Let's settle this once and for all.
Do raw eggs have worse protein bioavaibility than cooked? I want to add raw eggs to my shake, but I want to know how much protein I'm gonna waste.
Let's settle this once and for all
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mocrowave it and then throw it in your shake
This. Couple minutes should be fine
I don't have a microwave oven. Guess I'll just stick to cooking them. Just wanted to put them in shakes since you can eat more that way,
Throw your shake ingredients into a pan and bake in a normal oven
Egg whites: Raw egg white can bind to biotin in the intestine and keeps it from being absorbed. Eating 2 or more uncooked egg whites daily for several months has caused biotin deficiency that is serious enough to produce symptoms.
t. medlineplus.gov
Just fucking cook some eggs. You can down half a dozen if you mix in good shit like salsa.
Sounds delish
What the fuck is salsa? And if I add something more to my eggs, it will taste like shit.
You're allowed to flavor your foods you milk-toast weirdo.
Most of the indegridients of that sauce do not grow in my country so I'm not supposed to eat it.