Cutting out sugar is literally the only thing you need to do to have a low bodyfat

Cutting out sugar is literally the only thing you need to do to have a low bodyfat.
No need to cut out carbs as a whole, just the sugars, get low sugar everything and watch the fat melt away

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I wish I could beat the shit out of you for posting this bullshit

- nutritionist

t. sugar shill

tell us what is the way then nutrition man

This. Faggot nutritionist.

Carbs a meme now, it's all about calories, bread and pasta are fine iifym

sure that works, if i eat 3k calories a day but no sugar im definetly gonna lose weight!!!!!!

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3k calories is maintenance for most physically active men (Read: Man is someone taller than 6'2)
But i understand that you manlets can maintain on 2000 a day

you never CUT out sugar
cutting out sugar means cutting out every single fruit
why would you cuck yourself out of great micronutrients and a functioning brain
have sugar at least before and after a workout, specifically focusing on glucose, while spacing out fructose 2-3 times a day
raw honey (non a meme) and dried berries such as goldenberries/mulberries/goji berries are great

I'm not going to answer your "how do I get low bodyfat" question because it's a dumb one
instead of cucking your diet even more, why not do cardio every two days?

also, what the fuck do you mean by "get low sugar everything"? are you telling people to buy processed crap from supermarkets - ready meals and cookies?

son of a bitch, if you want sweet shit just eat stevia and chew on xylitol gum

do more cardio, it less starch on low carb diet
sugar is still important as long as you don't go over 50g-80g daily or so

eat less calories you absolute moron