A fascist worked out today. Did you? You want to beat them in the war right user?

A fascist worked out today. Did you? You want to beat them in the war right user?

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No. Fight alongside.

Thanks for the reminder.

Yes, i did work out today.
I'm fascist btw if that matters

Joke on you, i am that fascist.

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No. Let the slave race row.

How are the old pics of machinists and krauts of all walks of life so aesthetic? Was it all propaganda or was this legitimately what the culture was like?

Stay weak mj

Attached: h3oj5uge21l21.jpg (644x960, 76K)

I am them, user.
Welcome to Jow Forums for the past few years.

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Socialism = true aesthetic. Actual red pill. Don't be deceived.