>get dating advice from a buddy
>"You have to talk to more women, but you need to show less interest in them"
>start conversations with random women
>generally goes pretty poorly
>become more social and less autistic
>intentionally pretend to be busy and respond less quickly to texts from women
>they start to flirt with me more and become more interested in me
why the fuck does this work? why are women like this?
Get dating advice from a buddy
>Women are retarded
>"Why are women retarded anons?"
Are you retarded too?
It's because they're used to having beta orbiters constantly. They arent actually attracted by these people but keep them around for the confidence/attention. A man who doesnt give a fuck is much more attractive. It honestly unironically boils down to not giving a fuck about hoes to get them
I just dont get the logic behind it.
I always respond asap because i hate it when people don't respond to me, it's fucking annoying and repulisive
You can respond on time, that ISNT the issue here. Just dont respond like you've waiting for her text all day and send paragraphs, that's what will make you seem desperate. Also, dont doubt yourself, asking them for any kind of validation will make you seem like a 10/10 cuck to them
It doesn't matter how you feel about it, this is how women think.
>talking to girl on snapchat
>she always takes 10+min to respond
>I always respond right away
>start showing less interest in her, waiting 5-30min to respond
>she starts showing more interest and responding right away
It's literally like dealing with children.
You're not very attractive OP.
Y-Yeah but not all women are like that right i mean there have to be some women who aren't complete repulsive iq tards right!?
They're like that by nature. Every girl you know is like that, no exceptions. Women desire someone who can and will take control, you have to show confidence for them to think you can
At what point is it an option to hold a decent conversation without making them wait 10 minutes for a response?
Honestly if it's really like that I don't want a woman then. Fuck that stupid social game bullshit just text me like a normal person
Is that how things work?
Honest question, almost no experience with girls
Dude here's a pro tip: if you find yourself thinking too hard about this shit you're being a cuck.
Just stop thinking and caring so much that is literally the key. You'll experience it one day
If i do that ill end up oding on some home made stuff
Generally speaking yeah it is. You can find women who are new enough to "the game" that they don't act/think this way but you are cutting your numbers pretty hard.
Girls want someone who has important shit going on in their lives. They don't want to be the center of your life because deep down they recognize they're not that great and they don't respect people who can't see that.
Chad tip here:
>turn on read receipts
>don't give a fuck
there you did it
>check her message
>she can tell you saw it
>don't respond quickly
>if she ever calls you on it just say you were busy
now she knows you are alpha
What if my phone doesn't have it?
To add on to all the great comments, girls don't want someone who's afraid to hurt their feelings. I call my gf a hoe ass bitch all the time and it's funny. They don't want some beta cuck
use snapchat, it has that feature built in
The only advice robots need is to find a sissy off of tinder or Grindr and fuck their boiholes
Thats an extremely astute and underrated observation
Everything I've been raised to believe is a lie. I wish I had the courage to kill myself.
No, it's bullshit. "Game" and PUA shit only work when the girl is already attracted to you. Success with women is 80% looks, 10% status, 4% money and 1% skill.
I think it's 80% status, 20% looks.
That's the thing, there is absolutely zero logic behind it. But mating instinct unfortunately doesn't follow logic, especially for women.
This is correct. How attractive you are is the beginning and the end of your dating career. It's insurmountable
>Girls want someone who has important shit going on in their lives. They don't want to be the center of your life because deep down they recognize they're not that great and they don't respect people who can't see that.
Well that's more accurate than I expected for an Jow Forums thread
It's very simple, mate. Women are, for the most part, attention whores. They love it when they get praise, but getting it just like that doesn't wet them, it just gives them ego boosts. That's why women keep beta orbiters around them.
However, when a man refuses to give a woman attention, she begins to crave for it. That craving becomes more and more prominent the more you refuse to give them the attention they want, and thus they'll actually start working in order to get it. This is basically flirting and whatnot, and then it's your job to make her believe your attention is more important than any other man's.