He is just trolling r-right?

he is just trolling r-right?

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There’s a couple things wrong with this dude.
1.) this dude is from Jow Forums, idc what hes eavesdropped he has no idea what women want
2.) women have no idea what they want

go home.

you go home too

Im cutting down to 140 (6ft btw) to test this out
I meet the requirements

wish me luck Jow Forums

>Jow Forums is a bunch of cuckposters who think everyone likes big black men as much as they do

Women sub 18 have always liked this body type, probably because they don't have to worry about being protected with their father around. Once they're older than that it changes. How many 20 year old girls still have a crush on Justin Bieber?

How many women 20+ like kpop?

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justin beiber is old, fat, and has ugly tattoos

you wanna know what they like the most about tom holland & tim chalamet?

the combination of money, success & "approachability". they look like more handsome (thanks to the money) versions of dudes you might see walking around any university so this makes your average thot think they might have a chance at landing them and/or keeping them around. they look at someone like idris elba for example and know they could never satisfy him long enough to stay around.

>why do women like this?
Because TV casted these men into prominent "quirky" yet dominant roles like Bendydick Hoopersnatch being cast as Sherlock and Hiddlesticks being cast as Loki. Skinny tall men with quirky faces and personalities cast as incredibly competent and confident in their mastered fields. Same reason girls got daddy issues after watching House.

A lot of what women want in twinks is the same as what men want when they say they want a qt 3.14 asian gf
they just want some submissive meek looking doormat that they think they can sort "take care of" like an owner would with a pet
also what said money and an apparent "success" can make anyone look attractive

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Remember, if I can beat the girl's boyfriend up, she's single

No, look up twitters "white boy of the month". The male equivalent of art hoe is currently en Vogue, so much so that there are memes making fun of it
t. My friends are those girls

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black man so jealous wow

are ya fucking them?

>My friends are girls
you lost me there

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jovan is great t b h

that's asian women

not that many 20+ white women give a shit about korean boy bands

>that cope

I just lost 20 pounds and reached twink mode, and since then I had more sex this month than ever in my life. I think I will stay like this.

Well if you didn't really want to know the answer to this question and just wanted what some socially awkward retard on fit thinks women like, I apologize

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>not that many 20+ white women give a shit about korean boy bands
are you sure about that
I mean yeah most of these weird BTS fans I see are usually some shade of brown but I wouldn't put past the idea of "yellow fever" from white women

>disregard opinion because of the person bot because of the content

you're next bud

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Stay mad manlet. Women love the lank.

cody fern

women are utterly incompetent and make decisions on a whim. They're into whatever is in front of them and appealing at the time. Get out there and get in front of thots, you'd be surprised

ITT Jow Forums learns it doesn't understand what women like

incel COPE

You're spot on. First day on college campus and tastes change drastically. I was the tall, pale twink. Killed it in high school, had to start lifting in college.

holy fuck people on Jow Forums can't into basic biology

This. If muscular chads were in style and widely featured in the jew media, they'd be what women crave most.

>Be me
>Very pale
>Chronic purple circles under my eyes
>Ottermode, pretty skinny, maybe like Toby McGuire in Spiderman
>5'9" but that's fine
>Girls say I look like Shawn Mendez or the Jonas brothers
Feels good man. Currently fucking a zoomer gril, I'm 25. Take the twinkpill

Hey man I'm just telling you what the memes are
"Softbois" and "sadbois" are in
Of course, traditional masculinity is a fan favorite. Don't worry, your abs will get you laid

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this is what women want

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Honestly just by being not a fat slob you'll have your choice of women in America.

all of Jow Forums is on suicide watch

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Are you a soft boi or just a twink?

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they want cute twinks not ugly ones

>tfw been ugly twink my whole life and 27 khv


whats softboi

This nigga knows what's up. Have two very close female friends myself. I very much doubt that it's a coincidence that they have nearly identical taste and it's exactly what this dude is saying.

Close friends having similar taste makes sense.

If you're ugly you're not a twink, sorry. Gotta play a different role.

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Yeah, it does, and they are friends to each other, but they're similar enough that I feel like it's outside the margin of error that that creates, like fucking identical. Also, they focus on a lack of facial hair a lot, want a clean shaven guy, thought I should mention that.

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wow so all she wants is a tall guy with nice teeth dimples and a good smile wow she is so un-needy

Hey man don't shoot the messenger

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what role should an ugly guy play

I'm pale and tall, how can I make myself look tired and almost dead? Is it worth it to just not sleep?

are these all ethnic girls posting this stuff?

Something more masculine. Bulk up. You have no choice.

white girls are for black boys

Probably lol

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Tom Holland is a Chad. He’s in better shape than 90% of guys, has abs, handsome and had a six figure income. He shits all over some roided Jow Forums mutt.

>six figure
Please tell me Jow Forums doesn't think this is worth cocksucking over


So the brown girl equivalent of pic related?

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I have no clue, I'm just answering anons question. I am not a soft/sad boi. Like others have said, this look primarily appeals to the late teens and early twenties (mostly teens). As women grow older, the soft boi bullshit loses its appeal. Focus on making yourself the best individual you can be, and relationships will follow. Remember: a watched pot never boils
Yes and no. This particular aesthetic seems popular across ethnicities, but the particular memes I've selected are from women of color. The memes resonate with white and non white girls.

At least 99% of the male population can get their dick sucked. You're doing something wrong with your life if you can't.

Also of note: the girls who like these soft bois are usually aware of how unappealing they can be (often are "fuckboys" who are pompous, conceited, and emotionally illiterate) and the softboi aesthetic is subject to memeing

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>At least 99% of the male population can get their dick sucked
But like how though

Softboy, like fuckboy, is just a term for "guy they're into who won't commit"

When I was skinny and weird I had more women yes.

So perhaps being a boring gymbro is not the most attractive thing

Absolutely true

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The girls he’s referring to are probably teenagers.

Hardly a problem, nobody on Jow Forums is straight.

100% correct
Fit bros still are main stream attractive

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True among girls their are:
>20 and under
>broken and stuck in a highschool mentality
>degenerate art/music whores that also fuck girls

*that are

>f-fit people are still a-attractive, right? haha

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>degenerate art/music whores that also fuck girls
So the ideal girl then

Yup. The soft boi is the male equivalent of an art hoe

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Jow Forums getting mad about girls who like skinny guys is as sad as fat people getting mad about nobody liking fat people

Yes. Traditionally masculine looks are still conventionally attractive. Consider getting in touch with your emotions and developing an unwarranted snobby attitude about the music you listen to and the things you read, it's like catnip

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This pic actually came true for me, tho I'm a Jow Forums-tier mutt, actually large chunk Native myself. She developed a more positive opinion of white people as a result. Claimed she never hated white people before me, which is bullshit.

I personally am not mad. I just like sharing these memes

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Similar thing happened to me. I dated a black girl for awhile who told me she "doesn't normally date white guys" but I am a generic yuppie-looking white programmer and after we broke up her next bf was a white hipster dude. Also literally all of her friends are white.

Oh I know and it's good shit. But there's definitely some salt in this thread.

I think they're hilarious

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They all look like poofs as well

Most of this is true but you don't ask a fish how to catch it, same goes for women.

-By skinny they mean ottermode, broad shoulders yet pale skinny torso and just a slight sixpack

-By pale they mean healthy pale, all the examples are either wearing make up or are photoshopped. If you never go outside and have shit sleep you will look unhealthy pale and that makes everybody look like shit.

-The looks like he doesn't sleep argument is retarted. Like I said if you don't sleep you start to look grey with red spots. If you want to look like this be as healthy as possible use sunscreen and wear make up.

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By a woman yes. That doesn't mean he's worth being fellatio'd by some user on Jow Forums with
>Tom Holland is a Chad. He’s in better shape than 90% of guys, has abs, handsome and had a six figure income. He shits all over some roided Jow Forums mutt.

>The looks like he doesn't sleep argument

This has to be fake or the females in question are stupidly trying to reference something else.

No one. Male or female. Looks good after enough time not spent sleeping well. Unless blood shot, baggy, spotty eyes are the new thing? If that's the case fuck it. Die aesthetic and alone.

I'm that dude. I've seen that happen quite a few times actually, and its always the ones that claim they don't like white guys.

Fucking christ, stop worrying about women want, Jow Forums. It's pathetic.

Yep. I've also had Asian girls accuse me of having an Asian fetish, even though most of my partners are white and literally ALL of theirs were white. Where is the logic? Some of the same girls would tell me weird shit about how they don't like Asian guys.

Different women at different ages want different things from men
My experience has been with younger women especially if they're on the pill prefer young looking, child like males/twinks
Mid to late twenties women like men who seem to have something to offer, skill, good looks, personality..etc
Women in thirties will go for anything
These are just generalisations based on my very anecdotal and limited experience

Tl;dr you can't base your life and decisions on what you think women want. Work on yourself, build yourself.

These are the boys they talk about. Pay attention to who they're fucking

Why does you mention the pill, does it, like I suspect, alter the woman's sexual preferences?

Could it be that women not on the pill, left to their own natural attraction, will prefer big muscular guys like us?

I see women with all sorts of flabby and/or skinny dudes everywhere.

Damn. If this is true, then I'd have a gf by now.

There's a bunch of fit guys here who also can't get gfs. Your problems are mental

Yeah it alters their hormones which alters their sexual preferences


>giving a shit about what women want
start banging hookers instead, you are literally a couple of messages away from having a threesome, why even give a shit about thots?

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I would like to know what jacket that is

>image searched
The times we're living in.

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