What haircut does this guy need to not look like a week submissive dork?

What haircut does this guy need to not look like a week submissive dork?

Attached: genetics.jpg (412x489, 80K)

chin and jaw implants

I didnt know actually closing his mouth properly was a haircut.
Men like this are why beards are in fashion.

A chin


none he just needs to improve his personality really bad he needs to be more confident and assertive

reserved people need love too, no point trying to change because you wont

oc brihs, oc. tools to slay.

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is that dr house?

Chin hairs don't grow straight forward into the air like that.

now that's a confident young man

A shotgun shell. lke

hahaa you make them.

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He needs to stop coping and grow out his hair and get fucking swollen so he can look like a jack philosopher. His tiny neck makes his head look overtly big and his receding hairline does not help.

Attached: rb-composite-glow-up.jpg (750x500, 53K)

neck pill strikes again

You need a good chin to look like that with a beard. This is more accurate

Attached: beard.png (412x489, 217K)

300 neck curls with 45plate EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

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holy fuck i thought my chin was bad. gonna shave my shitty beard tomorrow, thanks for posting op

Legit advice from Jow Forums: No chin? Train neck till you have one made outta muscle

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im haveing too much fun here

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I don't understand this chin meme
It's just a bunch of shops right? I've never seen a person who looked like it before. Is this unique to the mongrel states of amerimutt?

It's so common that you probably don't notice it. Try actively looking for it the next time you go to a mall or a crowded place.

How does he look unconfident?

it's a code word for ugly. Trust me I'm tatum channing.
Brih there is many a person like this out there but they hide. Away from the world because they lurk.
In the end chin aint everything, it's more about overall harmony look at picrelated somefaggot thought he'd look better with a bigger jaw because he's a gay faggot who likes aliens. In some cases bigger chin clearly helps though because that's where harmony needs adjustment due to western nutritional habits

Attached: nEYw90Y.jpg (1600x800, 119K)

hey you're a pretty good artist user, you should do that for a living!

I like left better

from 0 to chad in 6 posts, now that's what i call a strapping lad