You have a vagina, that says enough. You could be a bed-bound, multiple-armed, morbidly obese bowl of lard and you'd still get incels lined up to have sex with you, but you and every other female don't care about them, and since you can't get chads, you think that you can't get anybody. Get some realistic standards and you'll be happy. I'm ugly but not fat, so I adjust my standards towards a specific niche of girls, it helps. I advise you to do the same.
I will never please a man because im ugly
Alexander Nguyen
Samuel Jackson
Is your personality also ugly?
Juan Turner
im ugly inside out :(
Liam Martinez
drop that discord and ill be your e bf!
Jeremiah Thompson
>doesn't have a hideous unbearably horrible personality
you may only pick one
Thomas Nguyen
Eastern Europe? Oregooooooo
Colton Hill
Uhm sweaty, you're not entitled to a man. Have a shower and brush your teeth and improve your personality. It's not about your looks, it's about your personality, sweaty
Jason Campbell
tits or gtfo you worthless cunt
Xavier Wright
>Ill never chad
Fuck off roastie.
Christian Wilson
Also, go seek attention out of here, please.