Would you,as a person who already likes doom(assuming),like it anymore or less if every protagonist of the series was originally female?not changed retroactively. Just from the get go it was that way. Personally,ide like it 20 maybe ecen 30 percent more than I already do.
Would you,as a person who already likes doom(assuming)...
Less, women don't belong in action settings
After what Metroid did to me I thought he was when I first played it.
Really? Did the grunts not tip you off at all? They are clearly man grunts.
>female butts everywhere
hell yes i would love it. just as long as they didnt go too overboard with the 'equal representation' nonsense and ruin my experience by making nice female butts as rare as they are IRL. butts other than that, by all means, give me more butts
I think I'd like it the exact same amount as I do now.
Same, Samus proved women can be space murderers without having to look like trogladites. As long as she doesn't look like an abortion gone wrong or act the her gender matters, I'm fine with it.
I was 9, and lived in a 20-person compound in Kentucky. That kind of shit didn't start registering to me until I learned to drive.
Oh well I am so about what I said.
As long as the character is badass and isn't a propaganda model, i don't give a fuck.
It could be ugly, beautiful, man, woman, dog, etc...
As long as the game is good and fun and the character endearing, i don't care.
I'd like it 10000% more if doomgirl looked like this under the suit.
I really liked OG doom. I would still like it if doomguy was doomgirl, as long as they played it properly. They would have to walk a fine line between pandering to the diversity crowd by making her le strong empowered wamen and pandering to the the edgy "gamer" crowd who think every girl on vidya should dress like a whore and have humongous tits (see: R.Mika). Hell, I could see a well-designed doomgirl being an amazing character, just because of how cool it would be to have a female character that doesnt pander to the two groups above and is just a normal person, but with a hole instead of a stick.
Probably less, unless I played it before becoming aware of the fanbase. Female spessmuhren-type characters attract waifufags, trannies, and Rosie-the-Rivetter shitters like flies, and it often drags otherwise-good characters down.
Yeah, you have a point there. I suppose if ID was cool about how they wrote a hypothetical doomgirl it wouldn't be much of a problem, but let's be real here. Companies pander to the money, and right now there's money in pandering to those types of people.
Joanna Dark is another good example
Idk with them though. Considering what jokes they have made within what we've seen in the eternal trailer I honestly think they could make a doom type game with a female lead and not fuck it all to hell. Like a heretic except you play as a witch of the sorts.
I haven't seen the eternal trailer, but what you said seems like it makes sense.
You should look it up. I know it's just a trailer to entice people into wanting it but really it looks as awesome as it's gonna get.
I was planning on doing that as soon as I read your post. It sounds pretty cool, and I liked OG doom, so it'll probably appeal to me.
literally dont give a shit (get some cool rule34 tho)
I instead propose all demons should be female and a rape mechanic be added.
They have a mod for that.
I would probably like it just as much, but I would see doomgirl as less strong and meeker compared to a doomguy. When you look at a buff guy and a buff girl, you always think the man is stronger, which very likely is
Im just saying it wouldnt feel the same
Not in the new version, but yea I tried it out, pretty accurate portrayal of woman.
Depends, I wouldn't have played the new one if it was a female protagonist because she'd be a feminist
>Strong woman: femenist
I would prefer if he was a guy. I hate the feminization of everything. I get it, girls are nice to look at, but they will never replace men when it comes to making things happen. I'd rather watch her do pic related than kill demons.
No, female characters in the current year are feminist
Yeah for the most part. Ide be fooling myself if I said otherwise.