
So fit, why do people react so negatively if you tell them you don't or aren't drinking. It's to the point where I have to be pretty firm about it sometimes and some people clearly have a problem with it.

I just can't imagine being that autistic that if someone didn't want to put a poison into their body on a regular basis I'd be mad about.

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Insecure people think you're trying to act superior

I suspected this, same as when I quit smoking a year ago.

You are displaying that your genetics are inferior and that you aren't fit enough to handle even minor amounts of alcohol. People naturally have adverse reactions when those unfit.

lol I havnt actually quit drinking and I went through a period of drinking pretty heavily so that's certainly not the case.


depends really, i don't drink but my set of friends do and when I decline people think I'm just playing. it's just their view on you which is changeable.

People don't like having a mirror held up to themselves. Drink culture is also retarded. Always hear morons talk about how much they drink like its a badge of honour. Cretins.

just tell them you are a recovering alcoholic and everybody will congratulate you instead

A lot of different reasons. hit on part of it. Misery loves company too, people want you to join them in their vice so they don't feel so bad about it.

I've been a lifelong teetotaler simply because I never cared for the taste or effects of alcohol, but I always keep my fridge and liquor cabinet stocked for friends and family.

People drink to forget their problems, lower their inhibitions so they can be "themselves" or make a gathering more "fun." I always wonder if you have to drink to hang out with certain people, are they really that enjoyable to be around? My girlfriend is an alcoholic and turns into a monster when she drinks, it really sucks but it's her and her friends favorite hobby. She's spent the past 10 years getting drunk 5-6 times per week and that's just totally normal here, people have nothing else to do in bumfuck Oklahoma.

Long time wagon rider here. Been off and on dozens of times. It comes down to this:
>The only thing you probably share in common with them is drinking.
>Drinking serves as an escape for people from their shitty lives. Once you stop looking for false escapes it forces you to find real meaning.
>Drinking is fun and being drunk with people is fun. Non-drinkers seem antithetical to fun so naturally they don't want to be around you.
Everyone's got to leave the party eventually. Take some time off (1-3 months at least) then strategically introduce small amounts (1-2 a day is fine, anything more than 3 is asking for trouble).

Same reason people make fun of fit individuals

They're afraid of facing the truth, which is that alcohol is horrible for your body. They don't want to stop, but not only that, they don't want to be reminded of the fact that they should, either

Drinking and getting drunk is just another weak vice for people to cope with their poor health and sub-par lives

That's actually ppl with alcohol problems that tend to do this shit.
I know I have two friends who are regular drinkers (alcoholic then) and when I say I don't drink a beer with them they get angry. That's because you can control your alcohol intake and they can't. Not sure why it works like that with alcohol thoe.

I'm a stoner (pretty pathetic I know) and I'll never get mad at someone who doesnt want to smoke with me. I would say good for you mate.

Hope you liked my blog post.

I used to struggle with that. People acted as if I insulted their mother when I said I didn't want to drink at certain times. What I do now is just get 1 beer and sip on that shit for the whole night. I don't get any side effects from such a small amount of alcohol and not a single person bothers me about it.
It's like that with everything though. People offer you, sweets, you say no, they get offended. I don't get people like that. I don't give a shit whether someone wants something I give them or not. More shit for me at the end of the day.

Do y'all think drunk people are more likely to tell the truth or the things they say taken with a grain of salt? Like if your wife gets drunk and says she hates you, do you believe those are her true feelings?

I can only talk for myself as I don't really know what is the truth in terms of other people but for me, it's totally the opposite. I have a weak head for alcohol and get drunk after a few beers and when I do I start making up stories and telling lies to everyone. Overall I act stupid while drunk and that is one of the main reasons why I quit drinking. I also get extreme hangovers. Shit's not worth it.

Because you're probably trying to explain to sociable drunk people (who geniunely want to convince you to not to be a party pooper) that you dont want to drink at a location where theres alcohol aplenty. Instead you should be telling people before you all go out that you dont intend to drink or even better, you should just steering clear of the alcohol fueled event entirely, possibly going to a different kind of event thats more in your lane.
If this is remotely the case, you're forcing a 'wrong place at the wrong time' kind of scenario and getting upset at the people living in the moment. Just choose alternate activities.

I've been criticized my whole life for not drinking, yet when you fire back with something like "drinking is the only thing you have in common, you're using it as an escape from your shitty life" then people get super defensive and call you insecure/judgmental. It's frustrating.

I drink but I don't make friendships based on drinking because at some point it's fucking childish to go out to bars even if it with friends. Nigga let's be adults and drink coffee during the daytime not be around people in their early 20's trying to grind on some caked up soon to be used up roast. Have some damn morals.

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>living in the moment

This is some intellectually lazy drivel that people use to justify doing dumb shit.

> steering clear of the alcohol fueled event entirely

Damn near impossible in the corporate world. There's been alcohol at almost every social gathering I've been to (personal or professional) since 8th grade. If you don't drink, you will be criticized. If you don't drink enough, you will be criticized.

>at some point it's fucking childish to go out to bars even if it with friends

Good luck trying to convince people in their 30s/40s of this. Fucking Peter Pan syndrome man, everyone still trying to live like a college kid but they want to be treated like adults. My girl is 33, used up roastie, and cannot comprehend why I don't like going out to bars and getting shitfaced or her doing it by herself.


When your 23 I get it. Especially when it's a cope for a job or a career that isn't taking you where you wanted. It's not going to help you but I understand why. But yeah I'm 30 now and Im done with social obligations to ageing losers. Why go out drinking at our age there is only two reasons left
>You need an excuse to reach oblivion because you hate your life but want to play it off like your just so cool instead.
Like nigga drink a few beers at home and relax it's so much better then doing shots and eating trash food wobbling home at 3am in the morning. Or.
>Want a one night stand and are so desperate you'll hit anything/'want to be seen'
If male grow up and download tinder. Drunken Thot engagement is below nigger tier. If female who are you kidding your friends either have your back or they are using you as a massive cope. Either way grow up it's not highschool you don't need losers to think you have a wide social circle it does nothing for you at this age.

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Soft alcoholism is a demand of University and salaryman culture

>My girl is 33, used up roastie
ah my condolences bro

Drinking at bars and clubs at this age is a cope of one of the following:
>Want a one night stand and are so desperate you'll hit anything/'want to be seen'
If male grow up and download tinder. Drunken Thot engagement is below nigger tier. If female who are you kidding your friends either have your back or they are using you as a massive cope. Either way grow up it's not highschool you don't need losers to think you have a wide social circle it does nothing for you at this age.

>This is some intellectually lazy drivel that people use to justify doing dumb shit.
While I dont disagree, that doesn't excuse the stupidity of hanging around drunk people at alcohol fueled events and then complaining when they drink or offer drinks. That's about as retarded as going to a tailgate and crying bloody murder because everyone keeps offering you food.

>Damn near impossible in the corporate world.
Not really. Most businesses (at least in my experience) actually keep the alcohol light during events which are officially tied to the company. Typically drinks dont get much stronger than champagne, and if any liquor is available it's usually capped at 40% and tabs are kept on how much individuals have drank. Any company worth a damn purposefully does this to mitigate the possibilities of things such as DUIs or alcohol poisonings occuring on their watch. If you're talking less formal, and more of the happy hour type of deal organized by individual workers, then again, you can choose not to attend. I would strongly recommend not going to a bar if you dont want to be offered alcohol.

>There's been alcohol at almost every social gathering I've been to (personal or professional) since 8th grade. If you don't drink, you will be criticized. If you don't drink enough, you will be criticized.
You should probably either attend different events or make it clear that you don't intend to drink at such events ahead of time. Trying to argue with drunk people about why you dont want to drink and then getting mad about the fact that their ability to reason and use logic in the moment is lower than your own is stupid on your part.

>I drink but I don't make friendships based on drinking because at some point it's fucking childish to go out to bars even if it with friends. Nigga let's be adults and drink coffee during the daytime not be around people in their early 20's trying to grind on some caked up soon to be used up roast. Have some damn morals.

>...complaining when they drink or offer drinks...
Not a single person here complained about that. What people were complaining about was the attitude towards the person that refuses to drink at events like that. Trust me I met people that have nothing against people like that but I have been with a lot of people that just can't take no for an answer in terms of alcohol.
You seem like you are having a problem with simple logical connections.

From my experience - they will tell the truth if both factors below are true:
a) it hurts you
b) it doesnt hurt them
Example - it wont be true if your girl tells you, she cheated on you, but it will be true if your friends tell you, that your behaviour is degenerative

cuz its gay and you will unironically ruin the mood of whatever you are doing by being the only person not drinking. you are the equivalent of someone bringing their kid along

Drinking around people who aren't drinking isn't fun.
You can't let yourself go and have fun, plus you know they'll judge you.
Just stay home next time, autismo, don't ruin everybody's fun

>Goes to gym
>"Oh I don't exercise / I don't feel like exercising"
Then why the fuck you come to the gym nigga?
Same with bars/parties

>Not a single person here complained about that. What people were complaining about was the attitude towards the person that refuses to drink at events like that.
I know. I'm saying its not logical to complain about those people/that attitude at an alcohol fueled event.
>Trust me I met people that have nothing against people like that but I have been with a lot of people that just can't take no for an answer in terms of alcohol.
And it probably doesn't help that those people who wont take no for an answer are in a sort of mental state where their inhibitions are lowered and they're potentially more aggressive, huh?
>You seem like you are having a problem with simple logical connections.
It's a possibility I wont rule out, but I doubt it at the moment. Maybe you could convince me otherwise and suggest reasons why it makes sense to purposefully attend drinking events and then get upset at and argue with people who are in a stupor for being in a stupor.

If you can't let yourself go because the things you do make you think people around you will judge you, maybe the things you do are stupid?
I honestly don't think I judge people that are drunk. Everyone in my friend circle is an adult and was drunk at some point in his life. Don't think it's such a huge deal whether the people around you get drunk or not. Just do you.

>If you can't let yourself go because the things you do make you think people around you will judge you, maybe the things you do are stupid?
> maybe the things you do are stupid?
.t judgmental guy judging while saying "why are you worried about people judging you?"

Dumb shit

Who here GOWAN (glass of wine a night)?

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What I am saying you retarded kid is that you yourself are saying that the things you do are stupid by worrying what people around you that aren't drunk will think.
Why the fuck do I bother arguing with people on Jow Forums when they can't even follow simple logic without me having to write an essay about everything I say.

>Tinder as alternative
>Proceeds to grandstand
As or more degenerate believe it

>Blah blah blah I'm an autist who doesn't understand that drunk people do silly things sometimes and assholes like me judge them instead of just having fun too
K whatever you say sperg

I haven't drank for years. I dont care much for the taste, and hate being sick after. Plus, after all my hard work in the gym etc, why would I want to put that crap in my body??

I don't tell people all that though.

"I'm driving." Works every time.

Let me expand on this so you have a chance to understand.
There is a person like me. I don't really enjoy drinking much because of massive hangovers I get and the taste of most alcohols but I don't mind people around me drinking. I am social enough to not rely on alcohol in order to function in social situations. It may be hard to imagine for kids like you but you will grow up and notice that you don't get as anxious about stuff anymore and just act like yourself in most situations. I am not saying that you will grow out of drinking. Many adults that don't get anxious just drink because they enjoy it and feel happier this way and again there is nothing wrong with that. The thread originally was about how people, especially the younger less self-confident ones, act like drinking every time you meet up with friends is the norm and the ones that don't are doing something immoral. They focus the attention of the whole group on that person and make the whole situation awkward. This seems to be a common occurrence to different people across the world.
Most sane people would agree that the person pointing out the not drinking of another person is in the wrong but you seem to somehow disagree with this. You assume the other person is not drinking because he wants to ruin the part and judge people of their high and might "not drinking btw" throne. Again there may be people like that but I highly doubt that. Most people want to have fun while attending a party and everyone will agree that sitting in the corner and judging people isn't the most fun activity (unless you are in some depressive state but we don't talk about outliers here.). You at the same time don't realize you are the problem in these situations.

You present the actions you partake in to be shameful enough that you want other people to be drunk so they won't judge you. This is another evidence toward the conclusion that you are a kid. Drunk people judge the same if not more sometimes. You just don't notice it as much because drunk people don't give a fuck about consequences. You reflect yourself on the sober person and then and only then you truly judge your actions. You notice how shameful they truly are.
You won't respond to any of my points because you will be bitter about how closely this hits home but I do think you will take something out from this. Waiting for the "green text that strawman's the other parties position and some meme under" reply :)

Why dont you just skip the party with the alcohol and just go to the parties that dont have alcohol? Theres plenty of places where people are sitting around playing smash bros or whatever, and you can talk to those people instead of arguing with drunk people who will never listen to your arguments anyway because they're fucking drunk. Why not do that?

drinking with people is an activity. you drink and lose your inhibitions and everyone gets stupid and they become more fun and are willing to do fun things that they wouldnt normally do when they are sober such as singing and dancing or sharing personal secrets. alcohol just makes some people more fun and your friends want to go on a drunken adventure with you but you're being a pussy and killing their buzz because "mah health" so fucking what. a couple drinks arent going to kill you. if you didnt want to drink why did you go to a place where people drink in the first place?

There is honest degeneracy like fapping to traps or hooking up with some tinder roast then there is normalfag cope degeneracy like drinking all night and trying to score with a line of women who whorish they need to be drunk to cope with themselves before they will let you diddle them only to realise after that shit tier lighting and an obscene amount of makeup pushed up them up at least 1 point higher then they are.

The latter has better returns than tinder fwiw, Despite, bars/clubs are under extinction as venues.

>displaying inferior genetics
>most drinkers have dad bods and are skinny fat
Try again DYEL

Drinking, just as eating, is a social act. Some people take that rejection as if you didn't want to share that action with them.

And in the case of drinking, it's also a matter of people not wanting to be the drunkest in the room, that's why they pressure you to drink.

This but it's better to be subtle and just say you don't drink anymore. They should catch on and leave you alone

Nigga what are you saying that cruising some roastie club and wasting your time and money to pick up a thot pays better then checking an app and swiping? Good luck being used for drinks by women who won't fuck you and for all
.>I'm just so crazy I flirt with everyone
Types you meet in those places

If your gf is an alcoholic you really shouldn't keep alcohol around, especially if you're trying to get her to cut back
t. Alcoholic

I fucking hate drunk people. Nothing makes me more disgusted than seeing an otherwise normal person turn stupidly careless knowing full well that they can just say "oopsie I was just drunk lol" as a cop out for their retarded behavior. It's like being a child on a whole new level.

Overstatement about apps/spells and their usefulness. It's easier but it is insurmountable for selection- option oveload is harder than meatspace offer

Fellow Okie here, there's plenty to do in Oklahoma. Do you live out in the boonies?

>Misery loves company too, people want you to join them in their vice so they don't feel so bad about it.


Alcoholics need to normalize regular alcohol consumption to hide their own addiction.

You'll see it in a ton of "adult" activities- drinking games based on TV shows, beers at the sports ball game, out at the bar on the weekends, exercise with alcohol "beer runs", any formal event, etc. etc. In such a world it's easy for an alcoholic to blend in, 2-3 drinks pregame, 2-3 drinks at a banquet cocktail hour, 2 glasses of wine at dinner, a cocktail afterwards, a drink back at their place- it's easy to drink a fuckton without looking out of place.

Imagine a different world where most people drank only on Christmas, New Year's, Thanksgiving and their birthday.

Pick an attractive grill who replies to your sexual advances and keep the others on a string. It ain't hard nigga

How can you make this thread as an ex smoker?? Smoking is so much worse for you, and most people who "drink" dont blackout. Seems like you're projecting because most people dont give af what you drink

Selling past close. I dumpster dive IRL thanks and most other are also better served.

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No idea, i get the same negative/confused look or reaction when i tell them i barely drank [spoiler](last time was like a glass 2 months ago, also first time)[/spoiler], never smoked or unironically tell them i don't have facebook

Broooo same

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I forgot to say you need to have a good face and not be a Manlet for dating apps.

you just have to believe that drinking water is cool and explain to people what your personal reasons are if they are curious but make it clear that you are still there to have fun

The I'm driving is one I use a lot actually, is a really useful phrase that usually alleviates the situation.

I like drinking but I cant stop .It always end up 10-15 beers.
My friends often told me to stop drinking when meeting them ,they only wanted to drink in the evening or in a bar but never just like that in public.
First I tried ,but after a few times I realised that its not worth it.I dont have to pretend to be a normie drinking in clubs or bars,I can drink my beer going fishing or just hanging around somewhere.If somebody judges your drinking by time & place or get mad if you dont drink its mostly insecure fags or tryhard "adults" .

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I get the same response and they act genuinely insulted. workmates always pester me to go out drinking, but they all fuck off home at 2am whilst i'm still out getting hammered and off my nut on cocaine because i can not stop until i am absolutely trashed.