Riddle me this cucks

riddle me this cucks

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Solution is to have a son instead. Daughters should be treated as accident, or financial investments. Groom her up well and marry her off to some rich Chad and siphon money from them.

>boy has sex
>girl has sex


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key/locks etc.....

You could spend all that time raising a son who sits on his computer all day searching for porn

Depends. Some alpha men, like Donald Trump, make sure they keep a tight leash on their beautiful daughters. Those girls, like Ivanka Trump, end up marrying beta male provider-types (like her husband Jared, even though she doesn't need a provider) but ultimately defer to their alpha male fathers more than to their own husbands. I would be surprised if Donald Trump hasn't made love to her by now based on their highly suggestive pictures together throughout the years.

It's easy for an average woman to get laid, she can get it on demand, she does not rely on luck because it's very easy for her to get dick consistently. It is the path of least resistance.
It's difficult for an average man to get laid, he can't get it on demand, he has to put in an insane amount of effort, and he still relies on luck. This is the past of most resistance.
It takes dedication, effort and blind luck to get laid as a sub-8 man, it takes literally nothing to get laid as a woman of any attractiveness.
This is why promiscuous women are sluts and promiscuous men are players.
Now go back to r/Jow Forums you stupid nigger.

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China have this same line of thinking, the are not doing that well
Key that is never supposed to be on the loose

>be short dude
>90% of girls don't even pick you up on their radar
>be broke dude
>be average/plain dude
>blend into background
>be autistic/weird dude
>be ugly dude
>tiny dick
>screwed, subject of ridicule
>fat dude
>screwed, subject of ridicule
>skinny, waifish dude
>screwed, subject of ridicule
>nerdy, awkward, geeky dude
>screwed, subject of ridicule
>shut-in, introverted dude
>screwed, blend in, creepo
>baby face, girly
>screwed, subject of ridicule

>short girl
>can ask for the D, will get it
>tall girl
>ask for D, get the D
>ask for the dick and get it
>wants the dick, gets it
>shut-in, awkward, shy, introverted
>still being offered the D, can just take it
>somebody's fetish
>tiny and waifish
>somebody's fetish
>baby face, tomboyish, weird, literally autistic
>somebody's fetish, can still be Stacy
>literally gay
>can still get the dick anytime
>too drunk to stand
>still capable of asking for and acquiring dick successfully
>meat curtains, innie, outie, tight pussy, pink pussy, purple pussy, horse pussy, loose pussy, scratchy pussy, hairy pussy, shaved pussy, big tits, no tits, big ass, no ass
>poor, loser, nose-picker, cripple, layabout, smelly, drunk, schizoid
>can ask for the D and get it

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It's called a dowery checkmatr