I'm 33 years old

I'm 33 years old.

Is it too late to learn the piano or the cello?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.09_[2018.05.23_00.33.28].png (608x692, 390K)

If you didn't learn a language, an instrument, how to draw, how to program, etc before you were 18+ there's no point now. Tons of random people are always gonna be better than you no matter what you do

Not at all, assuming you dont want to make money off it.
Ryo Fukui didnt learn piano until he was 22 and he became a relatively famous musician. Not Michael Jackson but he made a living off it.

OP didn't specify if it was for a living.
If just for leisure band your own entertainment, you can still learn anything to anamateur level.
I'm 34, i've learned how ro skate, play guitar and juggle in the past 4 years.
To a shitty level, but it still brings me something positive. It all depends on what your final aim is.

i just want to learn how to play since it looks fun and i just want to not be a boring no talent person

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.44_[2018.05.23_00.39.31].png (370x614, 293K)

Why would you even ask this question on Jow Forums? All you'll get are zoomers telling you anyone over 25 is "too late" to do anything with their life. You probably won't get famous but that's more because you don't have connections than a lack of skill. Jow Forums is not the place to ask advice. Most people here have never had a job, gotten laid, or anything. They're sheltered incels with narcissism issues.

>They're sheltered incels with narcissism issues.

I am a superior human being and better than you. Kill yourself normie.

Bullshit nigga. Stop being so negative and pulling others down. Wes montgomery tought himself playing guitar by the age of 19 and became one of the best jazz guitarists ever.
You can start whenever you want. There is no "better" in music. If you manage to develope your own style and create something that touches people, it is never too late. Music is not about how fast or virtuous you play.

No, user, as long as you put your mind into it, you can do it.

You can learn an instrument or how to draw when you're 80 you pussy, it takes patience and practice. Youth makes things easier, but focus comes with age. Young people learn without thinking about it, adults learn to avoid distractions and think about nothing but the task at hand.

>I am a superior human being and better than you.
This the problem with zoomers. They're so sheltered they've never had a reality check. They're in their 20s and still haven't done anything but watch Jordan Peterson speeches.

Of course you can. You just need to have patience.

Yes, fuck off you boomer.

Nah, it's never too late to learn user-chan uwu!!!

I don't see why the fuck not, if you want to do it. Keep this in mind though:
You are always going to be shit if you don't seriously practice. Learning an instrument in a huge time investment.

This is the sad truth, but because you just want to play for fun you shouldn't have an issue being worse than anyone.

Threads like this really makes me appreciate how my parents started me on guitar when I was 11. Thanks mom and dad

Damn those are impressive ad hominems. I love the way you guys define incels by your terms so you can't be wrong.

>Is it too late to learn the piano or the cello?
no but it's probably too late to be highly talented with them

There is no better time to start than today user. Also fuck the "being the best at it" guy, just play for the sake of creating music

is this one of those wierd sextalk threads, i don't understand, or do you want to learn an instrument?

Go for it user. But don't be one of those faggots that gets frustrated because they've practiced for two weeks and expect to be a pro. It takes practice, discipline and dedication like a motherfucker.

>too late
>too late to start a career off of it
if you have enough free time and plan on having enough free time for the next 5 to 10 years, no
if you don't, yes

Life is funny. I was made to learn the piano at the age of 5 despite not giving a shit about it and in the end I just stopped playing it altogether once I passed my grade 8 exam. No doubt that I only learnt it to seem like a well-rounded person when I applied to university.

>but because you just want to play for fun you shouldn't have an issue being worse than anyone
I wonder how many people can genuinely think like this. I don't imagine people would be too happy if they pour lots of time and effort into something only to crappier at it than someone who invests a small fraction of what they did.

If you're creative I perceive you can prosper in pretty much any form of media. Even if you are slower and know less tricks than someone that has been playing since they were a baby, if you have a more likable and original style then you are in a way, better than them without being better than them.

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>Tons of random people are always gonna be better than you no matter what you do
This is true no matter how good you are. There are very few situations where you can say someone is objectively better than everyone else at something. In most cases the people who know the most are specialized, like a cog in the bigger wheel of science.