Talked to multiple girls online over the past months

>talked to multiple girls online over the past months
>nothing sexual, just feels good to actually interact with members of the other half of the population
>they all stopped going online at some point
>meet new girl
>become close
>actually talked to on voice chat
>she talks about how eventually she wants to take a plane and visit me
If she disappears too I'm legitimately going to off myself. Here's to hoping

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That's some gay shit op. Killing yourself over a rather minor possible social inconvenience provided from an egirl? I'm surprised you don't contemplate death every time you stub your toe.

I'm probably already gonna kill myself, it's just that one of the few things actually keeping me from doing it at the moment will be gone

if a girl doesn't keep in touch, you're probably not fun to interact with, just like most of the dudes on this board

They all said I was fun to talk to. They all had excuses for disappearing, but it still hurts

>eventually she wants to take a plane and visit me
user she wants to fuck you unironically

how I got my future wife desu thanks 4chin

I don't think that's true, the other day she was talking about some guy she likes
Then again, you can like multiple people

>the other day she was talking about some guy she likes
she is literally talking about you, that's how I confessed to my girlfriend. that some guy is you and she's too shy to make a move

It's definitely not me, it's someone she knows irl. She was talking about them hanging out and stuff.

user that might just be the cover for it. girls only want to fly across the country if the have feelings for someone

>talked to multiple girls online over the past months
Can already tell just from this you're a pathetic beta orbiter.

I guess it could be, but I still think you're being too optimistic. She wouldn't make up fake stories to talk about her crush if it was really me. It doesn't make sense.
The flight thing might be true though, especially because it's more than across the country.
I'm pretty sure she just likes me as a friend

I guess I am, but whatever.

9/10 says he still has feelings for first internet gf but he is too beta to admit it so he thinks he can just find another online too

trust me user flying is expensive as shit, they have feelings for you

where you meet them, lots of girls around here are mentally ill and shy autists

Why don't you retards find someone in real life instead of preying on fembots

I met her on reddit pls don't murder me

Ops a fag confirmed....

I don't prey on anyone, I only add people that I have long conversations with
Also, if I could find a gf I probably wouldn't be on this board

I have a irl gf that I sucks me off user
could still be a social autist, just keep up whatever your doing and maybe arrange the visit sometime

How the fuck do people do that?
Like i read of people meeting people from reddit semi regularly and it baffles me

She has friends and stuff, she doesn't seem very socially stunted
It's like meeting somebody here, yet they start out with a name lol

People aren't trophies, there's absolutely no real reward for having a girlfriend. Just enjoy your hobbies and see what happens naturally. When you try to force yourself into a relationship, it'll always fail anyway.
I went 5 years single and not even speaking to a girl. I only got in a relationship with my girlfriend because we never ran out of stuff to talk about for 2 years ( on wow even ). If they're not interesting enough to be a best friend, it won't work anyway. The divorce rate is so high because even normies think like you are.

Also, girls who have guy friends are a huge red flag. Avoid these things like the fucking plague, recipe for disaster.

Nooo I know that. I'd never force myself in a relationship for the sake of it.
I don't want a gf to say I have one, I want somebody to be close to and open with.


Met a girl two years ago on omegle tag
And She flew out three times, it was great but the long distance was really difficult at times and she was pretty loopy. Won't forget the nice memories of being together IRL. Also won't get those two heads back of constant bickering and toxicity thst goes along with an R9K relationship. Overall I rate it 6/10, wouldn't do again. I think we should all try and find a girl in the real world because Internet relationships always get you so hurt

Just take your time and be careful, user. I hope the best for you but you shouldn't make having a girl around so important that you'd go through with killing yourself.
If you have the mindset of "nobody will miss me" (seems like it) get over it because having someone miss you or not, you're still dead and you can no longer enjoy things that actually do/did make you happy because you overlooked them. Your life is your life and making an impact on someone else's should be irrelevant to you.

You're probably right, but it's hard to want to continue to live when you have trouble even getting yourself to do the things you enjoy due to mental illness

Biology is real and the concept of platonic male/female relationships is a media meme that doesn't exist. The only reason any guy speaks to a girl is to fuck. If that's a a plan of theirs for now, later, or a backup plan it does not matter. Orbiters should be killed and the attention whores they orbit should be sent to the chambers.

Seriously just focus on doing things that make you smile and take a note of that moment of happiness each time. It'll make you feel a lot better, you'll start yo appreciate what you actually do have if you do it enough.

Just become a MGTOW

Yeah I try to do that. I'll even try and think about the little things that make me happy, like lying down with a blanket and eating food I like.
Helps me feel a little happier

Exactly. I seriously hope you don't kill yourself. I've lost two high school friends over this and I miss them so much. A lot of great men kill themselves like this and it isn't right. Your time will come. Maybe it's a month, year, or 25 years but it will surely come of you hold on.

>relying on another human being as a reason to live
you're retarded op

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I'm sorry about your friends user :(
And thank you, I hope you're right

Well I can't rely on myself lmao

They stopped talking to you because they want dick and you're not giving them any.

Thanks. I really feel for you and anyone else going through this. I'm going to go to bed as I'm done pooping and I have to be up for work in 2 hours but take care of yourself, user. Best of luck.

Stop trying to feed me bad information

I think that is a great idea, the more people that join MGTOW the better.

Sweet dreams user :)

It just means he's not attractive enough tho