Does life get any better?

Does life get any better?

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Only if you try to improve it.

The only people who are successful in life are the narcissists and psychopaths who are able to do things impulsively or without caring about the consequences, or the stupid normies who are incapable of thinking. Us robots are doomed to trudge along in mediocrity.

I hope so bro, I won't spend another Christmas like that.
I give myself one last year to see if it does get better.

It may so hang in there!
Think the effect may just come from actively changeing it. Proberbly a viable strat though.

YEs and all yuo have to do is cover the world in dense endless forests like they did in saihanba

It did
and then she left and it got worse
Now its back to about how it was. Just a blip on the curve, no hope; no harm: just another false alarm.

No. You are not alive, you are dead and this is hell.

I'm sure for anyone that it did they wouldn't be here to tell you so

Create. Think of something you've always wanted to make, watch some YT, get it together long enough to make the thing. Realize it sucks, make it again and again until you think it's perfect then step back and say,
>"Is this the best I can do? Would (Insert favorite maker of said item) approve?"

Then do it again until (IFMOSI) would approve.

unironically only if you don't jack off and limit ejaculations as much as possible.
Every orgasm depletes your dopamine for up to TWO WEEKS, leaving you feeling lethargic and down.
You feel tempted to jack off again because you want the dopamine spike.
But if you stop jacking off, after a while your dopamine levels naturally stay high and you won't have to jack off to feel good. You'll start to notice how bad jacking off makes you feel for a very long time after.
So if you really want to wake up and feel good naturally, stop jacking off.

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Wth that logic, who are the ones are not successful?

this is true and also why you shouldn't jack off.
They call courageous people "ballsy" for a reason. You need a sack full of healthy semen in order to have courage.

Last time I jerked off was five days ago and I still feel like shit except for the smell.

Life gets better when you start improving habits and perception. The world is the way it is, try to make due.

I'm so fucking tired of these self improvement niggers on r9k

if you're a genuine robot you can't just DUDE JUST TRY TO IMPROVE LMAO

I believed that garbage for 5 years and it made me even more insane. when I was playing video games and jacking off all day I at least had the illusion that one day I could turn it around. when I tried to with all my might and nothing happened what filled me was a sense of pure hopelessness. pic very much related

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I hope this is pasta.

Go fuck yourself you and wallow in your self pity.

If you read this and think that the OP perfectly describes your issues, you need a bullet in the side of the head ASAP.

Its true that you cannot control everything, but you can control your actions.

This text is so pathetic. There is a difference between talking about life's hardships with like-minded individuals and deep-throating the pity cock.

Yes empty platitudes are unhelpful and can be demoralizing, so what? So. What. If you can understand the argument the OP is putting forth, you can understand that at the end of the day the only person you are cheating is yourself. This life is a challenge, you have one life and you and your similarly minded peers have chosen to adopt this ridiculous mindset?

You disgust me.

Rise above this childishness.

>no actual tangible advice just empty vague insults disguised as advice

yep. it's a normalfag post. keep defending that cute little just world fallacy

>everyone owes you advice because you have less of an advantage than some people

Here's the advice that you failed to grasp.

Take matters into your own hands and better yourself. You know what this means, you just don't want to concede it to yourself.

If you don't then there is no point in you existing any longer.

Do us, your parents and the world a favour and pull the trigger.

your obliviousness to how predictable you are is funny. do my parents a favour? you mean the ones that split up when I was 4 and neglected me? clearly you didn't read my post or understand it in any capacity. between 2012 and 2017 I spent everyday going to the gym and forcing myself into social situations. I didn't drink, do drugs, went to bed early, ate healthy took a whole stack of vitamins. at best it made life mildly more tolerable. there is a limit to what you can "take into your own hands". if you have full control over your life you were blessed likely with a healthy productive upbringing which instilled values in you and good clean genetics that made it viable for your brain to function in a capacity where in which you know what you want, when you want it and aren't overwhelmed with negative emotions and mental illness that interrupt any kind of productive flow you are looking to achieve with life. "taking things into your own hands" you are implying that the only possible thing that could be wrong with one's life is external. you cannot simply decide to change your broken inner core. and even if you desire it and attempt to change it there's a very small chance that you'll achieve anything.

All I read here is excuses.

You already set yourself on the path yet fell at the first hurdle, have some discipline for Christ sake.

If what you say is true, and it is somehow quantifiable that you are unable to be redeemed, truly broken, tell me, what should you do?

Continue with this meek, pathetic existence?

I'd like to see you drowning, i'd like to see that moment when you realize you may actually die, i'd like to see the fire of life rekindled.

If even that cannot cure you of this detestable attitude then you really should, kill yourself.

>All I read here is excuses.

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Didn't read the whole thing, and yes, it's true that you shouldn't listen to normie advice because they don't know shit. I'm an ex-robot, though, and I can tell you that the secret lies in just slowly building up your confidence. Exercise is probably the easiest and most important thing, but getting a job, moving away from parents, etc, it also essential. It's slow and painful but you can make it.

Where did everything go oh so very wrong?
I wish I could disappear from this world.

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it's funny how the dumbest are always the most self assured

>no hope; no harm: just another false alarm
fuck off morressy and play more shows in chicago

>Where did everything go oh so very wrong?
Middle school, for me.

I sure hope so.


>the smell