That guy who's never gonna make it because he fell for the overtraining boogeyman meme and only goes to the gym 3x per...

>That guy who's never gonna make it because he fell for the overtraining boogeyman meme and only goes to the gym 3x per week (probably does fuck all for volume too kek)
Fucking loooool.. Any grown ass man age 16-40 has enough testosterone to the point where over training is completely a non-issue. You got memed by coping fat lazy fucks on Jow Forums who want an excuse to not actually lift.

Attached: 506-100_Tina_L1.jpg (400x600, 127K)


hes right though. you can go to the gym 5 or 6 times a week easily as long as you're getting your sleep in and eating enough

t. dyel

t. high cholesterol diet

It is funny that normies think 3 times a week for about an hour is the limit, when athletes and even fucking actors train daily

I'm on gear and I can't train over 4 days a week with the same intensity or strength
I couldn't imagine going heavy every day as I have tried this

Squat and dead work same day on top of that I hit the legs with heavy presses and hamstring curls and other leg work like lunges and stretches
Next day can barely bench 225 for 1 and even 185 feels heavy af
Dont train everyday it doesnt work (yes I'm on gear and my cns was fried)

You shouldn't train heavy every day though moron

If youre on gear and this is a problem for you then the way you are setting up your programming is fucking dumb.

i do full body 3x a week

but i've replaced all isolation work with more compounds as well

my workouts take 4 hours