do
>purchased a gun from local market 3 days ago
Ending it today any song recommendations for this ?
>One year ago my ex of 2 1/2 years broke up with me before christmas >spend that nigh alone and was already at the verge to kill myself
Sorry for saying this but you are such a faggot... oghhhh my love left me waaaaaaa waaaaa. For God's sake this board is full of faggots.
I wish i could just tell you not to do it. Some people experience things which are far to horrible.
Listen to your favorite song user. Or just some comfy tunes
I was raised under horrible circumstances, had no friends or family and this person was the only one who ever had time for me. You can call me what you want, but I'm far away from being a pussy
That is for you.
if you don't mind foreign music.
Thats of course true. I've been on here for 10 years now and thought it would be better by now. She was perfect in my opinion, shared same interests and opinions.
Well m8 i just don't fucking know anymore. Whats the point if you're not going to have a wonderful family at the end of the decade?
>Whats the point if you're not going to have a wonderful family at the end of the decade?
Being in peace and happy with yourself. I would be extremely happy if I wouldn't have any of the psychological problemds that I have and all the bad experiences that I have lived because of them. And I just were another regular person with a job to survive and make simple things. I don't need a girlfriend all day with me. I can have friends and then if it comes up be with a girl but not thinking that it will be forever and is the love of my life and that I would kill myself if she changes her mind after being years with her.
You're welcome, user. I love all you guys and hope peace or happiness finds us. Thank you for your wishes too.
song for you
Sufjan Stevens makes some good ones, especially 4th of July.
I think I mostly listen to Indie at the moment, so I apologize if you don't like them.
thank you very much for the first song user
here is one of the gifts that i made for that girl
I don't know if this is really what i could be living with, but you're right. Friends and family are the only remaining thing at the end of the day
That looks lovely, user. I'm glad you shared that with me. My girl left me months ago and all our pictures and gifts are packed away in my closet. My phone is still filled with pictures of us. I hoped removing her from sight would help, but I can't remove her from my mind.
I'm really glad you enjoyed the song.
Merry Christmas, user.
I dont want to study. I dont wanna work. I dont wanna live with my parents. I want to have a family eventually. Idk man I feel doomed to depression.
I dont know whats wrong with me. I keep havin dreams about killing random strangers
That's rude, user. You should try hugging the strangers instead.
Also Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, user!
You didn't say you wanted to die, so there's still hope. Your problems can be fixed, but not without a lot of work. I wish the best for you, user.
I don't enjoy anything
I'm alone, no friends, family who uses me as a maid if I show up, no aspirations.
Started drinking some vodka but it's only helping a tiny bit.
Go for a walk, user. Break your routine for a bit. Stagnation will destroy you.
And Merry Christmas!
Try some eggnog if you're drinking!
Please don't frens. Your lives are precious. There are better options. Have you guys tried to find help with therapy or medications?
It means death.
In other words, point of non return.
If they manage to save you, your body lives thanks through machines even though you are braindead.
It happens a lot with people who get found out hanging.
>now 20
>first year in uni, try to be social
>too autistic, people avoid me
>18 y.o. friends admit that I seem childish and retarded
>realize any attempt at objectivity renders the world shitty
>nothing brings me pleasure or satisfaction
>if I take enough of my vyvanse I no longer feel bad about any of this but realize taking meth everyday isn't sustainable
Well, yes
>tried the noose 24 Dec year ago
>turned out it worked well
>almost hung myself on January
>scared out and failed at final step
>survived 'till now
>still depressed
>self esteem reached solid bottom
>asking myself why I haven't ended it yet
>spending (wasting) my time on team speak with few guys I know and play with online atm
>every one of them is married or happy in life or both
>don't blame them, but feel like shit and envy them
>mfw I became sure I will not be happy in life, never ever
>mfw I can't see any chance for recover
What is more, I just fuckin' hate Christmas. In my country there is a traditional dinner on Christmas Eve when we wish each other. Well, there should be, but we dropped off this tradition. I'm glad we did, but memories of previous Christmas Eves haunt me every fuckin' year. My father used to wish me in such way, so it sounded like he was literally beating me in stomach. Kinda traumatic.
Och God, I just hate Christmas time. I'm devoted catholic, but still hate this period. Every one is happy or at least smiled while I just fuckin' can't enjoy and celebrate it. I think I'm dead already, but my body is just still alive.
incidentally I've started doing that recently anyways, I'm not only depressed about my unfitness though.
don't have a license to try eggnog but I can settle for some pie, have a good day yourself friend.
good to hear im not alone :)
My dog died 2 days ago and it was the only thing I truly loved in the world
>Friends and family are the only remaining thing at the end of the day
Wrong, extremely wrong.
Friends come and go. Family always remain because you are stuck with them forever but family can also don't want you anymore and kick you out or don't give a fuck about you.
All that matters is you and the relationship with yourself. Being an independent individual is all that matters.
what can be done about this, user?
>be me
>mfw ywn be a cute girl begging chad to not cum inside because it's not your safe day but he does it anyway and you get pregnant with his child but he dumps you and you have to find a loser to take care of you and your kid after. I just want chad to creampie me and get me pregnant why was I born with a bussy and not a pussy it's just not fair.
>why even live
should i just kill myself guys? I just want to get pregnant but i'm not a biological female so i can't and i hate it.
Stuck in mental hospital because demons made me commit a violent crime against a family member.
Okay but a shotgun presumably 12 ga to the head presumably through the mouth will obliterate your entire head would it not? How would there even be 1.7 minutes in which your body remains "alive" That seems very odd. That part of the website always baffled me.
it obviously didnt work well if you're still alive you fucking faggot. And what fucking final step you massive retard, when you hang yourself there's only one fucking step. JFC the fucking normal faggots on this board now adays blows my fucking mind. I hope when you actually do try to hang yourself you succeed this time. Get the fuck off of my board you stupid fucking piece of shit.
Every single human is selfish and utterly pathetic.
selfishness is unavoidable, but being pathetic is subjective.
Merry Christmas, user!
Those aren't demons, user. Take your pills and don't strengthen your delusions. It's okay to not be okay.
And Merry Christmas, user!
I hope the best for you, user!
Merry Christmas!
Don't be rude, user. He's not a native speaker, so just assume he meant that it was going well with testing the noose. You have to make sure it's steady or it may snap or the support may break.
And Merry Christmas, user!
listen bub, there's no need to test a noose in a short drop hanging as long as you're not using fucking dental floss.
>have no friends
>never even done so much as hold hands with a girl or boy
>family views me as a massive disappointment (dont really blame them though)
>cant hold a job
>only thing im good at is video games, which is a useless talent
>alcoholic, just like all male figures in my family, including my dad
Sucks seeing everyone so happy during the holidays. Family dinners, friends exchanging gifts, couples making out.. meanwhile im doing the same thing I always do: sit in my dark room and play video games with a bottle of vodka at my side. Oh well. I wont give up yet, and neither should you anons. I have a feeling next year will be much better. Im gonna try and improve myself, so before I decide to kill myself I can at least say I tried. Happy holidays anons
Had a psychotic breakdown and tried to overdose on wellbutrin instead i didnt die and got super high and fucked up it wasnt even good it made me afraid and im still dealing with the after effects. Honestly god help me i just want to end my life
It's really not that hard to tie some knots and hang it over the top of the door.
Thank you, user, but testing something for ourselves is a lot more reassuring than just hearing from others. I'd rather assume that rather than think he meant that hanging himself went well.
Merry Christmas, if you are a different user!
All you Anons drinking vodka! You should be a little more festive and drink some eggnog.
I hope things get better for you. Keep giving it your all!
And Merry Christmas, user!
I've wasted the past 7 years of my life just taking bullshit classes and barely passing them. I'm so behind in my degree that I don't even want it anymore, but my family wants me to finish. I've also been working the same shit job I've had since high school. I feel like this is the only thing I could do with my life. I feel like I am just too dumb to go and get a real job and work with normal functioning people.
I wasted the last 7 years locked up after having a mental breakdown, crying over my oneitis and how she had sex with my brother.
Literally stop giving a fuck about the opinions of other people. And its just your mind playing tricks on you, its called the spotlight effect. You think people are paying way more attention to you than they really are when in reality everyone is so focused on that themselves that they don't even notice you. Always be yourself user
It is hard im too brainlet to get a good knot maybe i need to rpactice more