Be tranny

>be tranny
>be on Jow Forums
>bitter incels tell me to kill myself
>"no one will ever want you" etc

>get on grindr
>guys messaging me constantly
>calling me beautiful
>asking me out on dates
>even offering me cash to fuck
>older guys with lots of money wanting to take care of me

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Really that sounds great if true. Do you have boob implants and medical stuff or you just crossdressing?

Yeah, but are you happy now user?
I fear not, because why post here as revenge when you're happy? Such things shouldn't be bothering you. Why am i crying

wonderful dream you had there
So, when's the big day? You know, the final day. Since no trannies live to 40.

i'm not even on hormones, just trap mode with medium length hair and a decent (i guess) face

Mods fuck you for letting this shit slide. This isnt /lgbt/. Fuck off and burn in Hell catamite

>they find out your a tranny
>bash your skull in with a rock


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i post here because it's a habit i havent really tried to break, ive been coming to this shithole since 2008, i was even around when Jow Forums stopped existing for a few years

don't act like you're any less of a suicide statistic lol. anyway i've been through shit that most people would have killed themselves over. i'm here to stay. i might even freeze my sperm and give it to a surrogate mother before i transition just to piss you off

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Stay salty neckbeard incels.
You're proving my point perfectly :)

You haven't answered my question friendo, are you happy now?

this also isn't your safe space faggot, mods arent there to protect your feelings

nah they just offer to play with my dick silly

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happier than ever now that i've accepted who i am and stopped repressing.

does it upset you knowing that i'm happy?


Hey buddy you blow in from Reddit? wew

Your dad must be so proud

i just know what words really make you autists recoil

I mean this is Jow Forums what do you expect? This is not the place you go to hear nice/good things. Thats like going to a salon and asking for salad like what are you doing.

faggot youre a faggot F A G G O T. please die in an get buried in an unnamed grave fucking faggggootttt

>statistics say trannies die before age 40 due to suicide
>know this faggot will kill himself soon

I hope your death is a painful one.

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What, why are you being so passive agressive, i'm being honestly concerned about you.
Yeah i'm glad your happy

just feels good that im having more fun than the people who tell me to commit suicide every day

trannies commit suicide because of people like you refusing to accept them. personally, i'd prefer to live in spite of people like you

because it's Jow Forums where people tell you to kill yourself casually, you can't handle a little passive aggressiveness?

All it proves is your a normie redditor faggot, so good on ya I guess

Trannies commit suicide because they are all mentally ill, enjoy your death faggot

>wishes death on people he doesn't like

>not mentally ill

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It's awfully bland to generalize like that, there's alot of people on r9k that are friendly and nice.
Can't you determine by what someone writes what they want to convey?
The whole world isnt against you so I suggest stop being so paranoid and stop pushing people away who only wish the best for you.

>just feels good that im having more fun than the people who tell me to commit suicide every day
I mean yea do you even know how bad there life has to be to say that shit everday unironically.
>trannies commit suicide because of people like you refusing to accept them
I mean you shouldnt live for other people imo and its not like they have or anything.

Do not care theese virgin robots who tell you you are a faggot actually who cares? Maybe im one as well this doesn't determinate your life and happiness and ofc this 40yr old shit is bullshit as well never listen to incel robots

I'm not one to shit on trans people, but bragging about grindr hookups is not really something you should be doing lol

it's a gay app, most of the chasers there are gay dudes who want trans girls who in practice are more like CDs with long hair. Should've seen one of the 2/10s that was bragging about their grindr messages on /b/ a little while ago

>they have or anything
they have to or anything**

I tell them:

Become gay


But they do not listen

Go ahead and live to spite people I don't give a fuck. People will look at you like you're a piece of shit. I know for sure you're going to blow your brains out for deciding to be a faggot LOL

Trannies die of the AIDs...butt AIDs

>I mean you shouldnt live for other people imo and its not like they have or anything.

i agree 100%, i guess not everyone can handle being social pariahs though

if you genuinely wish the best for me then i apologize fully :)

i mean it's flooded with craigslist refugees but a lot of decent people use it too, i've made a few platonic friends on there


>thinking being a fag was a decision

Congratulations on your lucrative career as a transsexual prostitute. There is a long, sustainable, and safe career for you.

nah im in college for culinary arts, try again

>trannies commit suicide because of people like you refusing to accept them

Tranny suicide rates are higher than PTSD scarred war veterans

>>thinking being a fag was a decision


>try grindr
>try to find someone to just cuddle, get high, and watch die hard with on christmas eve
>100% not interested in anything sexual at this point
>cant find bf
>find nasty faggots like you
>realize they'd have lower standards if you fucked off

I hope people like you wind up realizing they fucked their body up and kill themselves.

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You do realize this site isnt a hive mind and you just come in here and brag about getting paid for sex to a bunch of lonely robots on Christmas of all days. How do you know the people in this thread have harassed you in the past?>become gay
I didnt think it was a choice

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Topkek, laughed so hard my uncle woke up and he will probaly hit me with his belt again.

Congratulations on your lucrative career as the owner of a restaraunt kept afloat by prostitution.

there's nothing wrong with wanting to be a woman, but nobody should want to be a thot

Trannies are just a fetish until they are no longer attractive

You will never find a partner that actually cares about you. Just dirty perverts who think of you as a prostitute.

>dont want anyone to kill themselves
>hope you have a happy life
>at the same time, realize that ill never have massive amounts of money in my life, and that ill never be able to compete with thirsty chads on tinder for a gf /or/ a bf

Why do you have to make me wanna kill myself OP?
Life is fucking suffering.

>he chose to wear a dress and act like a girl
>thinking he was forced to be a faggot


>is called beautiful by desperate perverts on a gay hookup service
>unironically believes it
Whew, lad.

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You don't need a lot of money to be happy fellow robot

You need at least money, a decent personality, good looks, or a huge dick for people to like you
And I'm hitting none of those.

>bragging about compliments you got on gay hookup app on r9k
>on Christmas day

You seem very happy with your life user

If you are talking about just normal friends you dont need any of that. Just common ground. If you are looking for a gf I dont think that should focus so much on that. I'm not saying you shouldnt try but you should try to just enjoy other things in life while you are lookong for one

Enjoying life and finding a gf are mutually exclusive for me, user.

The things I enjoy. Cocaine, hentai, and WoW, aren't really chick magnets.

>the tranny chooses r9k out of all the places on Jow Forums and the internet to be gay on
>openly mocks sexually unsuccessful males and treats them badly
>gee what's wrong with this board

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if ur life is so great why do you need to make a thread to get back at user by emotional powerplay.

sounds like you just trying to fill in your emptiness

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We'll go there and leave us the fuck alone you homo