Ok guys is this true?

Ok guys is this true?

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>no mewt from ffta

would've nailed it for Jow Forums if there was K and Driver, you fucked up

Is it true that people sometimes strongly relate characters in films? Yes.

Tfw we are all living memes

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I do not understand this image. Does this mean it doesnt pertain to me? Many of these characters seem opposed to one another
Neither do I understand this image.

Add in House and you're on the money.

>no Carl from ATHF
not realistic at all

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>drives up beside you
>bang! BANG!
Nothing personal Pa-lantrine

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but I sort of do look like Christian bale. Except I look more like the mechanic than Bateman

>no Mathilda Orlando

Literally everything from the music you listen to to the politics you endorse to that you but is pure projection... Sexual signaling couples with self-delusion designed to attract a mate

It's just funnier when people without higher functioning do it because it's like a bad ass 12 year old or some hood retard who thinks he's the boss of the block but lives with his mom

>Literally everything from the music you listen to to the politics you endorse to that you but is pure projection... Sexual signaling couples with self-delusion designed to attract a mate
But I keep the politics I endorse a secret and only tell normies about the normie music I like

>tfw this is the only one you actually identify
>tfw the newspapers will never celebrate you
>tfw no PTSD to fan the flames of depression, loneliness, and misery
>tfw 32 and there's nothing.

Why must I identify with the worst ((self insert)) character? Why am I drawn to the broken ones. Why am I broken?

Fuck. I'm blazed right now, I really shouldn't be experiencing this level of feelz.

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Can we make our own of these I know who Id put on mine.

No you cannot
It is forbidden by Hiroshimoot

OP's pic was made by some butthurt roastie who saw and got angry at it. Can't even come up with their own image macros. Truly the niggers of gender

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That explains why its such an eclectic mix of characters then.

Have no clue what the look whoever made this was going for with the stupid wojak. Looks like they just winged it and didn't actually capture the aesthetic of someone who would say that.
Way too diverse selection of archetypes. There are niggas that try to emulate up to a handful of these characters, but never all of them at once. Deadpool, that asshole below him, the Jokers, Chris Pratt and maybe Tyler Durden and Shaun of the Dead guy could make their own.
I know a lot about people that try to make up personality with fictional characters.

>But I keep the politics I endorse a secret and only tell normies about the normie music I like
Still, you have a mental image of yourself built on these things you secretly consume. It's natural to do, we all do it

>completely unrelated characters
>guy with beard and hair from the 00s

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But how is it helping me attract a mate?
I think, as well, youve got the order reversed and the things I consume are dictated by my personality as opposed to the reverse. Even if my personality is constructed and falsified it isnt in order to consume these things, rather, this consumption arises out of the persona.

>nigga solo
How can anyone relate to him?

Dude is unironic immortal Chad, no

Dunno who niggas 3 and 4 are

>Scott something
Even I aint that dorky, and he got laid so no

>fight club nigga and clockwork nigga
I don't like fighting/hurtin people and don't care about masculinity/ego


I'm not a highly intelligent chad millionaire with a huge ego that enjoys murder

>Donny Darko
I fucking hate that movie archetype. Some loner faggot with seemingly no friends (or even hobbies) but everyone is nice to him and bitches are all over him and he's not socially autistic at the same time. Does that guy actually exist?

Eh, I have been compared to Daria several times in terms of appearance and personality, but I honestly relate more to pic related instead.

Veronica Sawyer is way more interesting, sympathetic, and likeable in the musical than in the movie. In the movie, she's just some roastie cunt who fucks the badboy whereas in the musical she's a loser who manages to get lucky selling prescriptions

Audrey Thorne is a fucking disgusting thot and she needs to stay away from my husbando.

Gone Girl is 10/10..

Attached: true femanon self inserts.png (660x648, 842K)

>Gone Girl is 10/10..
>Gone Girl is 10/10..
>Gone Girl is 10/10..
>Gone Girl is 10/10..
>Gone Girl is 10/10..

The absolute state of women in 2019

>imagine being this much of a faggot
You hate Clockwork Orange too?

a woman made this image as a response to this one: which is why it doesn't make any sense.

Fixed this stupid butthurt roastie's image. This is what retards of this flavor (male variants) ACTUALLY liken themselves to. Someone just needs to fix the shitty wojak which doesn't convey anything at all.
You are actually autistic

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Oh shit I forgot to add Sam Hyde.

I liked Gone Girl, Emily is a good slut but 10/10? really?
I liked Clockwork Orange though niggas tend to suck its dick too much

no u

K is literally me except he still had somewhat of a purpose and I don't.

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Simon Pegg... yeah.

much better, since it actually makes sense, but im not sure these are the male equivalent of this type of girl.

Why do you have the Temple OS guy there? Even people with schizophrenia would have a hard time relating to him.

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Who fucking disrespected Susie from Moonrise Kingdom like this? That was a good damn movie.

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Yeah. Any book that provokes a strong enough response that I mark up my copy with post-it notes and copy quotes down constitutes a 10/10 for me.

>suck its dick too much
Eh, I think that happens with anything Kubrick does. Which part of me completely agrees with because the man truly was a genius and he floors me every time. However another part of me hates these fucking delusional faggots that project shit onto his work that isn't there because he's a genius. That documentary "Room 237" is a great testament of this. So in that sense, yeah, people suck Kubrick's dick a lot. However, I try not to let other people's reactions to an artistic work frame my view of it since it's totally out of the hands of the creators and I find it unfair.

If you're talking about the original novel, then I don't really know what you mean. I have only met a handful of people who read the book and they did not seem disproportionately fond of it.

>patrick bateman
Not sincerely.

>terry davis
>travis bickle
>the columbine shooters
>the driver
There you go. I know too many fucking dwebs with the stupid Driver jacket.

Not so much anymore but back when the movie came out - Rorschach.

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The exact direction in which the personality is formed from these fictional characters is different between the men and women that do it. They're the same "type" of person but their self image is different.
These types of people like to see Terry as a misunderstood, mentally ill, genius as they see themselves. They'll never understand the experience of Terry's life, but they like to think they do. The point of these isn't that these people relate to these people. They think they relate to them.

>I know too many fucking dwebs with the stupid Driver jacket.
S-shut up ok! I bought it i-ironically and anyway I dont wear it, outside at least.

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>These types of people like to see Terry as a misunderstood, mentally ill, genius as they see themselves. They'll never understand the experience of Terry's life, but they like to think they do. The point of these isn't that these people relate to these people. They think they relate to them.
I'd like to add onto this point. Some examples, mostly from the female pool, the person would genuinely be able to relate to the character, but only because the character has so little depth. For example, a female from their respective image would like to think they can relate to Laura Palmer, but they couldn't even comprehend negative aspects of this character so they just see "drug using high school girl that gets fucked a lot".

I don't have time to make one but mine would have only pictures of shinji and maybe one of saint Elliot

But they would be able to relate to a character like Daria because that character has little depth behind her. Sorry for the spaced out messages; I keep forgetting to add points.

People project onto Terry because they see him as /theirguy/.

He's a computer nerd who is a competent genius motivated by genuine passion. That's how most of these losers see themselves, even if they have a fraction of Terry's skill or credentials.

Terry also endeared himself to these people because of his adoption of racist and anti-Semitic language. They consciously believe Jow Forums-tier politics and equate that with Terry's schizophrenic delusions (which is kind of a spectacular self-own, really). The incident where Terry screamed at his parents was half-jokingly referred to as a Jow Forumslack triggering the normies.

There's also Terry's obsession with Physics Girl which is compared to oneitis despite, again, it clearly being a totally different situation because of the context of Terry's schizophrenia.

Basically youtube.com/watch?v=TN266WkrPRs

It's okay, man, I went as Daria and Enid Coleslaw for Halloween.

Yeah, but that's ubiquitous for both genders. Teenaged boys watch Fight Club and relate to the most superficial aspects.

Sexism aside, it is interesting to see how people's relationships with characters change over time. When I first watched Ghost World as a 14 year old, I thought Enid was great for seeing through phoniness and refusing to be complacent in mainstream late-stage capitalist shilling and wagecuckery,

As an adult, I still relate to her (moreso Seymour now), but I recognize that she's a pretty shitty and irresponsible person who ritualistically fucks over people like Seymour, Rebecca, and her perfectly sweet father.

I'm sure there are a lot of teenaged boys who, going back to the Fight Club example, grew the fuck up and have much more interesting insights onto their relationship to the characters as adult men than they did a decade prior.

>little depth
She has two major character foils that directly challenge the flaws in her personality.

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True. The people who could probably relate more to Terry are other homeless schizophrenics rather than people posting here.

Still a weird selection where the characters have very little in common
>Patrick Bateman
>Eric & Dylan
>Officer K from blade runner
>Ryan Gosling's character from Drive
>Travis Bickle
Sociopath/PTSD sufferer

Only leave Bateman in there but make him 5'7 then yes.

Based Carl poster

>>tfw the newspapers will never celebrate you
Those were his dying hallucinations / fantasies ya dingus

why so many autists who self-identify with Bateman or Brad Pitt in fightclub?

Only people I've seen idolize Jordan Belfort are 1st year business school/finance undergrads

I'd think they would identify as Edward Norton from Fight Club.

Aside from Daniel Day Lewis in There Will Be Blood, this is more Reddit core than Jow Forums core.
This is closer to Jow Forums core. Really its just Ryan Gosling in general. In any film he is basically the patron saint of delusional Jow Forums virgins because he acts autistic like we do but he's also handsome, fit, and 6 feet tall so he makes autism look attractive.

I'm not that fucking autistic, but I did look at Tyler and go "Wow, I wished I knew how to live so freely"