Shit was hilarious. I was drinking a beer and her black lover was trying to play some vidya. He had Red Dead 2 on and she comes over pulls down his Jordan basketball shorts and starts sucking his cock. He got hard within 5 minutes and she immediately mounts him and he's bobbing and weaving trying to see the screen and then he says "bitch you all up in my way while i'm killing some punk ass wolves", "keep yo head over dare cot dayyyum" and he held her head to the side with his foot. She got pissed off at that and slapped his foot hard and his flip flop fell off.
In the end she gave up, huffed and puffed, and stole his bunt from the ashtray and went into the kitchen to call her sister. I started laughing uncontrollably and he laughed too but he did pass his mission unmolested.
This coalburner is going to end up paying a heavy toll. Just watch. This nigger is going to beat the fucking shit out of her (literally). You don't fuck with a nigger's possessions
Brayden Robinson
Burn the coal, pay the toll. Honestly, white sluts who fuck niggers are fucking trash. They get what they deserve
Jason Hill
wow dude, amazing! Great to see the cuck and the bull get along!
Ryder Wilson
No, he's honestly not like that, we have good chemistry going on. I get home from work and he's just pounding her on the living room sofa, I'm like "somebody's having a good time :)" then we all laugh and I go into the kitchen to cook them a meal. My wife and I have gotten along a lot better since she started fucking this guy. We do a lot more cuddling and talking about her day. Then she gets here needs taken care of by the bull. And I have porn, so I am completely satisfied.
Carson Harris
put me in the screencap fellow redditor
Adam Lee
Thank you guys :) appreciate the love and support for our relationship