What are they?
>technology advanced by 100 years
>financially well off
>no jannies
What are they?
>technology advanced by 100 years
>financially well off
>no jannies
>get rid of money
>get rid of religion
>use the infinity gauntlet to get rid of everyone deforesting the amazon, fix the ocean and erase everyone who watches pornography from existence and time itself
1. Mind control power
2. Infinite knowledge
3. Ability to never forget anything
I dont actually know if Id wish for big things or not. I feel like whatever I wish for is going to be a poisoned chalice.
>everyone else is stuck in hell for eternity
that's it, not even being edgy
>get rid of gay shots like you
>get rid of commies like you
>infinite money/resources especially to flex on fuckers like you
You are a cunt.
I posted first fag you're already dead
>only whites and asians left in the world
>oneitis falls head over heels for me
>domestic catgirls are now a reality
1. Remove weed from existence here on out
2. Make cum addictive, but only to a specific persons cum instead of every persons cum, a new cum = addicted to + one more dudes gunk
3. Trannies will be treated as mentally ill people by all
>fix my current mental issues
>fix my lifelong mental issues
>fix my brain
If you wanted a big penis, would it be better to wish for your own to grow or for everyone else's to shrink?
>kill everyone except me
>immortality (don't need to eat drink etc)
>lots and lots of drugs
Personally, I would do both.
>Be at that state of wealth where you have what you want and need, but yet nobody really knows you're wealthy.
>Be able to eat whatever I want and suffer no ill health effects
>Be able to drink/smoke/do what ever drug I want without any negative effects
>get rid of money
Money is a means of exchange. Getting rid of money means getting rid of the idea of money, and considering barter is an important part of communication you'd probably be setting back humanity to before we had developed the able to convey ideas in a meaningful manner.
>Infinite knowledge
>unable to forget any of it
that sounds like a suicide waiting to happen
>Able to eat whatever you want
Fuck, that's a good one. Like not only from a health perspective, but just a convenience one too. No more meal prep, you could just walk into 7-11 and be done.
20 billion dollars in the bank
Breakthrough technology to reverse the effects of pollution/climate change
Formula to discover faster than light travel
>control of a pocket dimension
>delay the heat death of the universe indefinitely
>Remove all other men from the world
>Become proficient in every trade
>Become proficient at playing any musical instrument I pick up
>no jannies
hello facebook neurotypical normalfags
I dont think that wish is fully realized. You could eat anything without negative side effects. But the real question is weather weapons grade plutonium would be nutritious for you or just neutral.
1. Become a Lich magic included
2. Gain an underground layer to reside in
3. Furnish said underground layer with modern amenities
I could raise some corpses to guard it and have a comfy eternity until the world is destroyed.
>The power to manipulate probability
>Infinite wishes
> Some ribs and BBQ sauce
Actually, I'm going to change my second one to
>Everyone has complete morphological freedom, and can change their features at will
I want real life to be Saints Row 4
>be able to make any amount of money appear in my possession at any given time and of any type
Basically I'm forever rich
>be able to return my body to any given point in my life at any given time
Be able to live forever by reverting myself to any age I want, but still keep all the information I've learned.
>teleportation to any location with my own desired criteria
Able to go anywhere on the planet and avoid disasters that might arise.
This raises an important question. If you can eat whatever you want without the negatives, then plutonium wouldn't be able to cause any damage if you eat it, but outside your body it could still kill you.
I like the idea of being able to eat leaves and berries you find without getting sick.
>infinite wishes
>Infinite wisdom
>Whatever wise me wants
I've thought about this multiple times, and this is objectively the best answer.
How do you quantify wisdom in a way that you can have infinite amounts of it?
>That all people with mental issues get permanently cured in a way that doesn't involve death, anything painful or anything generally negative
>Extinguish neonazis like this faggot
And then I wish for 2 more wishes
This being that I wish my next wish would go to the next person who prefaces a sentence with "I wish". That could cause some chaos if it was a wish from someone with an evil heart. lol
>the next person who says "I wish" is someone from Second Life wishing his fursona was real
Why take that chance user?
>infinite wealth
>all females drop dead
>everyone does whatever I want, whenever I want
>Wish I was a man
>Wish I was immortal
>Wish I didnt have schizophrenia
>all trap posters on Jow Forums to die
>be reborn as a beautiful girl into a wealthy family
>a chad boyfriend with a 10 inch dick but will never cheat on me
>make sure nothing that doesn't exists after I make the next wish ever comes to exist in the future
>end all of existence
Now this one sounds promising. Except that one day Earth is going to shit and you still feel pain, but can't die. So you'll be around while everything is exploding and burning and will not die, eventually end up flying through the universe all alone for the rest of eternity,
Yours to grow. Women would still have their pussies the same depth, so if you shrank everyone's but yours, you still wouldn't have the dick to satisfy females.
>>Wish I was a man
What a terrible wish
Why do people like ribs so much? It's just bones with sauce.
>will never cheat on me
But he still can break up with you.
Bones are good for soup. Pork is kinda overrated though. I don't think it should be banned but it's shitty meat from an animal that can't sweat.
>strongest man on earth
>me and future kids immune to all diseases n shit
just want to make it lads :/
Then I'll manipulate some poor cuck to provide for me and fuck another Chad on the side.
>destined to win the next powerball lottery
>ensure that I die peacefully in my sleep at a ripe old age
>extreme luck with women and men despite being a 4/10
>jannies be remunerated
>that's it
>Know everything about the universe, that is, knowing all the maths and how stuff works and being able to prove them mathematically
>Being able to set my age to any point in my life at any time I want
>Being as strong/have the same powers as Goku (except for the super saiyan faggotry, that wouldn't look cool on my hair)
Ok fine, keep money, but I become very good at dancing.
>Death to all Jews
>Death to all Niggers
>Death to all Muslims
What are "Jannies"?
1. immortality
2. i can only die by having my brain crushed; otherwise ill regenerate
3. i become attractive
You forgot "being able to stop time", lord Dio.
>get rid of all of my mental health issues
>become loaded in cash
>able to escape authorities and justice, regardless of whatever crimes I will commit
>Replicator machine from star trek
>Immortal healthy strong body
>The superpower of teleportation
The world will be mine in a matter of months.
>immortality until I want to die
>being able to survive in space
>flying with unimaginable speed
time to explore space
>kill all the niggers
>kill all the faggots
>live forever and have all the money i could ever ask for
> Become the local god for the Virgo Supercluster, having absolute control over energy, time, space, matter, dimensions, life, reality, and all else within the area and the ability to create, change and/or destroy anything as I see fit at any time without restraint or expense.
> Perfect wisdom, while retaining the free will not to follow the wisdom should I choose to do so.
The last wish I will save for later.
I will be basically part of a pantheon of gods, each with their own supercluster, but can only control things within our own domain. We will be kept under control by a single supreme god who can do anything in the universe(s), but will usually just let us do our own thing unless we go overboard. We minor gods compete against each-other to see whose supercluster is the most advanced, most interesting, funniest, or whatever. I will mostly keep to myself and create a single intelligent species in each galaxy for about half of the galaxies under my domain, and play with them. I will be active, but invisible so people would not know if I really exist or not, like doing unexplainable shit like doubling women's libido, making mythical monsters appear, isekaiing random people to the catgirl galaxy, advancing humanity by giving random people epiphanies, and other funny things.
>destroy civilization (revert man back to hunting and gathering)
>kill all niggers
>get a qt virgin wife to breed and hunt with and live together until we die of tuberculosis in our 50s
>Peak human condition
>Never age
This seems kind of redundant as you can basically condense all these wishes into "forever 25", or "forever 16" if you are female.
>Instant Suicide without pain
>Wealth and good health for my family
>Ending Corruption on this planet
Everyone is god of thier own universe
I only wish for one thing, that we will all make it, bros. Merry christmas, i love you guys!
Okay so not infinite wisdom, but I'd ask to be the wisest man in the world.
>How do you quantify wisdom in a way that you can have infinite amounts of it?
Obviously he doesn't know yet
>remove all traces of my existence including from people's memories
>immediate and painless death if the first one didn't already kill me
>Uhhh, like, I want a maserati, and liiiiike
>no wait, a white bugatti
>like oh my gosh i can't decide I want the maserati
>and like aaa
HUH? Exkyuuuuse me? What do you mean I used up all wishes?
You can get all that by wishing for no Jews. But even so,why stop at 100? Just say 1000 or maybe even 2000. Aiming a bit low don't have thing?
OK, then
>wish for your dick to grow
>wish for other guys' dicks to shrink
>wish for women's vaginas to become less deep
>beautiful face
>300 million dollars in my bank account
>an unlimited supply of every illegal drug
>make her love me
>move together to a comfy cabin in the german woods
literally all I want in life. I'll save my last wish in case shit goes south.
1.be able to create and take away life ( even plants and stuff)
3. Able to live and exist anywhere without harm( underwater, space etc etc)
>ultimate destructive F I R E P O W E R and immunity to it
>perfect camouflage to everything including memories of other people
>something fucked up and interesting to happen every day that provides a challenge
Can't really fault yours OP. I'd probably rephrase the second one as "disposable income without needing to work" or something, but it's fairly on the head as far as things go.
>ability to manipulate reality to my will
Niggers die
Niggers dont reborn
Niggers = jews
>advance tech 1000 years
>All racists, sexists, transphobes anti semites etc gone
>Billions in the bank
> A better hairline
> much taller
> Rich
>be in perfect health until I die at age 100
>be a 10/10 god among attractive men
>have unparalleled skill with musical instruments
>All racists, sexists, transphobes anti semites etc gone
Youd have to transfer to another board, we would all be gone.
I only come here to troll you all ahaha
>never ending weed supply
>ability to pass any drug test at any time
i'd donate the third to a fellow user at that point desu
>impeach drumf
>lock her up
>oven jews
Wholesome, user. I wish we all make it too.
>:c getting trolled gets me so steamed >:c
Wish gf lived with me and was not in ldr, wish my favourite asmr girl uploaded more often, wish for $16,548.95.