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Larry wheels just deadlifted 805lbs for 7. What’s Jow Forums gotta say now?
Thomas Martinez
Elijah Sullivan
fuck off with your e-celeb shit
Luis Russell
That's a very nice number, what do you mean what is fut gonna say?
Jackson Robinson
>steroids man lifts a lot of weight
Color me suprised.
Ian Lewis
Form was shit. His plates don’t even match. Scooby could do that without even wearing his deadlift plug
Landon Howard
Imagine the world’s strongest man being a dude named Larry lol.
Dylan Lewis
world strongest man is a guy called thor
Robert Perry
I count 1 rep
Wyatt Barnes
nothing new. dude is an outlier, and provided he can remain injury free and does not get burned out, he will set records and do things that will stand for a long time. Every time he does something it is awe inspiring. If you look at larry and he upsets you, you are just a hater.
Bentley Green
>world strongest man is a guy called eddie
Christopher Hernandez
Larry will win some day, I have no doubt. I’m just saying by comparison, Thor sounds like a badass. Larry sounds like an office worker.
Ryan Powell
Eddie hall is a fucking hack. He had to have a rigged contest with only his best lifts in a nonstreamed event in fucking Africa to win. Burn in hell you barrel shaped britbong.
Ethan Foster
he has booby
Carter Jackson
>Average black steroid-using lifter is almost on par with white 'strongmen' who have an army of doctors, masseuses, chiropractors, chemists, coaches, researches, etc. as well as investing hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to afford all the food, the supplements, the therapies, the equipment and everything else and this random black YouTuber just comes in and beats them all
Just shows how absolutely pathetic we are in comparison...
Thomas Gray
fuck off with your dyel shit
Jack Lewis
>no straps
Mason Davis
just you buddy
Carson Ross
>Just shows how absolutely pathetic we are in comparison...
Can I fuck your wife?
Thomas Sullivan
>n-no, it doesn't c-count
>it's not THAT impressive
>s-steroids haha
there sure are a lot of emasculated bitch boys running damage control ITT. how telling.
Chase Roberts
You go to Dubai, you pray 5 times a day in close proximity to Mecca, you inject 100% purity steroids, you come back stronger.
Cameron Cox
You can't defeat Thor's genetics unfortunately. If Larry had the same height he could've done it but he looks like a boy now next to him. Unless he wants to bulk up to 200kg like Eddie Hall, which is a bad idea.
Angel Allen
Masterful trolling. Truly the level of your craft takes me back to an age long gone of quality shitlposting.
Owen Diaz
lmao proof?
William Lopez
Easton Edwards
t. Hafthor
Sorry you couldn't deadlift 500kg even with the elephant bar lmao.
Juan Lewis
Post body faggot. Oh what’s that you don’t want to? Ok then let the big dogs talk
Adrian Lee
>dies afterwards
Camden Ward
Grayson Anderson
t. insecure and emasculated bitch boy. you're the one claiming he's not physically impressive/strong, so YOU'RE the one who needs to post body/lifts so we can see why anyone should take you seriously.
Jason Carter
Eddie's fine and a worl record holder. Meanwhile, Hafthor is half paralyzed and can't match Eddie.
Brayden Thompson
It's amazing how this guy broke the internets, just some random, fucking black dude comes in and BTFOs all the pro-strongmen hacks. Imagine when he starts competing, the sport is gonna have millions of new fans and money flowing through it, it's like a modern David VS Goliath tale. These strongmen have every advantage, all the money in the world, all the best doctors working with them and they still got destroyed by some random black dude who only started training strongman a month ago. This guy's the fucking future.
Cameron Gonzalez
we already had the same cuckpost friendo
Jose Brown
>These strongmen have every advantage, all the money in the world, all the best doctors working with them
That's just false.
Jordan White
wow this thread
Angel Sullivan
Larry is half white
Evan Morris
Yeah, the bottom half
Ryder Cooper
bennedict magnusson still holds the WR for diddlys
Levi Gomez
>Larry Wheels is average
okay please stop talking
Luke Perry
>No capitalization
>Demanding others post body/lifts when avoiding the matter yourself
Bench Autist, don't think I don't know it's you. When are you going to learn? When are you going to learn that daddy is always watching? When are you going to learn that your
>no argument having
>fat assing
>insecurity coping
stupid ass is always just one post away from being positively pulverized by my superior intellect, argumentation, and lifts? When? When is that day gonna come?
Joseph Myers
He literally is. Post lifts you been talking shit the entire thread. He is average. A black bull of his caliber should be lifting 1000 plus. Go back to Gaia kid
Oliver Allen
no that is eddie hall
Aaron Reyes
>let the big dogs talk
>post body mirror
Caleb Lee
Jose Davis
He holds the virgin powerlifter record nobody cares about. Eddie deadlifted 500kg with fucking Arnold cheering him on at the Chad strongman competition.
Leo Cook
Noah Bennett
Do people actually think that the only thing separating them from being as strong as Larry Wheels is steroids?
Carter Gonzalez
t. powervirgin
Landon Watson
Wh*tes btfo
Xavier Ortiz
Retarded newfags who think one cycle will turn you into Captain America, yeah.
Adrian Morgan
what the hell is this retard talking about?
Elijah Ward
Black, RIPPED bodybuilder DESTROYS the FAT, powerlifting pigs! Amazing!
Zachary Wood
honestly who knows
Sebastian Hughes
No one on this board will ever be as strong as Larry Wheels - regardless of how many cycles they do and how much gear they take.
Angel Morgan
ignore trips
Nathan Morgan
Eddie Bravo ?
Lucas Bailey
He outlifts him in certain lifts already
Jonathan King
Stop false flagging. Stop gaslighting. Stop hiding behind anonymity, ya coward. If you've got all this hot wisdom and advice, get a trip and post body/lifts to justify your existence. Otherwise, leave your mother's basement, hit the weights, eat a sandwich (ya narrow motherfucker), hit the showers, and get a clue.
Obvious samefag
Gabriel Gonzalez
I care desu
Hunter Baker
>Don't forget to join my discord server where we post pictures of ourselves dressed like women
Kevin Cooper
And you're a nobody.
Carter Reed
Based figfag
Go get him you dedicated autist
Zachary Peterson
>Post body faggot
Isaiah Cook
Go back to /b/ faggot
Hudson Harris
You took it too far bro. It’s been too soon.
Parker Baker
that makes us equal
Jaxson Butler
Proof of what I just told you why.
Bentley Harris
>just some random, fucking black dude comes in and BTFOs all the pro-strongmen hacks
He didn't BTFO anyone yet. He came in at like 4th at some amateur strongmen event
>These strongmen have every advantage, all the money in the world all the best doctors working with them
Confirmed for not having any clue about Strongmen. The prize money/monetary aspect is a joke compared to Bodybuilding or any semi-popular sport
>This guy's the fucking future.
No, that's Mateuzs.
I'm not even hating on Larry Wheels because he's an amazing athlete but far away from being a world class strongman.
Benjamin Edwards
10 shekels have been deposited to your bank account
Owen Baker
How many more years until his heart explodes from all the roids?
Benjamin Scott
Asher Russell
>Implying Larry doesn't have all of that either
>implying he will be anywhere near as strong as them anyway
Hunter Butler
eddie hall
Xavier Foster
2dnd by like half a point because of inexperience
Ryder Miller
Larry is just 24 years old...
Lucas Thompson
And he'll be dead by 30 at this rate.
Aaron King
too soon
Jeremiah Gomez
>he outlifts him in lifts that don't matter for strongman
Jordan Harris
So do lots of other powerlifters. Still Thor would win against Kirill Sarychev in a strongmen competition, even though Sarychev can bench 70 kg more than Thor. Same with Larry
Jordan Morales
I guess we gotta say the n-word
Jack Bennett
Reikos name is Patrick Ryan king
We’re coming for you faggots
Samefagging tranny
Wyatt Stewart
whatever it takes, right babe?
Caleb Collins
>Imagine when he starts competing,
he already did and got BTFO
Luke Price
>Looks good
>Really strong
Is this the end of the 'Im a powerlifter so its ok Im a tub of shit' excuse?
David Cruz
Np but maybe hed do 500 for 10 rather than 800
Charles Green
Trained calfs
Christian Lopez
He must have upped his dose cause his milkers are getting out of control
Ryder Thomas
this guy has no future user , he wont live long
Aiden Nguyen
That's great and all, but does he know how to fight?
The vibe I get from many powerlifters and bodybuilders is that they lift so they can feel tough and like they are more able to project intimidation. But the obvious next step from that is being able to fight, so does Larry Wheels know how to fight?
Jack Sanchez
You gotta look into it
Connor Brown
only actual niggers fight
Kevin Wright
how does it feel to be autistic?
Ethan Hall
Who dis?
Alexander Taylor
>touch and go
Ethan Harris
I'm curious to see how long before he permanently ruins something with the progress he makes. I don't see him smashing Eddie Hall's record anytime soon, though.
Easton Green
>elite lvl strength
>competes in strongman
>abs and definition all around
Imagine if Larry started bloatmaxxxing
Nolan Sanchez
t. momma's boy
Joshua White
fuck wh*te people
Joseph Evans
Huh. So we do actually have an example of hybrid strength here?
Jackson Gomez
thor was the one trying to cheat that lol.
>attempting to get eddie to fail the deadlift
he tried to do a 40kg jump on the deadlift to get eddie to fail it, so he and eddie would tie the event, when thor failed to do a 10kg jump
>double dipping
thor was told the day before in the assessment of the event it wasnt allowed. he has also been to dozens on strongman tournamanets and double dipping is never allowed. he just tried to cheat and hope no one noticed it.
>but eddie tied on the viking press
No. thor double dipped. also eddie would have beat thor at that event anyway. eddie just does enough to win the event, no to go all out. there is 6 events. he saves his energy. besides which thor is no where near eddie in terms of pressing strength or even deadlfiting strength
larry wheels didnt even place for the arnold and lost to some random mexican dude.
he is also a genetic freak and has a masseuses, chiropractor, chemist, coach, research etc. lol.
lol at thinking he does this by himself. he also has millions on fans who give him money.
Michael Garcia
not random lol. he has hundreds of thousands of dollars from social media lol.
has coaches, chemists, a whole team behind him lol.
he couldnt place at the anrold and got btfo by some random mexican
also hes half white