Just found out 3 robots you talk to are all on antidepressants

>just found out 3 robots you talk to are all on antidepressants

is there anyone who isn't on meds these days

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Me. Meds are for pussies.

There really aren't many other better ways to manage your depression if it's so bad that you're a near-catatonic shut in who's probably going to kill themselves without the meds.

>all of my friends are on placebos, what should I do!?!?
Nothing, quit being a melodramatic normie. Any changes in their mood are placebo, and the side effects are probably not things you can notice without being very close to them.

t. Always gets asked about the source for his bullshit claims and always replies "Google it"
t. Ghosts every thread when told "I didn't find anything"

I'm not but I probably should be.

Read the book "the emperor's new drugs" by Irving kirsch. I have said this so many times. Stop projecting.

I'm not but I need them. My anxiety is so bad these days I'm too afraid to find someone who can even prescribe me meds. Even when I went in the past to therapists and stuff I always lied so they couldn't judge me.

i will be going off mine because i cant see a psychiatrist to keep filling them. my anxiety and depression is severe to the point i cant even make a phone call without taking days to work myself up to it. I suspect my suicide will happen shortly after going off my meds. thankfully I bought my suicide gun years ago knowing that eventually the day I get pushed over the edge will come.

Me too user. It's been 4 months since I last saw a doctor and I've been working up the courage to make a new appointment to try again. We can do it.

i think it's a little more than a placebo dude, some people really do change on that stuff.
i think the problem is they are over-prescribed and given to anyone who asks.

How's that fat pharma cock taste? Read the fucking book. The placebo effect is much stronger than the common man believes, especially when pharma companies run their studies in comparison to inactive placebos (turns out that the side effects from SSRIs actually contribute to an enhanced placebo effect in clinical studies).

What about the people that experience no side effects and just feel better on them? Are you saying a sugar pill would do the same for them?

I'm not on antidepressants user but have to take about 15 ibuprofen pills every day for headache

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Yes. I looked it up and the book is on libgen. You don't even have to buy it. Seriously, please educate yourself. I'm so sick of fighting off mobs every time I question papa pharma.

What's the book called? Also I don't understand this hubalub about people feeling better on a placebo...they're feeling better! That's the point!

I'm reading summaries, analysis and counter-arguments and it seems more complicated than "anti-depressants are placebos".

One counter-argument is this:
Where the author states that even if the treatment of actual depressive symptoms are discounted, anti-depressants are still "robustly superior to placebo" for treating many other disorders that patients with depression may have, e.g. anxiety disorders.

Given this really limited data I have, seems like they can make people feel better but they won't do so by getting rid of depression symptoms more than this enhanced placebo effect will.

What's the alternative to anti-depressants?

they give me all these meds. anti-depressant celexa this, anti-psychotic risperidone that, yeah yeah. i tell them all they want to hear "yeah i take that shit it helps me for all my problems waa waaa"

i just assume they mean my toilet when they are referring to me

im clean of all that poisonous bullshit. did you know something like 50% of people who get meds dont even take them? usually they either sell them for cash or other drugs, or just dont take them at all

Yeah they're feeling better, but what about people who don't feel better from the placebo effect? There is no pharmaceutical research on better antidepressants, they make so much fucking money off of SSRIs that they don't have to. New antidepressants are just analogues of current SSRIs, the same effect but with a new patent. Everyone is so fucking convinced that they work, that people like me are forced to suffer. Not only that, I can't even talk about the fact that medications didn't help me without having to have pharmaceutical arguments on anime forums. It's draining. The book is "the emperor's new drugs"

I'll read that later, thanks for linking it.

I refuse medication, I don't trust the medical Jew plus all my friends which are on them seem worse than before.

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My dick



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no one is going to want to buy an ssri off the street top kek. benzos however... there's a reason docs don't prescribe those as easy anymore. damn junkies ruining it for everyone

>government tells you what you can and can't put in your body
>damn junkies ruining it for everyone
Don't you just love the taste of uncle Sam's boots?

with ssri's usually they end up collecting dust or taking a trip down the toilet. with drugs of abuse such as opiates, benzos or stimulants, usually those are the ones who get sold to other people. i thought this was obvious but i guess not

well unless those pharma companies are going to let you buy directly from them without a prescription. no problem i'll just get them off the street or online where tyrone decides to lace them with fentanyl

I want something I can see, user.

>implying it's not babby-tier shit to test your drugs for fent
>implying it's not prohibition and the subsequent black market that introduces those dangers

Kek, fucking monkey

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Short dick, short fuse.

Anti-depressants increase dementia risk and only make money for drug companies. There's little data to say they actually help depression and they're a complete pain to come off of.

Doctors hand them out like candy because it is easier than actually trying to deal with depression.

Okay I read that link. I thought it was gonna be a paper, but it's a blogpost with zero citations. The author of your blog post completely ignores the nuances of the issue and doesn't even link the studies he talks about. Benzos being poor antidepressants does not disprove Kirsch's arguments. Neither does the comorbidity argument. The classification of depression and the similar disorders is still a very nebulous issue. We don't even know the exact causes. I'd recommend reading the book still, if you're interested. Like I said in another post, it's on libgen so I'm not trying to sell it or anything. You have to remember, pharmaceutical companies have some of the largest profit margins of any industry. Furthermore, they're very corrupt entities that put lots of money into "marketing" their drugs. Another good book I'd rec is "the truth about drug companies" by Marcia Angell. It's a bit outdated, being from 03, but the industry really hasn't changed much.

Antidepressants are fucking scam and will fuck ur brain.
I would only eat psychosis med briefly if id have to
Bennies r different they okay but not eating those any more either

Therapy, self-help, exercise, even that recreational marijuana if legal

What about these for depression?
>Some form of anaerobic/aerobic exercise(even pushups and brisk walking)
>Mediterranean diet or similarly healthy diet
>Consistent sleep schedule(going to bed at around the same time each night for ~8 hours)
>Meaningful goal accomplishment
>Genuine friendship
>Talk therapy or CBT
Basically a list I picked up through osmosis, not sure if even one part could help someone with any depression.

what options do people with major depression have? it's not like there's any effort being put into new drugs since these antidepressants make so much money and are "harmless"

benzos are even more dangerous despite being more effective so they aren't a solution.

I barely drink and I definitely don't take medication. The only drug I have regularly is caffeine and that's cause I like a good cup of tea, sometimes coffee.

If you take medication or abuse substances instead of letting the bad feefees slowly take over you then you're weak. Through abstaining my suffering is intensified, however when life gives me a break, it makes the euphoria that much better.

I am going to get absolutely plastered on new year's, however, since I haven't poisoned myself in quite a while.

The SSRIs they like to push on people are garbage, but the atypical ADs are decent.

I think my main problem is a dopamine deficiency so i'm going to see if i can get a dopamine agonist like ropinirole or pramipexole added.

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>the atypical ADs are decent

which ones?

Mirtazepine is good and bupropion is alright as well.
Iv'e had more success on them than i did with any SSRI or SNRI.
There's also buspirone, but i haven't tried that one.

just take mushrooms for depression if you have depression. i have an extremly low testosterone profile (blood tested), and i have ZERO depression because i take mushrooms every 2-3 months. theres been a huge wave of medical studies on mushrooms, and they are nothing short of magical


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just be yourself my freind :)

Just uh, do what I did and get an amphetamine prescription. It's pretty easy if you play your cards right. After two years I'm up to 90 mg a day, which would make most people familiar with Adderall doses ask me how the fuck I'm still alive, but I ain't that depressed most of the time now.

I only take meds when i get too weak to resist forceful ingestion by family or doctors, last time was 7 years ago.
When i'm sick, i just fast, drink water and sleep until i feel better.
As for psychological issues, i have also my methods.

Amphetamine, possibly ketamine (but that one is complicated), maybe tobacco for some people if you don't mind cancer, cheap 5-HTP capsules from CVS or fucking Walmart might work, dextromethorphan (Delsym, Robitussin) assuming you aren't taking dextromethorphan + acetaminophen/guaifenisen like a moron and don't mind the occasional shadow people, behavioral cognitive therapy, exercise, actual, legitimate LSD or 1P-LSD if you're a pussy who can't buy rare and illegal drugs properly, and finally, suicide. I don't recommend the latter, but I can verify that all of the others work. I'm bipolar II so if I take anti-depressants, either SSRIs or tricyclics, I go manic. The only things I need to tell you are that 1: amphetamine will produce physical dependence if taken daily after several months so watch out for that oh yeah and you'll likely go through a phase where you abuse your prescription and fry your circuits like me but I cooled it and now I'm fine , 2: psychedelics can be hit or miss :emoji:, especially if you aren't careful and don't do your research, 3: tobacco is cheap and nicotine is expensive so don't fall too hard for the trap unless you have money to burn or don't care about cancer, 4: when I say amphetamine I am referring to N-alpha-methyl-phenethylamine, not methamphetamine, and finally 5: combining dextromethorphan with amphetamine and nicotine for a few days on top of nightly 5-HTP is how I ended up drawing my legally owned and carried firearm on some random thot jogging in the neighborhood because she was going along the same route as me (I'm fast walking, she's fat) because I was unaware of how paranoid I had become.

TL;DR is that speed is good, psychedelics are a blessing if you can handle them, and don't mix DXM with amphetamine for too long lads, no shit

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I used to do that for my carpal tunnel and now every time I take an NSAID I shit blood for a week. All you need are two 225 mg capsules of ibuprofen, maybe some tylenol, a moderate dose of caffeine (about a cup of coffee's worth), and sleep. If you have migraines, try out a tryptan prescription. Lamotrigine could work too but I hated getting titrated to it and especially hated the seizures upon cessation.

Just learn basic organic chemistry, make a lab, and enroll in an online "college" as an alibi while you make your own pure drugs.

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>Even when I went in the past to therapists and stuff I always lied so they couldn't judge me.
Fuck. Is this from anxiety? I do this. I lie all the time

I've been saying it over and over: SPEED IS THE ANSWER

I'm here, hating life, but teetotal, and meds/drugs free! Rather have a hard dick and sharp mind than everything go soft, but be happy.

Hot lead

Haha okay kid. I love drugs too, but you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. I think you went a little too hard on the dex. I wish my problems could be cured by getting high or tripping, but that's not how it works. Remember, bipolar disorder works in phases. It seems like you're hypomanic right now (hence the jumbled wall of text), but you'll be back to depressed soon.

Me. I don't even take Tylenol when I'm sick or drink alcohol.

Me too user. It feels so much better knowing you're the only one who knows what's going on in your head, even if it's unhealthy. I always feel like I'm just temporarily lying because I'll "come out" one day but I'm obviously lying to myself at this point.

>one of the worst psychiatric drugs that have irreversible side effects, high addiction rates, and ease of abuse
>many sensible doctors prescribe them ONLY as a last resort, while others hand them out like candy
>"damn junkies ruin everything"
I personally never saw the appeal of recreational usage, either way, but I would outright reject them if given to me therapeutically.

There's no way out, really. The massive increase in depression come from social isolation and the subtle but real feeling that nobody is really your friend, but is just reaching out to you because they themselves are scared of falling into that same loneliness-induced depression. It's called the human condition. A small percentage is due to organic disease or lifestyle, which can be fixed easily once you know the cause.

I did this as well, yet they still seemed to think i was a schizoid.
I imagine if i didn't downplay it i would've been committed.

It's been two years of steady, productive life for me. I do know what I'm talking about but I'm not going to sit here and argue with someone on the internet. I've been through the ups and downs multiple times, quit the mood stabilizers, still doing fine. Do I have to start mentioning that actually doing shit besides taking drugs is NECESSARY for any progress to be made, or was it too blase of me to assume that most people would intuitively understand this?