End it

Honestly, you guys should all kill yourselves.

Not saying you're going to. I probably won't for several more years but I should. And so should you. Most of you are beta males who are either NEET leeches or are wagecucks. If you are a wagecuck you are betabucks. Your money is going to pay for single mothers and foreign aid for Israel. Your only dating hopes are fat and ugly girls or betabucks in another 10 years. And no. You are not worth more than the fat girl. That is true. She is in your "league." But just because you are low-value doesn't mean your tastes in women are. Your life will be objectively inferior to that of an attractive person who gets an attractive gf. If you mate with a girl of your "league" you will just produce a substandard child who will continue to have a shit life, like you did. Your life is pointless. You will never write a great novel or make a great scientific discovery. Anything else you do is just contributing to a society that hates you. Medfag? You are working your ass off to care for thirdworlders and roasties to benefit kike insurance companies and care for fatasses who get diabetes and drag down the medical care system. And your money earned goes to taxes used to work against your interests and the rest goes toward cheap chink products and poisonous food.

If you are a low-value man, you should kill yourself. Your life will be nothing but sacrificing dignity, eating shit, and being a cuckolded slave no matter what. Deny, spite, shrug. Remove yourself and leave a woman alone for life, a job unfilled, and your kike slave boomer parents miserable.

It's the right choice and you know it.

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did not read past >you guys should all kill yourselves
i agree though

You should read the rest. You slave away to eat poison and support people who would spit on your corpse.
Wagecucking is worse than actual cuckery and NEET life is parasitism.
Your life was a mistake. Throw away your preconceptions and biases. You will either die alone or marry an equally-worthless mate and perpetuate the abomination of nature that you are. You are a slave to masters who would mock you, shit on you, torment you, and think it is funny.

Kill yourself. End the cycle. Leave a woman without a husband, a job unfilled (not that it matters it will be automated in 10 years anyway) and your nation a man short to defend it (not that it matters, they'll just import a shitskin who will turn talk and betray them at the first sign of trouble anyway).

>Honestly, you guys should all kill yourselves.

Most would if this were easy

>muh value, muh pride, muh dignity
All irrelevant social indoctrination.

Survive as long as you can, amuse yourself along the way. Whatever else you need? Grab it/create it yourself, or learn to do without it.

I understand, and I understand it's difficult to do it. Especially visualizing your mother's face upon learning of your death. And confronting the void. And coming to terms with the fact that life is, mostly, a sad accident. There are good parts, most of them occurring in childhood. But if you're an 18+ virgin among other criteria then you are just stale garbage. I am halfway to 30 and my desire for women is fading. I have creative hobbies but that changes little. What you have to realize is that very very few people contribute to society. You either break even or take away. Actually you give a lot, but to our corrupt kike govt and shitdick businesses who will ban you off YouTube if you don't believe their rightthink crap. So end it. Deny them permanently. Suicide costs the US economy 8 billion dollars a year. Think about that statistic. Think about what it really means. Even with muh 80/20 and muh hypergamy, the women you hate so much will want your beta bucks one day. Deny them. Spite. That is the final pill. You OWN yourself. Hurting others is wrong, but suicide is your right, to take away the fruits of your labors (all labors not just working) that so many others believe they are entitled to.

Read Atlas Shrugged and realize the analogy here. You may consider it a capitalistic powerwank fantasy but see the parallels to your situation.

>amuse yourself
One of the few reasons I am still alive user. But I know that, like childhood itself (which I am trying to imitate by escaping into escapism hobbies) it is temporary. One day it will no longer be enough. Then will be forced to confront the emptiness of hedonism.

read everything and it's still not enough for me to kill myself. you only said obvious things
the only thing that will actually make me end my life, is when my parents die. after their deaths i won't have anywhere else to live, plus since i dropped out of high school, i would have to work in a minimum wage job for the rest of my live, and i don't want that.

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>Your only dating hopes are fat and ugly girls
Sounds good to me, got one for me?

>caring so much about what other people perceive you as that you kill yourself


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The world does not care about your feelings or ideas or the contrived scenarios that you view the world through because you do not possess the intellect to contemplate the complexities of the world without dumbing it down through a filter of simplistic and self-indulgent rhetoric. You have to make it care.
And you never will because you're a useless coward and a tool.

So you have reasons not to. Not hurting your parents is noble, and no one can blame you for having a fear of death. Also you're a NEET I assume so you can pursue muh hedonism and thus you "profit" from life. It's still empty but it's enough for now. But in your post you admit yourself that once this temporary grace period ends you will kys because once more you will have to face reality.

Note I didn't expect to convince you to do it, or that you would. Only that you should.

Dignity has almost nothing to do with what others think of you.
It has everything to do with self-respect.
You will never have a good gf.
You will likely never produce anything good.
All you have is hedonism and perhaps the partial fulfillment of a hobby you pursue solely for self satisfaction.

What a lot of bullshit. "Self indulgence" is a term used to preface someone asking you for something. What do you owe them? The only people who you owe anything are your parents (maybe). "Coward" and "tool"... again. Man up, user. Marry that single mother and pay her child support. Totally doesn't make you a tool.

You are contradicting yourself for shitting both on neets and wagies. You blame wagies for upholding the society and neets for being parasites, but if one is bad the other should be good. You blame wagies for contributing and its sounds that you hate the society, so you should encourage people to be neets and take as much bux as they can.

At least try some shrooms or LSD before you kill yourself. You might just get rid of these cancerous high standards for yourself. Or maybe you'll finally understand that not mattering to anyone is just fine, and it shouldn't make you miserable. If your life is so pointless, it couldn't hurt.

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>you will never have a good gf
because she doesn't think you're worthy aka you're caring about what other people think
>you will likely never produce anything good
good in an objective word and that's completely up to you. Not my fault your self esteem is utterly destroyed for being such a pussy
>All you have is hedonism and perhaps the partial fulfillment of a hobby you pursue solely for self satisfaction.
Normal fags are the most hedonist faggots out there and you're complaining about not being a normal fag. So which one is it? are you just a retarded hedonist or not? All the things you listed are for the purpose of pleasure you pathetic little loser.

NEETs either leech off the government (other wagecucks) or their parents. They take resources from others. By suiciding, you only take away yourself (which you claim ownership of).

So no, I don't contradict myself. Both are bad for different reasons. And I have been both so I cannot hate either. I do not hate my fellow robots.

>wanting something means you care what others think
>creative fulfillment doesn't exist
>"just man up"

yes, if you do try to do it, make sure you die. i got into a bad car accident i was in so much pain.

>Normal fags are the most hedonist faggots out there and you're complaining about not being a normal fag. So which one is it?
This has nothing to do with normofags and your false dichotomy is retarded. Wizards claim to be free of urges for companionship yet loads still have waifu, showing that they do not in fact free themselves from wanting companionship, merely find the grittiness and flaws of real people to be undesirable and themselves unworthy of it.

I am sorry that that happened to you user.
Use handgun, morphine, or GOOD noose.

>NEETs either leech off the government (other wagecucks) or their parents.

But if you hate society, isn't that a good thing? Why do you consider taking resources from something you dislike a bad thing? Each dollar the neet takes is a dollar the state and society could use on some normie thing.

>wanting something
>implying something isn't someone
>implying you're not angry someone doesn't want to be a part of your life
>implying I denied creative fulfillment didn't exist and didn't just said it was for the sake of pleasure just like everything in life
>just man up
I never said this I just called you a pussy. I mean it is true. You are a pussy for thinking you'll never do anything good because you don't fit in to societal norms

I said the MOST hedonist. Wizards are obviously coping with all the nonsense they spill

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Heh, you would like that wouldnt you. Lol this post could turn a suicidal man into a defiant one. Good job op.

I have reached a point in my life where I don't see any point of keep living like this, in this state of mind. I have thought a lot about suicide but I think I won't be capable of doing it but also, isn't it stupid killing yourself if we all are going to die anyway? I just think that, who gives a fuck?

nope, i'm a wageslave. i'm working right now because i need to buy a new computer.
but like i said, if one day i had to work in a minimum wage job for a living, i would end it.
i could easily quit my job tomorrow and i wouldn't have anything to worry about because i still live with my parents.

How bad is your life user. Oriigigignal

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I would describe it in a greent text but I'm even ashamed of doing that here.

Each day a nigthmare. 0 friends, living with my parents, neet for years now, no hope of having a normal life some day... psychologically destroyed, went to several psychologists, I don't believe in them, I hate what I did in my youth (80% of it)...

Have you considered doing drugs ? If you want to KYS then you have no excuse to make yourself artificially happy

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I have taken drugs, not pahychidelic drugs though like LSD or mushrooms but all the rest I have proved them. The one I liked it the more was ecstasy (MDMA). It just made me feel totally relaxed, living the moment, disconnecting from my negative state of mind, feeling euforic... But drugs costs money too. And recently I have thought that it's silly thinking that taking drugs will make any difference, yes you feel relaxed and funny for some hours but then the next day you feel even more depressed and that's it, just some hours if being like that, nothing more. The next day you are in the same reality, and the next day, and the next day...

>Each dollar the neet takes is a dollar the state and society could use on some normie thing.
They just print more money when they go over budget and devalue your earnings further.

Why does that make me a pussy?

Fine, continue to feed our gynocentric kike society. Go MGTOW and get a 100k job so you can pay 20k in taxes if not more to rosties and the military, then buy a cool car from some kike company and some kike hobby supplies, you're a real individualist user.

Drugs are just another hedonistic escape.

still better than killing yourself

So fucking what? If everything sucks ass then why not just go for what makes you happy?

I don't think suicide is the answer, but it's fine if you think it is. This seems to be a stronger case for going NEET and MGTOW. NEET so you won't get cucked by taxes, and MGTOW so you'll be more independent and won't get sad over "tfw no gf".

Why is it better than killing yourself?

>If everything sucks ass then why not just go for what makes you happy?
You literally just answered your own question.

NEETdom is parasitism not defiance and MGTOW is just pathetic.

>NEETdom is parasitism
So? You said society hates me, so why should I care? Why do you care so much about benefiting a system that's against you? You must have Stockholm syndrome.
>MGTOW is just pathetic

I have been wanting to kms for the last five years but too scared and cowardly to do it

I'm beginning to see this kind of threads way too often on this board. I've struggled with suicidal thoughts for awhile now, and each thread of this sort makes me come back to the question. But you know what? You sound like a wealthy normalfaggot who enjoys putting other people down masquerading as a robot to incite people on edge to kill themselves, so fuck you! And fuck all the people like you! I'm going to carry on living, but I'm going to drop off my ascetic, selfless ways. From here on out I'm going to lead an intentionally wasteful life, squandering others resources which I can't afford, ruining things I see other people enjoying, doing everything and anything to get back at you and all the people who are enjoying themselves while I have to wallow in misery! All this only to spite people like you! Nobody ever thought of me in a positive light or asked me how I was doing, while I gave other people space, tried to act nice and usually put their concerns first over mine, so why should I anymore? All I ever got out of it was bullying and ridicule anyway. And when I decide to cut myself off of the world which obviously doesn't want me around, your kind invade and take away the only sanctuary I've got!! I swear Im going to make your suffering my life's mission! I FUCKING SWEAR IT!!!!!!!!!!

Society hates you bevause you're a beta male waste of flesh. Just because society hates you doesn't mean you deserve sympathy.

>is ready to spend his life supporting kikes and chinks just to spite me
Have fun.

Lol retard why would I let life win?

>Honestly, you guys should all kill yourselves.

why my life is great? stress free and making tons of money.

You didn't answer my question. Why should I not be a parasite if society hates me? That's different from getting sympathy.


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>Why should I not be a parasite if society hates me?
Why should you not become a murderer?

>using stirner to justify getting fucked in the ass your whole life

We are all aware of this fuckhead. You're not philosophical or cool in anyway shape or form. We all wanna die, why do you think we use this shithole of a site? Most of us either can't bring ourselves to do it or actually have a family that loves us. I'm pretty sure the people that don't have already killed themselves not ago. You're not changing anyone's perspectives on themselves or this site, as we are aware that we are subhuman garbage, no one fucking cares faggot, go shit in a trash can in public and say how the police can't arrest you because you're a 'free world inhabitant'.

>Why should you not become a murderer?
Because you'll end up getting raped in jail. Being a NEET isn't comparable to fucking murder retard.

>Why should you not become a murderer?
Because I don't want to and have no reason to. I want to be a parasite though.

I will when I can't leech, I like being a leech on normalniggers. Plus I can read about and watch them dying since they record it so often.