How pathetic are you guys?

How pathetic are you guys?

>31 yo
>no social life at all, socially handicapped
>shitty car
>decent apartment
>steady full time job
>not happy in life but never depressed, so mentally stable
>no addictions
>nice family
>no ambitions, no future master plan

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry, no 25+ in subject.
Whatever, fuck it

>no social life
>well paying job but overworked, 10hr + days
>home owner but never there
>ex-drug addict, now more stupid than ever
I'm mostly just stressed and exhausted, I'm so tired.

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>overworked, 10hr + days
That must mean you have lots of vacation hours.
So take up more vacation, rest more before its too late, you must have read or heard the same stories as me, people who suffer from a burnout get serious health problems, when you stop working so much when you get a burnout it's already too late.

if you arent a racist/sexist/right winger i would consider you; you sound fine to me.

I don't get much vacation, about 2 weeks per year total. I think I'm already suffering burnout but I don't know what to do.

Yes to all 3.
But i blame Jow Forums and Jow Forums.
Also don't underestimate the socially handicapped part, i have serious problems keeping a conversation going because my life is so boring, a 30 yo cat lady from work turned me down after one date because i was so boring.

Thanks for the compliment anyway user

Racist is okay as long as you keep it to yourself, sexism also really - as long as you don't hate women and are just accepting that there are strengths and weaknesses to both genders, generally speaking. Also nothing wrong with being right wing.

I think the social handicap is what is holding you back. I just takes practice. Go out with more cat ladies and keep trying, every time is practice.

I said aren't, as in ARE NOT those three things; if you are those things you are undatable sorry. I can handle someone khhv, ugly, poor, and boring but not someone who doesn't have basic human empathy. Sorry

>not a virgin but hardly casanova
>quiet social life
>mostly play vidya and write sad music in my spare time
>wagecuck, but trying to get into something new next year
>okay car, okay apartment
>severe depression/mild anxiety problems but okay support network I guess

I'm probably quite lucky but too much of an asshole to see it

>I don't get much vacation, about 2 weeks per year total.
Sounds like USA? I guess we have it better in Europe, i myself still have 380 vacation hours left to use, I saved it from only taking 3 x 1 week off for the past several years. I could take like 9 weeks of vacation if I wanted, ofcourse my employer has the right to turn down vacation requests if one is unreasonable but my 10 days off in early february has been approved already and my request for 2 weeks off in april is still open.
>I don't know what to do.
Call in sick.
Talk to your supervisor and explain what you are dealing with. Go to a doctor, get an official diagnosis, deal with this before it deals with you user, I've read about people who LITERALLY black out, their bodies eventually pulled a switch which made them completely useless, they couldn't do anything for several years and it scarred them for the rest of their lifes.

>accepting that there are inherent differences in biology and psychology of genders and races means you don't have basic human empathy
>leaning right rather than left means you don't have basic human empathy
op isn't missing anything not dating you

Thanks user. Yeah, USA. Fucking brutal.

Problem is when I'm on vacation they don't have anyone to really fill in for me. It's a small business. No real supervisor, I'm basically it.

I'm going to try to request getting an assistant next year.

I know what you said, im just being honest.
>who doesn't have basic human empathy.
I do have that, just not for sjw lefties or non whites.
Life on this planet has been about location and skin color for thousands of years, 60 years of socialism will not change that

>saying people are subhumans because of their gender, color of skin, or literally any other reason that's not under their control.

do you really think you have empathy? if so we skipped the mental gymnastics and went right into the mental Olympics.

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>skilled work in manufacturing
>paid shit because the industry is terrible
>actual mental illness I'm having trouble treating
>have a girlfriend I like

I've come a long way. Had to battle through illness while getting underpayed at work to afford some medical treatment though

When your at your worst and the hangman's noose is looming. Things can only improve

This is the problem with lefties.
Any opinion that isn't exactly theirs is immediately disregarded as insane, ridiculous, mentally ill, etc.
Right wing voters usually accept other opinions, they don't agree but at least accept another opinion, like fine, there are people who hug trees and think eating meat is bad, let them be.
But lefties will never accept people who think right

The current left have high jacked working class politics and pandered to the loonies you find in major cities and the naive children of the world because they know their typical working class user base wont abandon them

Get out into the real world that isnt the dense upper middle class inner city and you'll find things a lot more bearable

>Dad picking a fight with me over dinner
>I shut down like the autismal retard that I become whenever I go home
>Remain silent throughout the whole dinner
>No one really talking or saying much
>People keep asking me if im OK and I just wish they would talk to each other or something
>Dad tries to get me to tell a story
>I just ignore him
>He screams at me and my aunt says "he's just tired"
>Mom brother sister and uncle silently sitting there
>Hide in my childhood bedroom after dinner for hours until everyone goes to bed
I wonder what its like to have normal family relationships

you think blacks, women, disabled, etc are below you. sorry you have no argument. rather be with someone capable of kindness

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This. This is the problem with living an online life like folks here. They think liberal or being a lefty is all black lives matter and that extreme shit always posted here. In reality most progressives actually want stronger immigration and don't like to pander to identity politics. We just see thru the bullshit that modern Republicans spew

>Had sex 3 times in total starting from last May to September
>2 Friends, some coworkers are nice though, socially stunted
>No car/live at home
>Steady part time job

You as a woman don't see the difference between kindness and weakness, niggers do see the difference and take advantage of that.
They are unable to build up a functioning society, even after decades of white financial support so they hijack whites home counties. Lefties let them.
What happens when you keep weakening a society by importing people who are lower educated, have less moral values and lower iq (proven fact, image related)? It will eventually collapse.
Lefties are destroying the safe future for their children and their childrens children that has been built by their generations before them.
Just ask the whites in SA how their country is doing after niggers took over

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Unlike you I'm not a fucking normal who cares if society collapses. omega uprising now.

imagine caring for the course of society and at the same time being a robot

Memes aside, when society collapses, do you really think the omegas will be the one rising? You think the physical weakest males will be on top? Yea, nah

>caring about physical reality

please just go.

Contributing to society by working full time is the only value i have in life and is the only thing keeping me going user.
I have no other pleasure in life, other than vidya and history which are simply interests.
I would feel completely useless and would probably off myself if i couldnt put my energy in a job.

>first kiss this year but she left me after she realised i was a virgin

Decent paying job but i spend my days counting down how much longer until i pay off my mortgage and student loan.

There must be more life than this lads.

>he thinks there will be anything else when society collapses
Sorry user, it will not be like your anime

>not a virgin, but 100% of sexual partners I've either had to "settle" for, or have regretted eventually for a multitude of reasons
>no friends. Old friends despise me for reasons various and sundry.
>live at home
>no job
>suicidially depressed since age 13, but even I'm not sure if it's severe or just an excuse to be lazy and hide from life
>addicted to marijuana (self medicating, really. Haven't smoked in 5 days because I have the flu so I can stop if I want)
>family always telling me to get a job, but every job I've ever had has only been enough to buy me my weed and put away a couple hundred a month. Would go into debt within months if I ever moved out without working 60+ hours/2 jobs for shit pay
>gonna kill myself when my health finally fails and I'm fully disabled or get something that promises me undue physical suffering

If Chinas IQs so high why do they let their commie gov dick them LOL

>no social life
>Hybrid and a SmartCar (for work)
>live with parents
>Shitty job; Have credentials to move to a different field but fuck up on interviews regardless of practice
>no addictions
>see fifth point

I want to die.

Not enough testosteron to stand up would be my guess.
Just a high IQ is not enough to create a good society.

I am awfully lazy
Im stupid lucky in the sense that i always seem to have a good paying job
Im going to spend my entire life waiting for a girl to walk into my life with no effort on my part.
I am content living this way

>friends, but they basically don't invite me places and we are growing apart
>no plans for NYE 5 years running

the only thing i enjoy is going for walks of an evening and listening to podcasts

i got a burnout and quit my job. i've been NEET for 6 months. i really don't want to go back to working. what do?

bitch you dont think im waiting for that?

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>Last irl friend I had was in junior year of highschool, at least I'm chummy with some of the people at my wagecuck job
>Live with parents
">not happy in life but never depressed, so mentally stable
>no addictions
>nice family
>no ambitions, no future master plan"

I couldn't have said those last four lines better myself, are you me OP? Merry Christmas anons.

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27 college drop out started working in 2016 bought a truck 2017 tax time I still don't fucking drive it. Only grill I loved got a sex change live in meth town.

I am 18, good looking and joined the army infantry like 5 months ago. I just chill here cause I am socially autistic.

every time i post my 25+ general stats I get called a larper
i'm bottom rung
even for wizchan let alone 4chad and 90% of r9k which are just temporarily embarrassed normie college kidz.

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>Own small business that keeps growing
>Brand new 2019 car
>No debt
>Own home
>225 lbs at 6'0 with visible abs
>Hopeless romantic and active in church
>Thinning hair
>Adult acne that not even accutane could fix. Multiple doctors said nothing more they could do to help
>Only been with two women
>Got constantly rejected when I used to ask women out
>Only women that like me are single mothers
>Regularly go weeks without talking to a single person who isn't work related
>Travel a lot, but always feel bored and can't enjoy anything because I'm lonely

>last girlfriend was in 2012
>reliable boomerbait car
>live at home
>decent relationship with parents
>steady full time job
>semi-pro race car driver (i have my own sponsor but its not a big series)
>no addictions
>do some volunteer work on the side, have made a tangible difference with my contributions

Life is pretty GOAT atm but goddamnit if I don't miss being a teenager.

My bros and I all used to walk over to one guy's house and just play 360 until like 5am. Pool our money together and buy random games, then pick up pizza or shitloads of snacks on the way home. The novelty of the first guy in your group getting his license and driving to the other side of the city on some big adventure just because you could. Not having to jump through insane numbers of hoops to get girls because there's no arbitrary "he needs to make X amount" or "he needs to have X job" requirements to pass. And there's no fucking Tinder either so you feel like you have a shot with the girl down the street and that alone gives you some confidence.

>half bald (was balding at age 19)
>live with mom
>mediocre-paying programming job
>too lazy to learn new skills to get a better job
>decent car
>only hobbies are anime, video games, and writing erotica
>saved up all my PTO to take week of christmas and NYE off
>spend all my time browsing Jow Forums, watching anime, and jerking it to doujins, what I do every night and weekend
>recently cut out drinking soda
>but doubled my whiskey consumption
I'm not exactly a mess, but I'm nobody's role model.

>currently living in a hotel
>volunteered for Christmas and still feel empty
>co-workers make fun of me
>parents dead and half-brother is a druggie thief who disappears for months
>all places monopolized by 3 property managements
>2 have nothing that isn't 3+ beds and the other is so incompetent they won't even pre-approve me after I backed out of a shitty duplex that was heavily molding in the bathroom
>had to get gas today and a girl sneered at me after I left the door open for her and then her bf parked behind me while I was filling the tank
>gained 20lbs in 5 weeks due to stress and bad eating

I was thinking about quitting my job, taking my savings + 401k (if the penalties aren't cancer), and going to school in the cheapest state wherever that is.

The problem is you honestly believe the dumbest research that is easily debunked. Shit like IQ and the Wealth of Nations which had a bunch of made up stats for countries and old colonial data.

Posting made up stats on a map doesn't make them real

I'm similar to you, but a year older and I have a plan for my life. The only thing I'm unsure of is if I'll be able to get a gf. One thing I'm sure of is that I'm going to make a social life for myself next year. I'm tired of being alone.

>27 y/o
>virgin but neither kissless nor handholdless
>being treated for schizophrenia
>very average-sized penis
>adult acne
>poor posture
>facial aesthetic acceptable
>186 lbs from medication, used to be 140 lbs
>no friends
>no hobbies
>NEET with a STEM degree
>terrible Internet addiction that makes it impossible to get anything done
>some sociopathic tendencies
I feel so insecure comparing myself to family members that I had a bit of a panic attack at the Christmas party and now I have insomnia.

>Can drive
>Thrifty and save lots of money

>live with parents
>no social life outside of occasional camps with a few of my homies from Jow Forums

Ive accepted my life at this point. My paychecks are what i look forward too, so i can spend it on more shit i dont need. My parents know im weird so they cut me some slack thankfully. they are better than what i deserve.

>decent face, decent body shape
>was a quiet and shy guy during school and uni years, but had friends and girls interested in me
>not a virgin but never had proper dating experience
>dropped from uni 1 year before graduation, became a neet, slowly lost all friends who really tried to reach out but i just don't feel like talking to anyone
>at 26 finally started to realise i can't live like this forever and managed to slowly crawl from hell i put myself into
>now i have good IT job, with open roads to work at better companies, rise skills and stuff, payment is decent
>can't feel any connection to people anymore, even when we have similar hobbies or interests
>don't even know how to get into relationship, i'm not a young man who can make stupid mistakes and again, i don't feel anything even if woman interested in talking
I know, there is lot's of guys who really want to have same things and opportunities as i have. And life i have can be called good by some. But still, i mostly don't feel anything. Just some sort of emptiness.
I had dream recently, can't recall what it was, but i awake feeling so happy. Don't remember when i was so happy last time i my life outside of dreaming. This night i had a dream about my long lost friends, hear their voices even. I woke up and couldn't even cry properly. Just lie on my back, looked at ceiling and had tears coming out.
It never become better, isn't it?

>Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study
>n****** consistently score lower on IQ tests, despite having the same upbringing
>hurr it's because whites are racist!!!

>occasional camps with a few of my homies from Jow Forums
That sounds fun. I wish i had something like that

>just got back to school after being NEET for 4 years
>have an e-bf who doesn't talk to me
>got fatter
>great family
Moderately pathetic

I guess crime stats are made up too

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>boring, low skill but stable job
>10+ year old car
>live with dad
>more than my salary saved (55k+)
>get tinder matches or likes, get a date once every 6 months to a year
>drink and smoke too much
The nogf thing stems from still living at home and not really even trying. Other than that things could be a lot worse

Just give up and start searching some other fullfilling things to do rather than bitch about not having a pussy at your disposal.

>no friends
>no social life
>no drivers license
>still living with parents
>wageslaving for 600 euros
>playing lottery every single week for 4 months now in a hope that money will change this

Good Job user, sounds like a good man. Please keep working on your relationship with the Lord. I wish I could as much sa you, our churches have no real communities I guess. I am still new to this and without much guidance. Dont fall for the woman that is not right for you.

>live with mommy
>never worked a single day in my life
>taking SSRIs for my depression
>managed to get back into society by going to college, can't talk to anyone
>addicted to food
>my family loves me
>I don't know what to do

> 24
>legit autist
> ex-drug addict,wrecked my brain and my looks permanently
> no degree
> no job
> living at my mom
> be a hated minority
> know no one outside my family
> have shitty childhood and family
> spend all the money i get on prostitutes
> only known intimacy in my life is with prostitutes
> spend 90% of my time on my lost looks

wish i could get back to numbing myself with drugs

>>started relationship in college, February is 5 year anniversary. She moved back home with her folks after finishing college. I've been trying to find work in or around her city so we can live together since May. I haven't had an interview since late June
>>a few friends, but my anxiety and depression makes me not want to ever leave the house
>>chubby but strong, would go to the gym more if not for the anxiety
>>live with parents still
>>work at a radio station, people would probably see it as low skilled and it pays shit. Still, they haven't managed to hire someone else who is as competent as me and it's very obvious if I take a day off (very rare). Worked every holiday this year, scum boss has me as an independent contractor so no holiday, overtime and my checks are always late. I have probably less than 3 dollars in my checkings account
>>taking meds for my depression and anxiety
>>Graduated from college with 2 degrees, still can't even get a fucking interview with all my education. I've typically had a job since I was 16, save for when I was 23 and the months of unemployment between jobs
>>no addictions
>>my family supports me and doesn't resent me
>>I have no drive. I have the opportunity to work from home if I could study how to execute a simple task in CAD which could become a fulltime salary gig in 6 months but my anxiety has always led to me procrastinating. Maybe I'll ask about Adderall at my next appointment

I'm a real piece of shit. I have no sense of self worth. I get lost in nostalgia thinking about how I wish I would have been more social when I was in grade school. I dive into lore and worlds of fiction when I get depressed. Evangelion, Song of Ice and Fire, Halo, Diablo. I hate television so I spend free time playing video games which makes me feel even more worthless. I wish I would have got that job back in June. I've been so damn depressed ever since July when they said no.

I'm 29 and just chronically tired.
I work part time at UPS, usually only about 4 hours a night.
Most days I don't even have the energy to prepare food. The only thing I do is lay in my bed watching youtubes, only getting up to masturbate once every 12 hours or to go to work.
On Saturday I slept 17 hours straight without even meaning to, work up for 2 hours to piss and eat, and then went back to bed and slept for another 6.
I often feel like I can't breath properly. At work I run out of breath very quickly after only a couple seconds of strenuous labor and I can feel my heart pounding extremely hard. Sometimes I wake up with a dull throbbing ache just below my sternum.

Whether it's in their control has nothing to do with whether it's true or not. Also, differences in races and gender doesn't imply, by any stretch of the imagination, that a particular demographic is subhuman. Quit getting butthurt, pull your head out of your ass, and try to think a little more objectively about the potentially real yet nuanced difference in humans.

You should probably just eat more often.

>kissed, held hands, virgin
>no social life, not socially handicapped but reclusive
>shitty car
really nice apartment
>construction work
>never happy, think about suicide ocassionally
>not talking to my family right now
>lot's of ambitions but too depressed and low energy to follow them
>born with great genetics in looks and IQ but still a failure

>no social life, last of my friends I cut off from my life a year ago through fading away
>still live with parents
>not a virgin, had 2 relationships but both lasted less than a year, so no real "adult" datin experience
>can't figure out what to do with my life, would rather just be dead, but I love my parents
>drink beer occasionally, but not an alcoholic

>only one person i consider a friend, meanwhile i'm on the end of his friendlist and he invites me only out of his pity
>20 years od toyota, yamaha is a piece of wreck now
>own quite big apartment, living alone
>steady job which also acts as my anchor with reality
>mood below zero is my daily standard, doesn't swing though
>i'm not enjoying things i used to - games, drawing, graphics, guns
>sarcastic, people tell me to stop frowning even when i'm not
>have metal implants in left arm and spine and gutted out stomach due two traffic accidents i've been in
>chronic pain, although no addictions on meds
>family usually suck, they act nicely only when they want something from me
>my only plan is to keep myself alive to the day i die because i'm too pussy to do it sooner by myself

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>not under their control.
It's not a dangerous wild animal's fault that it's dangerous but it still needs to die if it puts people at risk. It's not the fault of a stray dog that it was born into that life but we're better off putting stray dogs down. It's not the fault of a rat that's it's gross and annoying, I'm putting out mouse traps if it comes into my home and I don't care if it's just trying to survive.
Furthermore all action can be reduced to a state where it's not anybody's fault. It's logical to look through the world through a determinism lens but that doesn't mean you don't act rationally for the purpose of self interest.
Jews and Muzzies can't be trusted. Blacks and Spics are dangerous. I don't care if they're "born like that', that's how it is and it's not un-empathetic either. You can empathize with a dangerous dog that bit your kid but still put it down. You can empathize with niggers and muslims while still not wanting any of them in your community or maybe even in your country.

Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study contradicts other studies. You really think one study proves you right?

Crimes stats are easily adjusted for wealth (income+estate+credit)

If you woke up tomorrow with no blacks in the US the crime rate would be lower than Switzerland.

Attached: reallypicksthecotton.png (1400x695, 1.24M)

If you woke up with no blacks in the US the economy would crumble and class structures would shift. You would eventually end up with just as much crime or even more.

>>only one person i consider a friend, meanwhile i'm on the end of his friendlist and he invites me only out of his pity
Same except online and they only talk to me briefly when I talk to them.

>only had sex with escorts
>finished med school and will make actually decent money starting next year
>said to myself 3 years ago that fucking hookers is bad and that a sweet gf will eventually show up
>this didn't happen so now I will dive deep in the seedy world of escorting
>will start going to the gym next year
>deleted facebook and it feels so fucking good
>no one to actually hang out with but I don't feel like I'm missing anything
>stopped being depressed some time ago, because life ain't that bad for me

the only thing I would really like is to start a familly, probably by impressing some dumb poor country girl, if I can hide my autism maybe I can manage to get a baby out of her

Even Chrome is warning me away

how could anyone be so fucking stupid as to believe this shit?

imagine pretending we're in an alternate reality where most of the world's most powerful economies are not devoid of black workers

you seriously make NO SENSE kek

actually, in terms of murder, the black % of a population and the single motherhood % are far stronger predictors than income, poverty, or any other SES measure

keyword is workers and consumers, black has nothing to do with it

source me
pizza originio

>>being treated for schizophrenia

>Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study contradicts other studies.
no, it doesn't.

your link doesn't provide any actual additional experiments. the results are sound

and studies that don't use adult IQ can be bogus, because the heritability of IQ for children is far lower. this is known as the wilson effect

Attached: iq-heritability.png (1794x1238, 707K)

>25 y/o
>Only social at my factory job, where it is required.
>shitty car
>Live in a bus on parents property
>steady full time job
>Just got catfished really hard by Romanian woman
>Addicted to alcohol
>Nice, supportive family
>Always wanted to be an electrician
>Can't see me leaving dead-end job because It pays well..

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>32 yo
>no social life at all, socially handicapped
>shitty car
>living with parents
>no job
>not happy in life, depressed, not mentally stable
>shit mixed race family
>no ambitions, no future master plan

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It does, learn to read.
Wilson effect is a meme and doesn't account for environment and again is blasted by other studies.

>18 yo
>hairline is already receding
>zero experience with dating, never kissed a girl
>haven't had any friends in years, no social life
>going to go into college next year to study law if I'm lucky, I'm hoping things will get better for me there, but I doubt it

buy bitcoin everyone. at least you will be able to afford going to thailand and fucking whores in two years.

Are there any 30+ foreveralone fembots that just want to talk? I don't want nudes or cam sex or anything like that, I want someone to discuss our lives with, the regular everyday stuff, what we're watching or reading, maybe play something together, share our life philosophies, that kind of stuff. Someone that won't disappear or start hating me when I don't get sexual immediately.

>turned 28 yesterday
>haven't flirted or been with a girl since early 2016
>have crippling anxiety and avoidant personality disorder
>ADHD, massive depression, panic disorder
>stopped self medicating with weed this year, really miss getting stoned but it gives me major paranoia
>work 70 hours 6 days a week for 50k/year job at stepdad's small business, no vacation days, close to extreme burnout
>live at home where I'm yelled at constantly, couldn't bring friends or girls over anyway so what's the point
>6'0, kinda fit, 175 lbs with some muscle but who cares
>bullied and abused as a child so think very lowly of myself

I don't think I'm gonna make it guys.

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Go ahead, I will believe you.

I'm tired. I just worked 54 hours a week for 7 weeks, and I had to work on christmas. And I'm still not done with this horrible life yet.

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>51 bmi here
>food only real comfort; no longer use drugs or alcohol
>virgin nohands no kisses
>neet for 2+ years
>latter end of mid 20s
>worked various part time and full time jobs in during 20-23, low as 20 hour weeks, to one job being sustained 60 hour weeks with 1 day off a month
>3x college drop out (went from 4.0 student to not showing up to classes while feigning hope I could shape back up)
>~80k in debt (all in collections)
>had niche but lively social life in early 20s as an "outsider" of many different social circles (mainly drug/drinking related)
>Massive resume crater
>family hates me
>zero friends
>zero social media
>no driver's license
>leave house about 3 times a year
>get insane motion sickness in vehicles due to prolonged idleness
>live in extremely rural area; no jobs or towns within 10 miles
>atheist, but parents extremely religious
>was theocrat in teenage years, then left wing late teens-early twenties, right wing mid twenties, and last ~1 year forcibly apolitical
>only really have obvious emotional attachment and display for animals.
>pretty much hate all humanity
>hate video games
>hate television
>hate movies
>only music listen too is ancient classical pieces, gachi, communist/fascist propaganda music, and religious nasheeds/chants
>thinking back about how idealistic and hopeful I was brings an unyielding dread
>i have the faintest dream of dedicating my life to an arcane field of science or math and abandoning the mortal plane of concern for good, by going full autist mode and only ever caring or discussing that singular topic and becoming a renowned master.
>absolute best case scenario for me is service sector job with zero fulfillment in life, losing the weight and having 50 pounds of loose skin for rest of my life, and finding a 2/10 sheboon/trailer trash wife with zero standards besides who can pay for rent and having low enough self-esteem to accept anyone as a sexual and life partner
The light of my life dims away

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and you know, i was obese all in childhood, poor parents, 1 pair of clothes, hardly any friends. When I first went to college my life was turning around. Like I said I even had a presence in multiple social circles as a sorta "outsider freak" persona that was allowed to stay because I was cool with psychedelic drugs/hardcore drinking. I even had a bmi that wasn't obese at one point in college for first time in my conscious life.
But the GF never came. The purpose in life never came. The connection with other individuals never came. The drive to succeed was never sustained, even I was very successful academically and had options. Really, all of these things probably did come at one point. But a chronic failure to commit, and a fear of the unknown doomed me, and continues to doom me. I shutter away like a terrified insect when spotted by any humans other than my mother and father. I even could have stayed at one of those full time manual labor jobs that worked me to the bone. I would have hated life, but I'd at least have livable money. I'd at least have a credit score, and potential for an actual life. I would at least have the most common and basic respect of peers, and strangers. But my now stomped and buried ego wouldn't allow it. I wanted grandiosity. Grandiosity or Annihilation was my target. That idea in my head was the cancer which devoured my being. A total loser. Tony Soprano, "you make me want to cry."

I write this little story for the sole purpose of putting things into perspective for younger robots and wizkidz. Things can always, always, get worse. And go to a site like wizchan, and I'm the normie there.

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Delivery/postage service?

>28, f
>ovaries drying up by the day
>decided to become a normie for the 80th time last october
>work to improve my body, even get lipo
>get fillers for my face
>general beauty improvements through makeup, hair, etc
>people are so much nicer to me
>had random drunk sex with female friend
>crippled self esteem healing
>going to sign up for dating profiles soon

With any luck i wont come back to this pisshole ever again

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And god does not hear us, whether we call him, or not.

>somatic illnesses
>mental illnesses
>psychologists and psychiatrists gave up, told me there is nothing they can treat and my life is just horrible beyond my influence
>studdies on hold duo to illnesses
>alone and lonely

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