6 eggs a day is safe

>6 eggs a day is safe

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>He ate all the yolks

Lmao retard, it seems that all the fat in the little blood vessels in your brain stops you from having common sense. Sad!

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>notepad blood test

About time you autists realised it. It took one of you to have a stroke a few weeks back for you to now see


Are we looking at the cholesterol here? ...

OP are you aware of how SMALL mols are? Beyond that, what cholesterol is?

Cholesterol is a compound that keeps all animal cells together, silly. Every animal product you consume has cholesterol. You are made up of cholesterol. Don’t be scared.

>eating the entire egg

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Wait you don't need to eat the yolk?

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isn't cholesterol from eggys used in your body making test?

I bet OP is concern trolling. What about you guys?

I only eat 4 eggs a day and eggs are a superfood so life is good

I don't know if eggs are good or bad at this point. I'm eating 3 with yolks and like I can't find anything else with proteins for breakfast.

Vegan shills are constantly crapflooding with anti-egg fiction.

You can just eat cottage cheese. Low in calories, full of protein

Eggs are so extremely beneficial that an organised group of shills comes to Jow Forums to try and trick people into not eating them.

Eat as many as you can every day.

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haha yeah stop eating eggs and start buying our """healthy""" pills and powders!

This is the one I have, from goat, cow and sheep milk
Per 100 g
160 kcal
fat 11.6 g
carbs 5.4 g
protein 8.7 g
I'll see if there's a low fat option next time

But that's the problem, I don't know if I'm being trolled by people that tell me to not eat them or by people that tell me to eat them. Big egg shills and big anti egg shills. I've given up.

People (and animals) have been eating eggs from from the dawn of time, the "egg yolks will give you heart disease" meme started only recently at the same time where fat was also demonized as the worst thing possible (and wow what a surprise turns our fat is actually not only beneficial but essential for you)

If someone convinces you that a pure animal product is bad and that you should instead eat some synthetic big pharma "supplement" instead then it's only your utter stupidity at fault. Yeah don't eat a hundred Walmart tier eggs per day, but that's common sense for literally anything

*turns out

Its not hard to figure out. The people making threads with fake stories like "omg I ate eggs and had a stroke!" and with shitty meta studies based on surveys are obvious liars.

Cults nutritionally deprive people to make them more malleable.

Not eating eggs and meat will make you a fat, diabetic, tired, brain damaged goy who thinks Israel is your greatest ally.

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I wish I wasn't so poor so I wouldn't have to eat eggs

> blames the eggs
> insulin resistance is the proven to be main driver to increase serum cholesterol

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Imagine having an actual stroke and saying to yourself "ahhh yes, that was definitely because of the egg yolks I ate" lmao

>i don't know who i'm being trolled by
both. 3-4 eggs a day won't substantially increase your risk for heart disease. you're better off eating eggs than eating processed carbs and grains


What makes cholesterol bad exactly?

Your brain needs cholesterol. Can't let the plebs have fully functional brains or they might start thinking for themselves.

LDL builds up in your arteries and causes high blood pressure, heart disease, etc. HDL keeps your blood vessels running nice and smooth. They are produced by the liver as a product of triglycerides. The more triglycerides you eat, paired with not enough fiber in your diet (IE keto) raise your LDL level more. High fiber, low to moderate fat, and plenty of cardio make your liver produce more HDL and less LDL.

cholesterol is 80-90% genetics

imagine if your liver or something could produce enough cholesterol lmao, like wouldn't that be awesome lmao

See, lies like this are obviously intended to harm people.

What motivates (((someone))) to come on Jow Forums and post lies like this?

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How can you fuck up a link so bad you braindead retard

I can just imagine the keto fags dying of a heart attack in twenty years. Their last dying breaths will probably be denying cholesterol causes heart attacks.

Their last dying breath will be "if only I'd... eaten more... bread and pasta..." *dies*

You can put in 2 eggs and 4 egg whites for less cholesterol and still get those micros from the yolk and protons.

There's something that feels so horrible about throwing the yolk. I'm not going to eat the eggshell, but it's like making food more expensive.

Every morning, or second morning, I have 3 eggs and to that I add almost a cup of egg whites.

Well, it is over.


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Find me one study that shows people with high LDL high HDL and low triglicerides are at risk of heart attack. Go on, I'll wait.

guys I've been eating 6 eggs everyday for about 3 months now and have gone from 130 lb to 165 lb

Fuck you guys for scaring me. I do grow really tired though after eating, so I just take a 4 hour nap in the afternoon.