I would probably switch life with everyone of you here

i would probably switch life with everyone of you here.

Attached: 154549987322.jpg (800x670, 104K)

I'm finally starting to like mine after almost a decade of hating it. You can't have mine.

Attached: yuooi.jpg (730x1095, 115K)

did you find a gf or something?

why op? what is so bad about your life?

Are you ugly? I'll trade for not ugly.

Nah, given up on the GF meme. Recently discovered I am really good at making things people pay me hundreds of dollars for.

>bad health that causes me constat suffering
>no social life
>no girlfriend obviously
>no degree
>never had a job
>poor family
>broken psyche

not to much but im a virgin at 23 so...

most of these are fixable aside from the bad health thing. my condolences kid

For what user??