Why were nazis so fucking aesthetic?

Why were nazis so fucking aesthetic?

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They were cringy LARPers mostly.

Attached: nazis larping4543.jpg (930x1280, 208K)

The reason that larpers are cringey is that they don't actually do any of the things that they're dressed to do. They role-play. Nazis DID do cool and crazy shit, so they earned the right to wear the extravagant shit they did.

Reich's cum in the water.

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Did the nazis create Goth culture? It just seems so connected

nazis had some pretty qt lolis

Attached: ww2 nazi german qts.jpg (1001x556, 128K)

hugo boss mother fucker

>ywn receive a pure aryan loli wife as a gift for your service to the fatherland

Attached: nazi_hebe.jpg (1872x1242, 462K)

nah, it's still cringy and gay when you put on some blanket on your back and carry around such a stupid looking sword. They look nothing like romans, or germanic warriors, or really any form of historical warrior. They look worse than the guys you see at Medieval Times for fuck's sake.

are you sure? theyre quite ugly

those look like men you absolute homosexual

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WELL they were designed by Hugo Boss
goth basically means german but was created in late 70s/early 80s Great Britain. there are probably some nazi goths but i'd say by and large that most of them would be against nazism. aesthetically a lot of their influences are from before nazis were a thing

But he didn't design their outfits, they just used his factories to produce them

Those costumes are a great combination of modernist and wagnerian aesthetics, they obsviously weren't meant to be historical larp gear. It's about the spectacle, autist

>WELL they were designed by Hugo Boss
They weren't

lmao keep crying bitch

>hugo boss' designers designed hugo boss uniforms.

exactly user. did you think I meant hugo boss himself?

Wait i thought nazi hated niggers? Was the whole nazi are racists a lie?

They were captured (most likely Americans) and forced to fight on the Germany's side.

Sounds like bullshit. What country would ever put foreign soldiers into their army, obviously they'd be disloyal. More likely they were from Africa.


This is where I read it from. It's more common for POW's to be forced into service than one would think.

This is probably bait (I hope). Those guys aren't Nazis.

go live in europe you fag. this is america

>be german in afrika korps
>oh I have an idea, let's grab some niggers and disguise them as our own to make some more propaganda that we're not that evil and even let the niggers in
>great idea hans
are you people new at this?
both sides are retarded here, no way nazis would actually let niggers in, and no way they'd put captured soldiers in the army, just what the fuck is inside that brain of yours people

All style and no substance really.

They look like a caricature of the Teutonic knights. Like if you asked a six year old to describe what a badass knight looks like.

The Nazis did ally with some of the Africans and Indians because of their anti-British stance but it was more of an useful idiot sort of thing.

The Nazis, and most other totalitarian regimes, understood the importance of aesthetics in establishing and maintaining their dominance over the population.

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yeah, of course, but I don't believe one second they were given german uniforms or even weapons