I want to have sex with a teenager

I want to have sex with a teenager

How do?

Attached: 1B0399F4-1990-4578-AA30-BA254513AE14.jpg (1080x720, 125K)

Just go on in the street you must be surrounded by boys, just pick up whoever you want

Ciara is so fucking cute wtf

>have a (preferably cool) car
>drive around your local high schools and hit up zoomer chicks on Tinder



She looks like a haggard, coked out old woman.

just use tinder you stupid faggot

Teenagers are shallow as shit; good luck, faggot.

Are 20-30 year olds somehow less shallow?

the redpill is that all humans are shallow pieces of shit

You think I care lol

Less shallow than teenage girls, yes. Are you actually retarded or have you just never spoken to a teenager?

You should care you fucking faggot. You're wasting your time dreaming of someone who wouldn't touch you if their life depended on it. Why would they want you when high school Chad is working for that pussy?

Seeking arrangement

Look it up

>Seeking arrangement
Where did you previously say that?

Easy peasy, OP.

Take some bullshit classes at your community college or get hired at some restaurant. Go for the ones with daddy issues--you'll know which.

Not Sure what you mean user thb

You're saying seeking arrangement like I should have known all along?

no they're saying look it up because you probably didn't know it

OP probably on a couple FBI watchlists.

Wait for the simulation or date legal teens in other countries or states

Attached: render457___kinnguteresahime__boosette__v_2_by_apriliusrehnzzz-dcnx15g.png (970x824, 874K)

You can have sex with teens for money on seeking arrangment dot com

>You can have sex with teens for money on seeking arrangment dot com

Oh.. Yes I get it now. Going to hide the thread now and pretend this never happened.