How do I get a jaw like this and is it possible natty?

How do I get a jaw like this and is it possible natty?

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I feel like having low body fat isn't stressed enough here on Jow Forums, it makes such a difference.

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God I just want him to rape the shit out of me and then take a huge dump on my face FUCK

Take high dose vitamin k2, look into it.
Can take 1-2 years of supplementation but your jaw will be much more alpha without the need of surgery.

If you don't have the genetics, then no. Otherwise, mewing will help fill out your jaw.

Literally everyone outside of /fraud/ and /plg/ want a low bodyfat

Genetics, low body fat, surgery, chewing, and mewing.

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literally surgery

OP's guy did not have surgery, you can see the chad jaw even in the before pic underneath all of that puppy fat.

whats the point of having hollow cheeks if you look like a faggot?

why are you saying that? All k2 does is get rid of calcification of your arteries


It's called mewing


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It moves calcium from your arteries to your bones.

chew gum

To I’m the guy who posted Jeff seid in response, I found some accounts on lookism sites when I searched it, apparently these incels accidentally discovered that it changes facial bones a bit by taking it for other reasons. I’m gonna take it for a few months and if I don’t get blood clots and die I’ll post here if it widened my jaw. One person said he had growing pains type feeling in his jaw for like 6 months
If tru that would be fucking dope

>I’m gonna take it for a few months and if I don’t get blood clots and die I’ll post here if it widened my jaw.
Quite the contrary, I've been taking it for over a year and it just improves your cardio.
Jaw improved for sure. Personally, I figure I'm pretty ugly anyway, so I'm gonna keep taking this supplement for several years until my jaw is complete Chad-mode. Nothing to lose.

Okay not to hijack this thread but apparently vitamin k2 is the fucking real deal. I can’t find any pictures though, so I’m gonna test it for myself. If this shit works how do I post here and prove it for you brahs? Just post my face?

How high of a dosage did you take to see changes? I've been taking 5mg a day for around 7 months now but I don't really see any changes to my jaw.

Bro I could use improved cardio too. I was read from pic related and he quoted an article mentioning it suppressed eatrogens in rats, increases bone growth/ thickening through several mechanisms and a bunch of other benefits. I am sure I’m deficient in this because shit diet most my life, just wish I was more cut so I could see the changes if any

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Just spread the word, too few people know about it. Likely because there's no money in solving your problems; the money is in expensive surgeries.

Btw if you're going to take it, do your research. You need to take it with magnesium and D3 to get the full effect. My stack is:

15mg MK4 K2
5000 IU D3
200mg Magnesium Glycinate

You take this daily?

Where can I buy this stuff? Do I have to order it all online?

He's sucking in his cheeks. That's what they all do

Can I take more d3? I currently take closer to 12000 IU because I tend t o stay inside all day, although I’ve been planning on going outside to walk around for more exercise so I’ll probably lower it a bit.

I do
Amazon has everything

He's sucking more than just his cheeks

I've read that 10,000 IU taken daily is proven to be safe, so anywhere around there should be fine.

I’m pretty sure you can get them all at cvs, definitely D3 and magnesium glycinate, but I’m like 75% sure I’ve seen k2 there. Will make a run tomorrow to see
Are there certain types of k2 I should get like the way there’s different kinds of magnesium (glycinate) or like zinc has chelated, glutanate(sp?) etc

Hard to suck your cheeks in when your mouth is open

>Are there certain types of k2 I should get like the way there’s different kinds of magnesium (glycinate) or like zinc has chelated, glutanate(sp?) etc
Yes, the two forms are MK4 and MK7. From what I've seen, it seems like there are far fewer reports of side effects with MK4, so that's what I stick to.

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A custom wrap around jaw implant is not that expensive. Stop being poor and stop copeceling

lose weight

Getting your fucking jaw cut open and implanted with shit is the definition of cope. It's like injecting your muscles with synthol. Do you want the appearance of health, or actually be in good health?

Mew on a large dildo every day.

non invasive implant != osteotomy
Please post bloated potato jaw if you chew

isnt that like a lot of k2? my bottle is measured in micrograms

You should be taking about 120 micrograms per day. This dude is taking way too muh.

It depends on your bone structure. If you have a very low body fat percentage and still dont look like this then you can try botox to contour your face. If you have a weak chin you will need an implant.


Hair cakes

You can attract other faggots easily.

What K2 supplement should I get then?

how did papa Franku get so /aesthetic/ ?

Attached: papa franku.jpg (897x899, 67K)

So it's the "user will fall for a Jow Forums meme again" episode

Mew like a maniac from birth + genetics.

wow joji really grew up huh

when will he quit his faggot sadboy r&b and go back to being frank/pinkguy

never, theres no more money in it

Is this the ultimate glow-up?

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Every time I see a jaw thread I can't believe no one points out that one of the most important thing for 'grow' jawline are teeth. Fix your teeth with braces and you will see huge progress. My little cousin went to fix her teeth to a shitty dentist and now has a non existent jawline.
>pic unrelated

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braces literally push teeth back and grow face downward too retard

15mg jesus christ dude that 1500mcg are you retarded


K2 MK7 is meant to be taken in micrograms.
K2 MK4 has supplements in the micrograms, but it has been tested and proven to be completely nontoxic in dosages of up to 45mg.
In fact, you will find many supplements that are literally 15mg per pill. That's how you know it's legit and not going to kill you.

>Manly jaw
>They're not symmetric

I wish I had a good beard to hide it

how do i get those lines from the cheekbone to the chin? im 11%bf with a strong, wide jaw but my face looks chubby

I want to kiss him

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My niggah u just got roasted *in the arms of an angel*


Pray to the mewing Gods and maybe you'll get a jawline, you basketball headed fuck.

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look up’s D3+K2 complex. Take it with a fatty meal every day.

>be me when I was 13
>have teeth that don’t align properly, relatively straight except one tooth that slightly overlaps the otherteeth next to it on lower jaw, lower jaw also shifts to left from teeth grinding from the age of fucking 4
>go to chink dr (one of the best in my area) get braces
>like 4 years later get them off
>no more slight tooth overlap, lower jaw still shifts to left to my smile s crooked even when I force it to line up
>4years of bullshit just to look the same
23 now, I used to be against it because it felt like cheating genetics, if I can ever afford it I’ll look into jaw surgery

Yeah but nobody wants put the work into it to get the results they want.

I'm 23 now and always were very self conscious in my teeth and smile like I know they don't look good but never got braces.
Now I have a very timid smile because I hate seeing my teeth and it looks so awkward.
Are braces ok on a working adult ?
Are the ones you put behind your teeth effective ?
I only saw one 30yo guy with braces and he was fucking ridiculous.

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Genetics or roids my dude

He has a pretty nice shitbox

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god I want to fuck this faggot

Is this good enough?

The one is out of stock and I don't know what to go for.

Also, if I'm fasting (block fasting - 5 days+) Shouldn't I be burning enough body fat for the "fat solubility"?
I dont know how that works. Fasting makes your body burn body fat for 99% of its calorific needs.

Let it be ffs. You teeth aren't straight and that's fine. They look okay to me. Maybe a bit yellow but literally nobody will care.

Yeah that's what I'm thinking, but I've yet to see a picture of me smiling I genuinely like.

Lol imagine the influx of incels at pharmacies asking for buckets of k2 thinking it'll chisel their jaw kek

1mg is okay, but of course won't be as effective as a higher dose. The brand I recommend is AOR. You can probably find someplace that ships to the UK.

I'm afraid to listen to anyone off here for advice on vitamin and mineral consumption, I don't want to end up like that guy who died from a vitamin stack someone posted for him.

You're not supposed to blindly follow advice, you have to research it for yourself first.
If you're the type of dude who takes random advice from anons without doing his research first, you were probably going to die from some dumb shit anyway.

Just check Wikipedia if you don't believe me.
>pic related

user trust me: it looks stupid but if you go to the right dentist it will change your life in just a couple of years.

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Just dont eat for a week or two, it really isnt that hard

that dude would look amazing if he was slightly buff and had a thicker neck

It supports proper, for lack of a better word "placement" of calcium in general.

is that joji vlogs?

Ezra is top tier twunk

It's funny cause its true

He's so fucking hot

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Mmmmmm what a tight little ass

He is my top case of "do i want to be like you or with you?"


Have you see his naked ass before? he did a butt scene in a movie once

If you have concerns about your outter appearance it's not only a problem about your outter appearnce. Start loving yourself, keep your teeth clean, smile wide. People wont give a fuck and if they do you've dodged a bullet.

You won't know if you have the genetics for it unless you get real low bf.

here it is if you've never seen it

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Fuck that is tasty, he needs to sit on my face

>mfw i can achieve right just by losing 5kgs.
t. on the left
fuck lads im going starve mode

looks like more masculine bladee

You drastically underestimate how much some on here need to lose.

I mog that kid (astroskys) he's good looking but smaller skull and less defined/narrower jaw than me and I have a better gonial

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Is this all natural?

>Serbs are white